The Young Bucks React To FTR Joining AEW (Being The Elite Recap)

Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite:

* Matt, Nick, and Kenny are told they are needed for media. The three complain about having to do it. They ask Cutler to come back in five minutes. He returns and all three are "busted open." Matt Hardy shows up and says he thinks it was Arn and Tully. Page is just sitting in the room on his phone and says he thinks they were attacked or something. Cutler then says they can't do media and goes off to find a doctor.

* Back to the room, Kenny shows he used ketchup, Nick used vampire blood, Matt apparently cut his forehead with a blade and the guys freak out as Matt feels a bit woozy. Matt Hardy then explains a "gig" is the term used when a wrestler makes themselves bleed using a razor during a match to get sympathy from fans.

* Matt and Nick at Daily's Place after the first live Dynamite in awhile. They talk about FTR's arrival, Matt says he can only imagine what the reaction would have been like if fans were live in the crowd. They are excited to have FTR in AEW.

* Public Swole Announcement: Swole says not to put Lysol down your throat (a reference to Trump's comments about disinfectants and COVID-19).

* Cutler finds Best Friends and Orange Cassidy in the locker room. He tells the guys he was told they had an idea for a BTE bit. They don't.

* The TH2 Bit: Angelico talks about how TH2 was the only team excluded from the recent AEW Tag Team Tournament while everyone else was gifted an entry. Him and Jack Evans call out Dark Order and Jurassic Express. Evans calls Dark Order a bunch of "cooky cultists."

* Kenny says this episode fans are going to see him punch Colt Cabana right in his face. He goes in search of Colt, he thinks he found him, but it's Chris Harrington again. He yells at Omega ? who cowers in fear ? "If you do something like this again, I will beat your ass, for real!" Cabana then grabs the towels that Harrington had around him. Omega asks if Harrington is friends with Colt and gets yelled at again.

* Best Friends and Cassidy still try to figure out a bit. Taylor says how about he's the sex symbol of the roster, they don't like it. Taylor then comes up with a match, which is not a bit. Trent comes up with a story, but it's just the plot to the film, The Land Before Time.

* Dustin Rhodes bumps into Benigno Bodega and asks him about what's up with Allie (aka The Bunny). She was seen flirting with QT Marshall on last week's Dynamite. Bodega says she likes carrots, not apples, and sees a shatter dreams in the future against Dustin. Dustin can't believe it and walks out saying, "Geez, why am I doing this? Maybe I should just dress up like a Christmas tree, like I used to." The camera goes back to Bodega and The Bunny is sitting next to him and smirking.

* Recap is shown of Private Party dealing with Bonez and Bear. Kassidy and Quen then have a backyard battle with The Bear and Bonez. The Bear and Bonez eventually get the $12 that was on the roof and win the match.

* Page walks into a backstage room ? Omega, Matt Hardy, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson are talking with each other. Page pulls Omega aside and asks who Hardy is. He then wants to talk in private with Nick and Matt about Hardy. Page has no idea who Hardy is and they try to explain who he is. Hardy talks to himself in the background. They say Matt has multiple personalities, but is a great guy. Hardy then introduces himself to "The Man That Hangs." Hardy pats Page on the arm and then says he's "Benjamin" and can't wait to catch up with him. Page doesn't know what to make of this and says he has to go. Hardy then starts telling Abraham Lincoln facts to the rest of the guys.

