AEW Dark Results And Live Coverage: Darby Allin In Action, Peter Avalon Vs. Brandon Cutler 3

It's Tuesday – you know what that means. Time for another overloaded card of 15 matches on AEW Dark and coverage will begin here at 7pm EST. Check out the card below and get the conversation started.

Taz, Excalibur and Anthony Ogogo are on the call to start the show.

Top Flight vs. Evil Uno & Stu Grayson

Grayson starts the match by leveling Darius Martin. Uno gets the tag and continues to work on him. Dante Martin gets the tag and Uno lays him out with a hard chop and tags Grayson back in. Darius gets the tag back in. Grayson hits the ropes and Uno blind tags in. Darius leap frogs Grayson, but gets caught and suplexed by Uno. Darius gets to his feet and tries to make a tag, but Dark Order is keeping him away from his corner.

Grayson tags in and hits Darius with a Black Hole Slam. Uno gets the quick tag back in and sends Darius into the corner with the hammer throw. Darius counters back and stuns Uno. Dante finally gets the hot tag and levels both members of the Dark Order. Spinning hoof kick to Grayson and follows it up with a beautiful head scissor takedown. Darius tags back in and hits a frog splash. Cover and a near fall.

Great teamwork coming in from Dark Order takes out both members of Top Flight. Fatality by Grayson to end the match.

Winners: Dark Order

Ricky Starks vs. VSK

Starks takes advantage early on with a loud chop. VSK manages to turn things around with a head scissors, but Starks regains the advantage quickly. Starks stomps away at VSK in the corner. Starks continues to work away and taunt VSK until he gets back to his feet. Starks with a body slam and goes up top. VSK gets the boot up but Starks knows it's coming. Goes for the elbow drop but misses.

VSK getting some offense and hits a half/half and a back breaker. Starks with a spear and kip up. Roshambo for the finish.

Winner: Ricky Starks

We see a video package of Eddie Kingston and Allie. Kingston asks her to explain why she turned on QT Marshall and she says he was a lovestruck dope and she just got bored.

Matt Sydal vs. Lee Johnson

Collar and elbow tie up gets the match started and we see a few technical reverses. Sydal eventually establishes control and gets a quick one count on a pin attempt. Sydal maintains control with the side headlock. Sydal sent to the ropes and eats a pair of deep arm drags before he regains control with a unique side slam/suplex. Johnson sent to the corner and gets the boot up but gets hit in the face with a leg lariat.

Johnson gets back to his feet momentarily before Sydal sweeps the legs and hits his standing corkscrew press. Cover, but Johnson reverses and rolls him up for a two count. Sydal kicks out and gets back on the offensive with a kick to the midsection. Few big chops to follow the kick. Sydal gets sent to the outside and Johnson follows it up with a pair of suicide dives. Sydal slides under the ring and appears behind Johnson on the opposite side and takes him out. Back in the ring, Johnson hits a springboard missile dropkick. Cover and a two count. Side slam and a near fall by Sydal. Sydal counters the Blue Thunder Bomb and sinks in the cobra clutch for the win.

Winner: Matt Sydal

Hikaru Shida vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hirsch shows her power and technical ability early on and catches Shida off guard. Shida eventually recovers with a back breaker. A second back breaker follows and Shida gets a two count on the cover. Shida with a nasty slam rattles Hirsch and she needs a moment to collect herself. Hirsch gets up and exchanges strikes with Shida. Shida charges and gets low-bridged.

Shida gets hit with the suicide dive and rolled back into the ring. Hirsch with the double knee strike in the corner and a modified Angle Slam. Cover and a near fall. Hirsch misses a moonsault and gets hit with a knee strike. Shida goes for the Falcon Arrow, but Hirsch counters out and sinks in an arm bar. Shida gets to the ropes, gets back to her feet and hits a running knee. Punt kick and Falcon Arrow follow for the win.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

Jurassic Express vs. Danny Limelight & Jersey Muscle

Jungle Boy and Danny Limelight start the match showing their matching athleticism. Stunt tags himself in and hits a hurricanrana off the top rope on Limelight. Hard chops follow. Limelight with the snap mare and round kick to the back. Steve tags in and is quickly taken out by Stunt. Last member of the team tags in and is taken out as well. Limelight back in as the legal man. Stunt with the roll up gets the two count. Stunt goes to the ropes but Jersey Muscle spreads the ropes and Stunt spills to the outside.

Limelight with a nice stalling suplex. Stunt goes for an arm drag but Limelight doesn't budge. Stunt hits a German suplex. Steve back in as the legal man and Stunt tags in Luchasaurus. The big man chops down Jersey Muscle and connects on his patented kicks. Limelight gets cratered by Luchasaurus. Steve takes out Luchasaurus and Stunt tags in. Taken right back out and all the men hit a version of a DDT. Limelight covers and gets a near fall on Stunt. Jungle Boy in and hits super kicks to everyone. Trio of big boots to Limelight and Stunt hits a destroyer for the win.

Winner: Jurassic Express

TH2 vs. SCU

Angelico and Kaz start the match as the legal men. Angelico gets the early advantage with a takedown. Kaz manages to reverse, but Angelico does as well. Kaz counters with a couple of arm drags but gets backed into the TH2 corner. Evans tags in and levels Kaz with a big kick to the chest. Kaz with a roll up but Evans kicks out immediately. Kaz sends Evans to the SCU corner and Daniels takes the tag. Kick to the chest and stomp to the spine from SCU.

Tilt-a-whirl back breaker by Daniels. Kaz back in and comes in with the leg drop. Quick tag back to Daniels and he hits the bulldog/suplex combo. Evans sent to the ropes and gets the momentum with the assist from Angelico. Angelico back in as the legal man and goes to work on the knees of Daniels. Submission hold held for a moment and Evans tags in and hits the skyscraper on Daniels. Angelico back in and Daniels hits him with the STO.

Kaz takes the tag and connects with powerful lariats before bringing in Angelico the hard way and hits the cutter in mid-air. Bridging suplex on Evans gets a two count for SCU. Daniels as the legal man now and gets another near fall. Daniels looking for the Angel's Wings, but Evans counters. Kaz comes in and hits a spike DDT – cover and Angelico breaks it up. Kaz with the roll up on Evans for the win. Looked like a really awkward finish.

Winners: SCU

After the match, TH2 attacks SCU.

Anna Jay vs. Katalina Perez

Perez backs down Anna Jay into the corner and she backs off. Anna Jay with the Jay kick and follows it up with a spinning heel kick. Anna smashes Perez face first into the turnbuckle. Hard right hands from Anna Jay. Anna hits the ropes, rolls through and kicks Perez in the face. Back in the middle of the ring, Perez and Anna Jay exchanging forearm shots. Perez hits the ropes and a clothesline. Perez comes off the middle rope with an elbow drop but misses badly. Rear choke from Anna Jay for the win.

Winner: Anna Jay

Brandon Cutler vs. Peter Avalon

Avalon gets the upper hand early on. The action spills to the outside and Avalon leaps off the stage with a running knee strike that rattles Cutler. Avalon sets Cutler up on a table outside the ring, but Cutler gets up and cuts him off. Cutler with an over the top high kick. Avalon spills to the outside with a nasty thud. Cutler puts a trash can over the head of Avalon and kicks it. Avalon falls and Cutler connects on an elbow drop off the apron.

A table is propped up against the apron. Cutler looks to powerbomb Avalon through it, but Avalon reverses and back drops Cutler through the table. Back in the ring, Avalon goes for the cover and gets a near fall. Avalon dumps a crate of books into a pile and looks for the double knee strike to drive Cutler's face into the books, but Cutler moves and hits the reverse DDT. Cover and a near fall. Cutler pours out a bag full die out onto the mat.

They each exchange attempts at suplexes before they give it up. Cutler with a springboard off the top and gets caught in a Rock Bottom on the books. Cover and a near fall. Leva screams at Avalon and says he is only relevant because of her and leaves. Cutler rolls him up but Avalon hits him with a book. Avalon takes out brass knuckles but gets slammed onto the die. Cover and a near fall. On the apron, Cutler slams Avalon through the table but Avalon hits him in the head with the knuckles on the way down.

The Young Bucks come out to support Cutler. Avalon goes up top and Cutler cuts him off. Avalon with a hurricanrana, but Cutler rolls him through for the 1,2,3!

Winner: Brandon Cutler

Best Friends vs. Anthony Bowens and Max Caster

Caster and Trent start the match off. Trent gets backed into the corner and slapped in the face. Double back elbow by Best Friends after Chuck gets tagged in. Bowens with the tag as well. Chuck sent to the corner and goes over the top of a charging Bowens and hits him with a side slam. Chuck goes up top and misses the moonsault but lands on his feet. Caster back in as the legal man as Chuck is driven into the opposing corner.

Quick cover from Caster is no good. Bowens back in and connects on some offense. Trent back in and lays out both men. Caster is in as the legal man and Trent hits him with a release belly-to-belly suplex. Trent goes for the swinging DDT but Caster stops it and shows some power as he pulls him up for a suplex. Bowens is back in and continues to work on Trent. Trent fires back with a back drop driver. Bowens counters the lariat and connects on a discus forearm. Caster with the tag and comes off the top with an elbow drop.

Caster with a big lariat in the corner. Goes for another but Trent with a running boot out of the corner. Strong Zero for the finish.

Winners: Best Friends

Backstage, Marvez is trying to get a word with Scorpio Sky but his locker room is trashed with "Thief" written on the mirror.

Fuego Del Sol vs. Brian Cage

Swing and a miss by Cage, but he follows it up with a pair of nasty slams and throws. Smashing clothesline in the corner. Full body suplex from Cage. Del Sol gets a kick in. Goes for another but gets caught and flipped backwards onto the top rope. Cage with the curls and toss, but Del Sol lands on his feet and gets some offense in before Cage catches him with a big slam. Del Sol reverses the Drill Claw and gets a two count on the pin. Del Sol goes for the 'rana, but gets caught in a powerbomb and buckle bomb before the Weapon X for the finish.

Winner: Brian Cage

Dark Order's 10 vs. Sean Maluta

Sean Maluta gets the advantage on the lockup. Maluta with some quick offense before 10 takes over. 5 comes out and gives an assist on the outside. Stalling vertical suplex from 10. Chops from Maluta but 10 counters with a big boot. More chops from Maluta. Hits the ropes and hits a shot to the side of 10's head. Pin and a two count. Big slam by 10. Calls for the end and gets it with a big clothesline to the back of the head.

Winner: 10

Ivelisse & Diamante vs. Kilynn King & Savannah Evans

King and Evans beat Diamante and Ivelisse to the pre-bell attack. The action settles and Ivelisse and Evans will start the match as the legal women. Ivelisse isolating Evans and chops her down with kicks to the legs. Diamante tags in and they wishbone Evans. Diamante counters Evans and hits the Russian leg sweep. Single-leg crab by Diamante. Evans pushes her off and lands big chops. Diamante drives the knee of Evans into the canvas. Running uppercut by Diamante.

Ivelisse comes in and continues working on the legs of Evans. Evans shoves Ivelisse off and rocks her with a big right hand. Black Hole Slam by Evans. King gets the tag and lights up Diamante. Big lariat on Diamante and follows it with a roundhouse to the face. One more big clothesline – pin and Ivelisse breaks up the cover. Diamante recovers and hits Code Red for the win.

Winners: Ivelisse & Diamante

Sonny Kiss vs. Aaron Solow

Solow gets the early advantage and beats down Kiss. Kiss goes for a springboard maneuver but is caught by Solow and pulled back into the ring. Kiss goes on the offensive and hits a dropkick and roundhouse. Axe kick and splitting leg drop for the win.

Winner: Sonny Kiss

After the match, Lance Archer attacks both men. Jake Roberts says he's not responsible for what Archer does from here on out and says he's getting the itch to DDT somebody. Archer takes the mic and says Eddie Kingston b—hed his way into a second title shot and it doesn't matter who wins at Full Gear, he wants next and everybody dies.

Will Hobbs vs. Nick Comoroto

Comoroto takes the fight to Hobbs early. Hobbs sent to the ropes and hits Comoroto with the shoulder tackle that sends him to the outside. Outside of the ring, Hobbs hits a running lariat. Back in the ring, Hobbs splashes Comoroto in the corner. Goes for another, but Comoroto moves. Comoroto with a shoulder tackle attempt, but Hobbs doesn't move. Comoroto comes back with a massive lariat that takes Hobbs off his feet. Spine buster by Hobbs. Hobbs goes up top and connects on a Frog Splash.

Winner: Will Hobbs

Darby Allin vs. Alex Chamberlain

Chamberlain slaps Allin in the face. Allin with a quick arm bar but Chamberlain is in the ropes. Allin off the ropes with an arm drag. Allin off the top rope and gets caught in a back breaker. Chamberlain looks really sloppy, but stomps away at Allin. Body slam by Chamberlain. Bow and arrow stretch by Chamberlain. Allin rolls off the knees and gets a two count on the pin attempt. Chamberlain throws Allin into the turnbuckles. Chamberlain charges and gets low-bridged.

On the outside, Allin drives Chamberlain into the side of the ring before sending him into the ring post. Back in the ring, Allin connects on a shotgun dropkick. Chamberlain counters into a sit-down powerbomb. Cover and a near fall. Allin with a Coffin Drop on Chamberlain's back. Stunner and another Coffin Drop for the win.

Winner: Darby Allin

