WWE Monday Night RAW Results - Handicap Main Event, Retribution Attacks, Guitar On A Pole, More

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE Monday Night RAW Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from the Amway Center in Orlando, FL.

- Tonight's WWE RAW episode opens up on the USA Network with promos for the current red brand storylines.


- We go to then usual RAW opening video. We're live from The ThunderDome inside the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida as Tom Phillips welcomes us. He's joined at ringside by Samoa Joe and Byron Saxton.

- We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Champion Randy Orton. The announcers plug the non-title match between Orton and WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns at Survivor Series on November 22. Orton hits the ring and raises the WWE Title belt as the boos get louder.

Orton takes the mic and brags on becoming a 14-time world champion 8 days ago, the best of the best. Orton says best of the best doesn't do him any justice. He's not just the best of the best, he proved that he is the best. Period. Fans boo. Orton says he's better than Edge, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, and most certainly Drew McIntyre. Orton dismisses the idea that he's been handed anything or protected throughout his career. He insists that he's in the position he's in because he is the best. Orton goes on and says he's a legend. Fans boo some more. Orton says this comes with great responsibility, but also a great big bullseye on his back. Orton welcomes that and challenges any WWE Superstar to try ans take the title. He names several WWE Superstars and wants anyone to try to come take it. The music interrupts and out comes Alexa Bliss.


Bliss stares straight ahead at the camera and just smiles. Orton circles her and sizes her up. Bliss shows her hands and each glove has a word – Play on one, and Pain on the other. Bliss finally speaks and says "He" could be here. The menacing sounds of The Fiend start up as we also see some red lighting. Orton yells out and he's ready to fight. McIntyre suddenly attacks from out of nowhere and levels Orton with a Claymore Kick. Drew gets down in Orton's face and dares him to grant the rematch. Drew says he's going to make Drew's life a living hell. Drew's music hits and he makes his exit.

The Miz and John Morrison suddenly run into the ring from over the barrier. Miz is cashing in his Money In the Bank briefcase. A referee runs down to the ring but before he can ring the bell Drew comes back in and levels both Miz and Morrison with big boots. Miz gets tossed out of the ring to the floor. Drew grabs Morrison and manhandles him over the top rope to the floor onto Miz. Drew stands tall as fans cheer him on. McIntyre takes the title and taunts Orton some more, throwing the title down at him. Drew makes his exit as the music hits. Miz still has his MITB title shot. Orton recovers from the mat as we go to commercial.


- Back from the break and we see what just happened. Charly Caruso stops The Miz and John Morrison in the back. A furious Miz rants and yells about Drew McIntyre, calling him a petty, selfish child who is just jealous of everyone else. Miz says he was so close to being WWE Champion tonight but Drew got in the way. Miz goes on ranting and says it's time for someone else to step in and become the star of RAW. Morrison rants now and says McIntyre managed to piss off the two guys in this company that you don't want upset, and because of that they are challenging Drew to a 2-on-1 Handicap Match. They storm off.

Guitar on a Pole Match: Elias vs. Jeff Hardy

We go back to the ring and Elias is out with his guitar. He talks about Jeff Hardy and touts the success of his recent "Universal Truth" album. Elias points to one of his guitars hanging above the ring on a pole, and says he will retrieve it tonight, then deliver one of his biggest hits yet. Elias starts performing an acoustic version of his "Amen" single but the music interrupts and out comes Jeff Hardy as Mike Rome does the introductions. The pyro explodes on the stage as Hardy heads to the ring. Tom shows us recent happenings in the Elias vs. Hardy feud.


The bell rings and Hardy goes right for the pole but he's stopped. Hardy stops Elias from going up now. They trade shots and Elias runs over Hardy with an elbow. Elias scoops Hardy and slams him, sending him under the bottom rope. Elias climbs for the pole but Hardy stops him, pulling him to the floor. Hardy sends Elias face-first into the steel ring steps. Hardy runs and leaps off the steps, sending Elias into the barrier.

Elias is down on the floor as Hardy climbs for the pole. Elias grabs a stool at ringside and throws it up at Hardy, knocking him down from his climb. We go to commercial with Elias recovering on the outside.

Back from the break and Elias is working on Hardy in the ring. More back and forth now. Elias climbs for the guitar but Hardy pulls his leg out and he hits the turnbuckle face-first on the way down. They trade strikes in the middle of the ring and Hardy gets the upperhand now. Hardy runs over Elias and hits the inverted Atomic Drop, then the double leg drop and the low dropkick. Hardy drops an elbow as fans cheer him on.

Fans cheer Hardy as he climbs for the guitar. He gets close but Elias stops him. Hardy fights Elias off on the mat and hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy climbs up again but Elias grabs his leg. Hardy kicks him off. Hardy grabs the guitar. He leaps from the top and hits the guitar over Elias' back but it doesn't shatter. Hardy covers for the pin to win.


Winner: Jeff Hardy

- After the match, Hardy stands tall as his music hits. Hardy smashes the guitar into the ring post. Elias recovers in the middle of the ring as we go to replays.

- We see Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke backstage warming up. Back to commercial.

WWE Women's Tag Team Titles Match: Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke vs. Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax (c)

Back from the break and out first comes Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose. Rome says this match is for the title, which is a change from the original announcement. We see how the women's Team RAW for Survivor Series came together last week, with Lana getting the final spot, joining the 4 competitors in this match. Out next are the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions – Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler.

Before the bell hits, the music interrupts and out comes Lana in her gear. The others look on but Lana stares them down as she walks out. Jax levels Brooke to start he match. Brooke slides out of an attempt and stays on Jax's back until she gets rammed into the turnbuckles. Lana is watching from ringside now.

Rose tags in and dropkicks Jax. Jax overpowers but Rose catches Jax in an Octopus stretch in the middle of the ring. Jax fights out but Rose rocks her with strikes. Jax catches Rose in mid-air and presses her high but Brooke tags in without her seeing. Brooke frees Jax and unloads, hitting a moonsault for a 2 count as Baszler makes the save. Baszler tags in now but Dana cuts her off. Rose tags back in for a double team suplex. Rose with a 2 count on Baszler in the middle of the ring.


Baszler counters with a suplex of her own. Baszler yells out at Lana. Rose rocks Baszler and in comes Brooke again. Brooke with a pair of clotheslines and an enziguri. Brooke unloads on Baszler in the corner now. Brooke with the springboard back elbow into the corner, and a bulldog on Baszler for a 2 count as Rose tries to stop Jax from breaking it up. Jax levels Rose at ringside. Brooke keeps control of Baszler in the ring. Baszler ends up grabbing Lana at ringside, which allows Brooke to dropkick her through the ropes. Brooke brings Baszler in for another back elbow into the corner but Baszler grabs her for the Kirifuda Clutch.

Lana ends up providing a distraction from the apron, allowing Brooke to roll Baszler up for the pin. The referee is distracted by Lana but Brooke gets more than a 3 count on Baszler. The referee finally counts but Baszler kicks out and sends Brooke into Lana on the apron. Baszler follows up with the Kirifuda Clutch again, forcing Brooke to tap out.

Winners: Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax

- After the match, the champs stand tall as the music hits. Jax stares Lana down.

- Charly is backstage with Randy Orton now. Orton holds his jaw and Charly asks if he thinks it will be hard to keep the WWE Title after what happened earlier. Orton says people forget how easy it is for the hunters to become the hunted in WWE. He thinks Drew McIntyre will get a reminder sooner than later, and that reminder will come in the form of the three most dangerous letters in WWE – RKO. Orton walks off and we go back to commercial.


WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth vs. WWE United States Champion Bobby Lashley

Back from the break and Sarah Schreiber is in the ring with WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth for another non-title match. Truth cuts a promo on how he's here to meet Adam Sandler's character from The WaterBoy, Bobby Boucher, to get his water bottle singed. Sarah says unfortunately she has no answer for that. She confirms that Truth's opponent is WWE United States Champion Bobby Lashley, and wishes him good luck. Truth wonders who is going to sign his water bottle.

Lashley comes to the ring and we get the bell. Truth tells him that they are both champions, and there's no need for anybody to get hurt. Truth lays down for the pin but Lashley tells him to get up. Truth keeps telling Truth to pin him. Lashley goes to grab him but Truth kicks and punches Lashley in the face. Lashley ends up hitting a big Spear just seconds later, then applying The Hurt Lock for the win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

- After the match, Lashley stands tall as the music hits. Lashley grabs Truth again and rag-dolls him with another Hurt Lock as fans boo. The music hits again and Lashley poses in the corner. Drew Gulak runs down with a referee to pin Truth for his 24/7 Title now that the rules are in play again. Lashley grabs Gulak off Truth and hits the big gutwrench suplex. Lashley then puts Gulak out with The Hurt Lock. Lashley puts Gulak back on top of Truth and Gulak gets the pin for the title.


Winner and New WWE 24/7 Champion: Drew Gulak

- After the bell, Lashley re-enters the ring. Gulak is still laid out on top of Truth. Lashley looks down at the bodies but changes his mind as his music starts back up. We get a replay and Lashley makes his exit.

- We see Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik backstage. They're plotting on finding Drew Gulak to win his WWE 24/7 Champion but they run into AJ Styles' muscle, Jordan Omogbehin. AJ asks if there's a problem here. Lucha House Party retreats the other way. AJ and Jordan head to the ring. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Sarah Schreiber catches up with WWE Women's Tag Team Champion Nia Jax backstage. Schreiber asks about Lana but Jax cuts her off, telling her to never say Lana's name or even think Lana's name in her presence. Jax isn't happy about Lana getting a spot on her Survivor Series team, and then interfering in tonight's match just because she's a little butt-hurt over the recent table bumps. Jax goes on and says Lana prides herself on always getting back up so by the end of the night, she will give Lana a chance to do just that. Jax says by the end of the night, Lana will either be off Team RAW... no, wait. She changes her mind and says she's going to end Lana's career tonight.


- We go back to the ring and out comes AJ Styles with his associate, Jordan Omogbehin.

AJ takes the mic and says Team SmackDown proved they're not playing games at Survivor Series by starting off with Jey Uso and Kevin Owens on their men's team. He says Team RAW already has the advantage. He goes on about how he's a leader, bragging about his different qualities and being able to lead the team. Captain Styles, reporting for duty. AJ asks if there's any other option and fans boo him. AJ says his first task as Team Captain is to get the rally call going and introduce his team. AJ introduces Sheamus first and out he comes.

Jordan watches from the apron as Sheamus enters the ring. AJ introduces Keith Lee next and out he comes. Lee looks like he's asking AJ what he's doing. AJ gives Sheamus and Lee props, saying their success is his success. He doesn't care who they have to go through on Team SmackDown... Lee interrupts him. Lee doesn't believe anyone agreed to call AJ the Team Captain. Lee says if AJ thinks his sizeable friend is enough to intimidate Lee into calling AJ captain, he should think again. AJ tells Sheamus that this is Lee's inexperience talking. He asks Sheamus to show Lee the way. Sheamus says he actually agrees with Lee. Sheamus says he's been running rampant in WWE for years before AJ decided to step up into WWE from the minor leagues. Sheamus says AJ may have Big Lurch here, but he will never take orders from AJ.


AJ asks if they understand what it will do for his legacy if they beat Team SmackDown. AJ is interrupted by the music as Braun Strowman makes his way out. Strowman says the only thing this team needs is these hands. He doesn't care who they face because The Monster is on Team RAW. Lee interrupts and says they all qualified, and Strowman will have to do the same thing. Strowman goes on about his qualifications, and his recent pin on Lee. Strowman says his qualifications should have him being Team Captain. They all argue now. WWE Producer Adam Pearce comes out. He'd love to have Strowman on Team RAW but he's having a hard time finding anyone who will get in the ring with Strowman. Lee interrupts and disputes Strowman saying he beat Lee clean a few weeks back. Sheamus interrupts Lee and they have words now. Sheamus addresses Strowman now and Strowman laughs at him. Sheamus wants to be the one to mix it up with him. AJ suggests to Pearce that we do a Triple Threat for Strowman to qualify – Strowman vs. Lee vs. Sheamus. If Strowman wins, he joins Team RAW. Pearce says that's a hell of an idea. No one disagrees. Strowman enters the ring and Pearce makes the match official. The crowd pops and we go to commercial.


Triple Threat Survivor Series Qualifier for Braun Strowman: Sheamus vs. Keith Lee vs. Braun Strowman

Back from the break and Braun Strowman unloads with Keith Lee. Strowman knocks Sheamus to the floor. Strowman and Lee go at it again. Lee avoids a running powerslam attempt and sends Strowman over the top rope as AJ Styles looks on from commentary. Jordan Omogbehin stands guard.

Sheamus comes back in and unloads but Lee decks him. Strowman pulls Sheamus to the floor and they brawl at ringside. Lee runs the ropes and flies over the top rope, taking them both down but almost botching the landing. Sheamus beats Lee around the ringside area now, sending him into the apron. Sheamus with a forearm to Lee from behind but Lee fights back with strikes of his own. Strowman lands a running shoulder to drop both competitors at ringside. Strowman prepares the announce table, then grabs both opponents by their throats for a double chokeslam through the announce table. They fight Strowman off and avoid the double chokeslam through the table. Strowman gets sent into the steel ring steps.

Sheamus and Lee double team Strowman with the steps, sending him over the announce table. Sheamus sends Lee into the ring post. Sheamus with 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Lee ends up pulling Sheamus down and launching him into the barrier. Lee works Sheamus over but Sheamus applies a Sleeper hold. Strowman comes back and hits a running splash into his opponents and the barrier, knocking it down as we go back to commercial.


Back from the break and Sheamus works on Lee's arm. Lee fights him off. Strowman drops Lee with a shoulder and splashes Sheamus. Strowman keeps control until he misses a splash. Sheamus comes back with the Celtic Cross for a close 2 count on Strowman. Sheamus works Lee over and goes to the top. Lee grabs Sheamus and tries to press him but Sheamus decks him and goes for his eyes. Strowman rocks Sheamus while he's up top now. Strowman goes up top for a superplex to Sheamus but Lee comes under them. Lee brings them all to the mat for the big bump as the crowd pops. The referee checks on all three competitors as we get a replay. Lee catches a low blow kick from Strowman and unloads. They trade shots in the middle of the ring and Lee nails the running crossbody for a close 2 count. Lee scoops Strowman for the powerslam but Strowman slides out. Sheamus sends Strowman to the floor. Sheamus fights Lee from the apron and launches himself in with the battering ram. Lee is still up on one knee.

Sheamus comes back at Lee but Lee catches him with the standing belly-to-belly. Sheamus unloads and drops Lee with a jumping knee strike. Lee kicks out just in time. Sheamus calls for a Brogue Kick now, waiting for Lee to get up in the corner. Strowman comes from behind on the apron and drops Sheamus out to the floor. Strowman comes in but ends up leveled by a huge clothesline by Lee. Strowman kicks out just in time. Lee readies for a powerbomb but Sheamus hits him with a Brogue from the side. Strowman takes advantage and hits the running powerslam to Sheamus for the pin to earn the Team RAW spot.


Winner: Braun Strowman

- After the match, Strowman stands tall as his music hits. AJ celebrates at the announce table. We go to replays. AJ enters the ring where Lee and Sheamus are now. Jordan watches from the apron. AJ tries to get everyone to shake hands and get on the same page now. Strowman says he doesn't like anyone here but they need to put their differences aside. Lee and Strowman shake hands and AJ pops. Sheamus and Strowman go to the same but there are words. Strowman offers his hand again and they shake. Sheamus then hugs Strowman and Team RAW is on the same page, for now. Sheamus then comes right back and knocks Strowman out of the ring with a Brogue. Lee knocks Sheamus out of the ring. AJ comes from behind and kicks Lee, sending him to the floor. AJ stands tall and yells out as the crowd boos him. The music hits and AJ rants while we see the others on the floor trying to recover.

- Angle Garza is backstage now with a message to that special someone in the WWE Universe. He tells them what they feel when they see him is real, the butterflies and everything else. He feels the same way. While they cannot share each other's company right now, they can share the same intimate feeling. Garza knows this person is out there, with those eyes and that smile. Garza shows a rose and says this is for that special someone.


- We see Huskus The Pig and Ramblin' Rabbit in the Firefly Fun House. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see a clip from The Undertaker's special appearance on The Tonight Show this past Friday night. Tom hypes "30 Days of The Deadman" on the WWE Network.

- Charly is backstage with Drew McIntyre now. He talks about how he will keep fighting until he gets his rematch from Randy Orton. He says The Fiend can back off because he's going to win the WWE Title back and then face WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns at Survivor Series. What a match that will be, Drew says. Regarding The Miz and John Morrison, Drew goes on and says there will be a 2-for-1 special tonight – Claymore Kicks for all.

- We go to the Firefly Fun House as Bray Wyatt and Alexa Bliss welcome us to a special edition of the show. Wyatt says this episode is dedicated to the three most dangerous letters in WWE – RKO. Abby The Witch says Randy Orton "can go f–k himself" but it's bleeped out. Bliss tells Abby there's no foul language in the Funhouse, and charges her for the Swear Jar. Abby says Bliss can also go "f–k yourself."

Wyatt talks about how Orton was once a very, very bad man, a reference to the Wyatt Family Compound burning up a while back. Wyatt says from those ashes he was able to create a new world. Wyatt suddenly hears the screams from the burning compound in the distance as he goes into a bit of a trance, with flashbacks of Orton burning the building. Wyatt is all serious now. He says unfortunately it can't be that simple because "He" never forgets. We see a few quick flashes of The Fiend.


Bliss says before we go, she wants to show us a new trick she's been practicing. She asks for Wyatt's help. He places his hand over her face, the glove that says "Heal" on it. The camera cuts to Bliss, with a red tint over the screen, staring straight ahead with a creepy look on her face. A red blood-like liquid starts oozing out of her mouth. The camera quickly cuts right back to Wyatt. He looks ahead, shocked, and says, "Oh, s–t!" The last word was also edited. That's the end of the Firefly Fun House as we go go commercial.

Nia Jax vs. Lana

Back from the break and out come the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions – Nia Jax with Shayna Baszler. We cut to a backstage promo from Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce. They comment on Lana being a problem for Team RAW and says there's no way she makes it out of this match in one piece, and there's also no way the announce table will make it out in one piece. We go back to ringside as Baszler starts taking apart the announce table. Lana is out next. We get a backstage promo from Lana recorded earlier. She says she maybe wasn't able to end Jax's title reign earlier tonight but she can't keep allowing Jax to treat her how she has been. Lana goes on and says Jax will never treat her like this again because tonight, she will turn the tables on Jax.


The bell rings and Jax rams Lana back into the corner with shoulder thrusts. Lana fights back but Jax rag-dolls her into the corner. Jax talks trash as the referee warns her. Jax taunts Lana and tells her to just give up as Baszler watches from ringside. Jax bullies Lana in the corner some now. Jax keeps control, easily working Lana around the ring. Lana keeps fighting back. Lana with a kick to the head, and another. Jax runs over Lana in the middle of the ring and covers for a 2 count, stopping the pin because she wants to keep punishing Lana.

Lana is trying to fight from her knees now but Jax clubs her back to the mat. Baszler also taunts Lana from ringside. Jax rag-dolls Lana some more, screams in her face and headbutts her down. Jax covers but breaks the pin to keep punishing Lana. Jax with another big slam and some trash talking, telling Lana to quit and give up. Jax keeps on until delivering a Samoan Drop in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Nia Jax

- After the match, Jax stands tall as her music hits. We go to replays. Jax and Baszler head to the back but Jax stops and changes her mind. They return to the ring and Baszler tosses Lana out in front of the announce table, where Jax is waiting. Jax insults Lana some more and launches her into the barrier, calling her pathetic. Baszler also taunts Lana now. Jax scoops Lana and puts her through the announce table for the 7th week with a Samoan Drop. Fans boo Jax as officials check on Lana and try to get the champs to leave. We get a replay of the table bump.


- R-Truth is backstage walking in pain, wearing a neck brace. MVP stops him and asks how his neck is doing. Truth looks up and sees The Hurt Business standing there. He quickly turns and walks away the other way. The Hurt Business laughs at Truth and throws him his water bottle, which MVP has signed. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and it's time for a special edition of The VIP Lounge. Out first comes The Hurt Business – MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Cedric Alexander and WWE United States Champion Bobby Lashley. They talk about what Lashley did to R-Truth and what he will do to WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn at Survivor Series. Lashley addresses Sami directly and says he will put him to sleep at the pay-per-view.

MVP says that brings them to tonight's business. MVP says The Hurt Business has lived up to the arrangement they had with WWE, they've taken care of the RETRIBUTION problem, and it's time to collect on payment. MVP says they want their payment in the form of the RAW Tag Team Titles. Benjamin brings up The New Day and Lashley says they have had their time. The music interrupts and out come the RAW Tag Team Champions – Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods of The New Day. Woods and Kofi poke at how long Shelton, MVP and Lashley have been around in WWE. They also mock Cedric for what he hasn't accomplished. Kofi and Woods get fans behind them now, touting their tag team title reigns. Fans cheer them on.


The taunts between the two sides continue. MVP and Lashley poke at Kofi for how quickly he lost the WWE Title to Brock Lesnar. Kofi jokes about how Lashley lasted about the same time with Lana. MVP says that's the issue with The New Day, they're all about jokes and The Hurt Business is all about business, which is why The New Day dresses like clowns and The Hurt Business dresses like professionals. MVP goes on and warns The New Day. He says Benjamin and Alexander are looking forward to dancing with The New Day and taking their titles. The brain-numbing back & forth continues until The New Day rallies the crowd and we go to commercial.

RAW Tag Team Champions The New Day vs. Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander

Back from the break and Xavier Woods goes at it with Cedric Alexander as the match is underway. MVP is on commentary. Woods with a stalling vertical suplex, flexing while holding Cedric in mid-air. Woods drops Cedric and covers for the 2 count. Kofi Kingston tags in and they double team Cedric with kicks, then drop him on his face. Kofi covers for a 2 count.

Shelton Benjamin tags in and ends up leveling Kofi with a big shoulder. Shelton whips Kofi from corner to corner, keeping control. Benjamin drops Kofi for a 2 count. Shelton keeps control and tags in Cedric for more offense on Kofi. Kofi taunts Cedric with some dancing. Cedric is angry as he attacks but Kofi gets the best of him. Kofi works on the arm but Cedric drops him. Cedric takes Kofi to the corner and works him over, beating him down as the referee warns him.


Cedric and Kofi tangle some more. Kofi with a dropkick. Woods and Shelton tag in. Woods dropkicks Cedric off the apron to the floor. Woods unloads on Shelton now. Woods fights Shelton and tries to knock him off the apron but Cedric makes the save. Woods uses Cedric to send Shelton to the floor. Woods brings them back in and goes to the top but Cedric knocks him off by hitting the top rope. Shelton follows up with a running knee strike to knock Woods off the apron into the barrier. Shelton grabs Woods and launches him into the barrier as the referee counts.

Shelton returns to the ring and they laugh at Woods. Shelton brings Woods back in for a close 2 count. Shelton tags in Cedric and Woods fights him off. Woods goes under Cedric but Cedric superkicks him in the face. MVP approves. Cedric taunts Woods while he's down and the referee checks on Woods as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Woods finally gets an opening. Kofi gets the hot tag and unloads on Cedric, then drops Shelton on the apron. Kofi keeps running wild on Cedric and kicks Shelton to the floor. Kofi with a close 2 count on Cedric. Cedric ducks Trouble In Paradise. Cedric runs into a big boot in the corner. Kofi ends up hitting a big hurricanrana from the top. Kofi with a running stomp to Cedric for another close 2 count. Cedric comes back with a Michinoku Driver to Kofi for a 2 count. Shelton and Woods go back and forth for a few minutes after Woods gets the tag.


Shelton with a big Spinebuster for a close 2 count. Woods goes to the top and fights Shelton off. Woods leaps and hits the DDT from the top for a close 2 count as Cedric breaks it up. Benjamin fights Kofi and Woods off now. Woods rolls Shelton for a 2 count. Shelton ducks a kick and rolls Woods for 2. Woods kicks Shelton in the gut. Shelton drops Woods on the top rope and Cedri tags in. Cedric hits the Neuralyzer to Woods, right into Paydirt from Shelton. Cedric covers for the non-title win.

Winners: Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander

- After the bell, MVP hits the ring to celebrate with Cedric and Shelton as their music hits. We go to replays.

- Nikki Cross walks up on Alexa Bliss backstage, and she's all business with something on her mind. Bliss has her back turned to Cross but Cross goes on about why she hasn't talked to her. Cross says "he" is the one to blame for this, a reference to "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt. Cross goes on about her relationship with Bliss, and says Bliss is stronger than that, than him, and she just wants to talk to Bliss. She knows Bliss better than everyone and knows Bliss wouldn't let anyone control her this way. Cross finally turns Bliss around and asks if she will just look at her. Cross is shocked at what she sees. Bliss looks at the camera and she's wearing some sort of contact lenses to give her a different, creepy look, like she's in some sort of trance. Bliss smiles at the camera as we go to commercial.


Ricochet vs. Tucker

Back from the break and out comes Ricochet as Tucker waits in the ring. It looks like Tucker has dropped a significant amount of weight in recent weeks.

Mustafa Ali comes walking down the ramp before the match. The referee calls for the bell and here we go. Ricochet fights his opponent off but gets dropped by a shoulder. Ali walks over and stands on top of the announce table to watch.

Tucker slams Ricochet but gets hit with two superkicks. Ricochet with a Recoil out of nowhere for the pin to get the short win.

Winner: Ricochet

- After the match, Ricochet has his arm raised as Ali stares him down from the announce table. The LED boards for the crowd all go black as the RETRIBUTION logo appears all over the arena. T-BAR, Mace, Slapjack, Reckoning and Ali all surround the ring now, then enter. T-BAR grabs Ricochet by his head and trows him over the top rope to the floor. RETRIBUTION surrounds Tucker and he gets attacked. Mace and T-BAR with a double big boot to take Tucker back down. Ali directs Slapjack to go out after Ricochet. Slapjack brings Ricochet back in and they surround him. Ricochet gets attacked by RETRIBUTION. They hold Ricochet while Ali talks trash in his face. Ricochet asks why they're doing this. T-BAR and Mace with a big double chokeslam to Ricochet in the middle of the ring now as fans boo them. RETRIBUTION stands tall as Ali raises his fist in the air.


- We go backstage to Drew McIntyre and Sheamus. Sheamus wants Drew to be the final member of Team RAW at Survivor Series. Drew would love to fight at Sheamus' side again but he's focused on WWE Champion Randy Orton, and wants to be the champion going into Survivor Series. Sheamus understands and says if Drew changes his mind, let him know. Drew goes to walk off but Sheamus encourages him to take care of Miz and Morrison one last time. Drew heads to the ring.

2-on-1 Handicap Match: The Miz and John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre

We go back to the ring for tonight's 2-on-1 Handicap Match, the main event of the show. John Morrison and The Miz head to the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Tom announces the following names for RAW Talk – Braun Strowman, Mustafa Ali, Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce. Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring next. The bell rings and here we go. Drew gets the upperhand on Morrison early on. Morrison with a kick but Drew drops him. Miz tags in and unloads on Drew from the side. Miz works Drew over in the corner as the referee warns him.

Drew tosses Miz back into the corner and goes to work for a pop. Drew launches Miz back across the ring and he lands hard. More back and forth now. The numbers game catches up as Drew gets his knee taken out. Morrison with a quick 1 count after a big kick to the head. Miz comes back in and keeps Drew down.


Drew catches a kick and Miz pleads with him. Drew chops him to the mat. Drew takes Miz back out on the floor and blocks Morrison's kick from the apron. Drew takes Morrison into position for the Alabama Slam from the apron. Drew walks over with Morrison on his shoulders, and slams Morrison hard on top of Miz on the floor with the Alabama Slam. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Drew fights Morrison into the corner. Drew with a big overhead throw out of the corner. Morrison with a jawbreaker and a tag to Miz. Drew and Miz trade counters. Miz runs into a big elbow. Morrison with a distraction from the corner as he and Miz take turns on Drew. Morrison tags in and they double team Morrison some more, sending him shoulder-first into the ring post. Drew falls out to the floor.

Miz and Morrison with another tag and more double teaming on the outside as they launch Drew into the barrier. Miz puts a boot to Drew's throat while he's down, using the barrier for leverage. Miz brings Drew back into the ring and delivers kicks in the corner. Miz charges with the corner clothesline. Morrison tags in and springboards over the top rope with the big corkscrew splash. Drew still kicks out at 2.


Morrison and Drew go at it. Miz with a cheap attack on Drew as Morrison distracts the referee. Fans boo as Morrison tries for another pin attempt. Morrison shows some frustration now. Morrison grounds Drew as the boos continue. Drew fights off a neckbreaker attempt. Drew charges into the corner but runs into a big boot. Drew blocks Starship Pain and sends Morrison face-first into the top of the ring post. Drew clubs Morrison from behind and climbs up top with him. Drew with big forearms to the chest from behind, like Sheamus. Morrison goes for the back superplex but Morrison kicks and crotches him. Morrison keeps fighting and has Drew turned upside down now. Morrison suddenly overpowers, pulls himself up and launches Morrison across the ring with a super German suplex out of the corner, while still upside down. Miz can't believe it and the crowd pops.

Miz tags in but Drew unloads with clotheslines. Drew tosses Miz over his head a few times. Drew with a swinging neckbreaker and a kip up as the crowd cheers him on. Miz blocks the Futureshock DDT. Drew blocks the Skull Crushing Finale. Drew comes right back with the Spinebuster but Morrison makes the save just in time. Morrison tags in and superkicks Drew as he turns around. They tangle and Morrison drops Drew for another close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Morrison, Miz and McIntyre are all frustrated now.


Drew fights Morrison off, sending him back to the floor by shocking him in the middle of a springboard attempt. Miz takes advantage and drops Drew with the Skull Crushing Finale. Drew still kicks out at 2 and Miz can't believe it. Miz delivers the It Kicks now. Drew ducks the roundhouse. Miz accidentally knocks Morrison off the apron to the floor. Drew catches Miz with the Futureshock DDT in the middle of the ring.

Drew readies for a Claymore Kick but Morrison pulls him to safety on the outside. Drew runs the ropes and leaps out, taking both opponents down at ringside. Drew brings Miz back into the ring as fans cheer him on. Drew waits for Miz to get up and then delivers the Claymore for the pin to win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

- After the match, Drew stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays. We come back to WWE Champion Randy Orton attacking from out of nowhere with the RKO. Fans boo as Orton stands tall and raises the WWE Title belt in the air. Orton looks out at the camera but he's suddenly disturbed as we hear the familiar laughs of The Fiend echoing out across the Amway Center. Orton is a bit disturbed at the sounds of The Fiend. We get a few quick flashes of The Fiend as RAW goes off the air.

