WWE Has Bar Wrestling Video Removed From Twitter With Jake Atlas And Brian Cage

Bar Wrestling, the indie promotion founded by Joey Ryan, revealed on Twitter today how WWE filed a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) complaint with Twitter and had one of their tweets removed.

The tweet was linking to a video of current AEW star Brian Cage vs. current WWE NXT Superstar Jake Atlas, which was from their "Volume 29: Four Touchdowns In a Single Game" event on January 31, 2019 in Baldwin Park, California. Bar Wrestling often posts matches to YouTube once they are one year old and on the Highspots Network.

A screenshot of the DMCA request shows that the links provided to the "original work" was the WWE website at WWE.com. The request from WWE's DMCA lawyer, with the description of the alleged infringement, read like this:

"This tweet is posting illegal links that are not authorized to represent WWE in any way. WWE is my client. They have requested to takedown all fake and fraudulent account which are violating the twitter users. Please remove this offending tweet at the earliest. Thank you."

Bar re-posted the screenshots for fans to see.

"WWE had a tweet pulled & our twitter was temporarily locked for posting a link to Jake Atlas vs. Brian Cage with footage we own & using a photo that we commissioned & own," Bar tweeted.

Cage re-tweeted the screenshots and called on fans to support the promotion.

He wrote, "Please watch and support @BarWrestling completely independent of any other promotion"

You can see the related tweets below, and the match video above:

