Wild BTE Championship Challenge, Hangman Page Scouting Dark Order? (Being The Elite Recap)

Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite:

* Private Party talking about getting payback on Santana and Ortiz for always beating them up in the past. The duo walk by the Inner Circle members with Kassidy intentionally bumping into Ortiz and dropping something. He goes to get it, but Ortiz says it's his now. Ortiz opens the package and eats one of those super spicy chips. Ortiz sees what it is and says it's not hot. Private Party watch to see if he breaks, but Ortiz doesn't and they head off. Santana and Ortiz go into one of the trailers and Ortiz immediately freaks out and heads to the bathroom.

* Brandon Cutler checking out the hard cam at Daily's Place. Frankie Kazarian walks up to him and asks what he's doing. Cutler says he wanted to see if it was a hard or soft camera because whenever a wrestler hits a big move he should look to the hard cam, but he says they're all hard. Kazarian cusses him out and calls him a "mark." Marko Stunt shows up and asks Frankie if he's signed up for his anger management classes, Frankie chases him off.

* Clips of last week's Dynamite are shown.

* Nick and Matt play some basketball with a trash can backstage at Daily's Place. Matt throws up a shot, but Matt Hardy grabs it. Hardy says Matt and Nick have finally taken the ball in AEW, and he couldn't be happier. Hardy says he's been around for so many big moments in wrestling, like when Steve Austin took the ball and went home. Hardy says he ended up taking Austin's place! Hardy feels like the brothers have a negative attitude against him, so he hopes they change that up soon. Otherwise, he'll take his ball home, and they will see the Dynamite ratings plummet. Hardy walks away, and takes their ball. Matt says Hardy has become a real prick lately.

* Kip Sabian is looking for Leva Bates for a rematch. He bumps into Cutler and tells him to let Bates know that next week, she's done!

* Dark Order at the hangout. John Silver is sobbing about losing his match, Anna Jay says she lost her title match. They go back and forth with the character breaking "Johnny" and "Anna." Colt Cabana stops that and shows off his "new" face. The group admires him for a moment, until he tells Anna and Silver to hug it out. They push each other away, Silver goes for a big hug with 10 while Anna gives Grayson a light hug and calls him a "little b—-." Uno says they may have not won this time, but as long as they have each other, they will be just fine. The group hugs as the camera pans back to find Hangman Page looking in. He takes a sip of his drink, turns around, and nearly trips over a chair, then heads off down the hallway.

* Jurassic Express talking with Super Panda. Anna Jay and Tay Conti walk by, Conti tells Luchasaurus she's not into dinosaurs, which makes Jay very happy to hear. Conti and Jay then see Panda and put their arms around him. He then breaks out into song and heads off with the two of them. Stunt is all mad that Panda stole his singing gimmick.

* BTE Champion John Silver vs. Trent in a Mustard Packet Throwing Challenge. The two have to throw a packet into a bowl that sat down at the end of the table. The challenge goes on for quite awhile until its decided to move the bowl closer. Trent gets very close, but no luck. Nick offers up if either get it in the next two shots, he'll give them $1,000. They both miss the first shot, but Silver nails the second one to win the money and retain his title! Nick sends over the money, Silver puts over the title and shakes Trent's hand.

