WWE SmackDown Results - Women's Title Main Event, Roman Reigns Attacks, Otis And Chad Gable, More

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE SmackDown Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, FL.

- Tonight's WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up live from the new ThunderDome at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida. Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined at ringside by Corey Graves.


- We go right to the ring as SmackDown Women's Champion Sasha Banks comes out for her WWE TLC contract signing with Carmella. WWE Producer Adam Pearce is waiting in the ring.

Pearce goes over the signing as Banks takes her seat. Pearce goes to introduce Carmella but Banks immediately stops the signing. She's upset over the fact that the contract is not in the folder. Banks asks Pearce if this is some kind of set up. Carmella appears on the big screen. She has the contract and has signed it. There's a man standing next to her, who she says is her messenger boy. She asks the man to take the contract to Banks and have her sign it.

Banks insults Carmella and Carmella goes on talking, saying there was no way she was getting in the ring with Banks tonight. They have words over their TLC match as Banks talks about stretching Carmella and making her cry. The man comes walking down the ramp with the contract. He enters the ring and hands it to Pearce as Carmella and Banks continue arguing. Banks signs the contract with her Boss stamp. Banks says if Carmella wants the title, come out here and get it tonight. Carmella says that sounds like a plan. Pearce says that sounds like a main event. He makes it official – Carmella vs. Banks for the title, tonight.


Banks says she's going to give Carmella a preview of how the match will go – she slaps the messenger guy and beats him up, dropping him with a Backstabber and turning the table over on him. Banks raises the title as her music hits and Carmella watches from the big screen.

- Cole and Graves hype Carmella vs. Banks for tonight's main event.

- Kayla Braxton is backstage with SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits. She asks about Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode calling them funny. Montez Ford talks about tonight's match with Ziggler. Angelo Dawkins mentions Roode possibly getting involved and getting slapped. The Profits are up and they want the smoke.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Montez Ford

We go back to the ring and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits – Montez Ford with Angelo Dawkins. They stop on the stage as blue cups rain down. They hit the ring dancing and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Dolph Ziggler with Robert Roode. They both cut promos on The Profits and how their title reign is coming to an end soon. The bell rings and Ziggler takes it to the ropes, backing off to break. Ziggler strikes first and works Ford around, using the ropes on him again. Ziggler nails a dropkick for a 2 count. Ford looks to mount a comeback but Ziggler nails a neckbreaker for another early pin attempt.


Ziggler continues working Ford around the ring and talking trash. Ford blocks a dropkick and launches him face-first into the turnbuckles. Ford with a dropkick. Ford with a Blockbuster, sending Ziggler to the floor to regroup as Dawkins joins Ford in the ring to dance around. The blue cups start raining down into the ring as Dawkins and Ford continue their mid-match celebration. Roode and Ziggler look on from ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the ring has been cleared of cups. Ziggler takes control and drops a bunch of elbows. Ziggler grounds Ford again. Ford fights up and out but Ziggler takes his knee out again. Ziggler with another neckbreaker for 2. Ford fights out of another headlock now as Dawkins cheers him on. Ziggler counters but Ford blocks a neckbreaker. Ford drops Ziggler with two clotheslines.

Ford leaps over Ziggler and nails a big jumping clothesline for a pop. Ford kicks Ziggler a few times but misses an enziguri. They tangle some and Ford with a back suplex. Ford kips up and hits a standing moonsault. Ford shakes the ropes for a pop now. Ford blocks a Fame-asser. Ziggler rolls Ford for a close 2 count. Ford blocks the Zig Zag. Ford with a kick to the back of the neck.


Ford goes to the top but he's distracted by Roode attacking Dawkins at ringside. Roode launches Dawkins into the steel ring steps. Ziggler takes advantage and knocks Ford off the top. Ziggler superkicks Ford for the pin to win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

- After the match, Ziggler and Roode celebrate as the music hits.

- Still to come, a look at what happened with Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens last week.

- WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn is ranting to a merchandise guy when Big E walks in. Sami isn't happy with Big E sporting his new t-shirt when he didn't get one. Apollo Crews and Kalisto are in the background talking with Tamina Snuka. Big E calls for Apollo to bring over the t-shirt they had created for Sami and it's just a joke. Sami gets upset and storms off as Big E taunts him. Back to commercial.

Sami Zayn vs. Big E

Back from the break and WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn is in the ring, already in the middle of a rant about who he's defeated and how he has no respect. Sami doesn't even have merchandise, not that he wants any as a part of the consumerism. He brings up how WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson was honored last week, but then this is how WWE treats the current Intercontinental Champion. He goes on ranting until the music interrupts and out comes Big E for this non-title match as Greg Hamilton does the introduction. Big E is doing his chalk entrance again this week.


Big E waits in the ring as Sami rants to the announcers. Sami makes it back in at the 7 count, in no hurry to get the match started. They lock up and Big E shoves Sami to the mat with ease. Sami is wearing a brace on his wrist to sell the recent angle with Big E. Sami slowly comes back in the ring, complaining that Big E pulled his hair. They lock up again and Big E takes Sami down into a headlock. They run the ropes and Big E applies an abdominal stretch. Sami breaks out and works Big E over. Sami charges but Big E levels him with a shoulder.

Big E unloads with clubbing blows over the chest while Sami is down at the apron. Big E runs the apron and hits the big splash. Sami falls to the floor as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sami is in control. Sami mounts Big E in the corner with right hands. Big E blocks a snapmare twice but Sami drops him with a knee to the nose for a 2 count. Sami grounds Big E with a headlock now. Sami leaps off the second rope with an elbow to the face to drop Big E again. Sami stands over Big E and mocks him with Big E's dance. Sami runs the ropes but Big E catches him with two big belly-to-belly throws across the ring. Big E ducks Sami and hits a third big throw.


Big E dances over Sami's face now. Big E runs the ropes and hits a splash in the middle of the ring. Big E rallies the crowd but Sami rolls to the floor. Sami ends up coming back in but Big E levels him with a big clothesline. Sami counters in the corner and rolls Big E up for 2. Big E runs into an elbow. Sami fights back from the corner. Sami leaps with a crossbody but Big E rolls through and stands up with Sami in his arms. Sami rakes the eyes to block the Big Ending. Sami charges for a Helluva Kick but Big E counters with the Uranage.

Sami sells the wrist injury, forcing the referee to back Big E off. Big E isn't falling for it. The referee backs Big E off again. Sami slaps Big E off the distraction. Sami retreats and runs around the ring but Big E chases him. Big E gets stuck behind the announcers. Sami goes under the ring and Big E crawls after him as the referee counts. Sami comes out from under the ring on the other side, stomping on Big E. Sami runs back in the ring to beat the count and Big E is counted out.

Winner by Count Out: Sami Zayn

- After the bell, fans boo as Sami retreats back to the floor when Big E comes after him. A furious Big E wants to fight but Sami raises his title and makes his exit as the music hits.


- Bayley is backstage now. She sends her well wishes to Carmella ahead of tonight's SmackDown Women's Title main event. She says Sasha Banks may be champion, but Bayley still runs this division. She goes on ranting about Banks, calling her the most overpaid and overrated Superstar in all SmackDown history, and that's not counting Bianca Belair. She goes on about Belair, who is standing behind her now. Bayley says it's time for The EST to be G-O-N-E. Belair confronts Bayley and asks why her name is in her mouth again when she needs to worry about herself. Belair insults Bayley's look and pulls out receipts for why she's doing better than Bayley right now. Bayley doesn't want to hear it and just walks off.

- We see Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns walking backstage. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Kayla Braxton is interviewing Carmella. Carmella says Sasha Banks thinks she's The Boss, but Carmella is untouchable. Carmella goes on and says she is what the SmackDown Women's Champion looks like, and tonight she's going to beat the disrespect out of Banks, and look sexy as hell while doing it. Carmella calls her messenger guy over, Tommy, and tells him to set her champagne up at ringside so she can toast in style while watching Banks' tears fall to the ground after their match.


- The announcers show us a video package on recent happenings between Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns. We cut backstage to Reigns and Paul Heyman watching the video, which includes the attack on his cousin last week. Jey Uso walks up and asks if Reigns is good. Reigns is and he asks the same, and how the family is. Reigns says he should be good, thanks to him. The music of Owens hits in the arena and Reigns takes notice, as does Usos. Uso wants to go get Owens. We see Owens sliding a table into the ring. Reigns tells Uso to go get him.

We go to the ring and Owens is throwing more weapons into the ring now – a ladder and steel chairs to go with the table he previously slid in. Owens sits the chairs up and stands the table up. We see Reigns and Heyman watching in the back. Owens stands the ladder up next. Owens takes the mic and says he knows Reigns is watching, so he needs to listen closely. Owens isn't afraid of Reigns. Even with Reigns being as good as he's ever been, Owens does not fear him.Reigns says he fights for his family and Owens can relate to that, but as good as Reigns is, regardless of what he says it looks like Reigns' family is doing the fighting for him. Owens says Reigns is using his family to fight his battles for him. Owens says their match at TLC is the most important of his career and he knows the Reigns we see today, with all the momentum he has, can probably beat anyone in WWE. Owens is aware he needs all the help he can get if he wants to win. Owens fights for his family also but his family isn't a part of the industry, they support hm by watching at home. Owens says his family won't be able to physically help him at TLC, but he has a few friends that will be there to help. Owens introduces his friends – tables, chairs, ladders. He cuts promos on how each friend will help him at TLC.


Owens is standing at the top of the ladder now. He says Reigns can keep the head of the table because at TLC he will do what it takes to get back to the top of the ladder and become Universal Champion once again. Owens goes on about family but he's suddenly knocked off the ladder by a steel chair shot to the knee, from Uso. Reigns smiles in the back while watching Uso unload on Owens with chair shots. Uso beats Owens onto the table and lays him out. Uso goes to the top but Owens gets off the table and decks him with a chair shot to the face. Owens with big chair shots over the back now. Owens with right hands while Uso is down. Owens drives Uso face-first into the ladder. Owens puts Uso through the table with a Pop-Up Powerbomb as fans cheer him on.

Owens sells a knee injury as the music hits and out comes Reigns with Heyman. Owens stands in the ring with a chair, ready to fight, yelling at Reigns. Reigns and Heyman watch from the stage. Heyman talks strategy to Reigns, reminding him he calls the shots and this is his ring, he does things on his time. Owens limps around the ring and tells Reigns to come show his family. Reigns turns and walks back to the back as fans boo. Heyman follows. Owens leaves the ring with a chair, limping up the ramp to the back. We go to commercial.


Back from the break and Owens is marching through the back with a chair, looking for Reigns. Kayla stops him for comments. Owens goes on yelling about Reigns and Uso. Reigns suddenly drops him with a chair shot to the back. Reigns sends Owens into some fencing and continues to beat him up while he's down. Reigns talks some trash and keeps the assault going. Reigns stops pounding on Owens and looks at the camera to address Owens' wife and kids. He says they haven't been formally introduced, but he is Roman Reigns, the head of the table, your Tribal Chief, the guy who put the roof over your head, the food on your table, and if you don't talk some sense into daddy and your husband, then Reigns is going to be the guy that takes the food off the table. We see Owens struggling to get back up in the background. Reigns stops talking and kicks Owens in the head again. Reigns looks back at the camera and says to have a good night, then walks off.

The Riott Squad vs. Billie Kay and Natalya

We go back to the ring and out comes The Riott Squad – Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan. We see how Billie Kay interrupted The Riott Squad on Talking Smack last week, and they challenged her to find a partner for this week. Kay makes her way out to the stage now. The music hits and out next comes her mystery partner – Natalya. Natalya gives Kay her resume and headshot back as they head to the ring together.


Riott starts off with Kay as the bell hits. They go at it and in comes Liv with a dropkick. Liv whips Kay into the corner and flies in with an elbow. Riott tags in and they double team Kay. Riott with a 2 count. Kay ends up taking advantage and leveling Liv with Shades of Kay. Natalya tags in and takes over. They double team Liv in the corner now.

Natalya tags back in for more double teaming as they keep the quick tags coming. Natalya takes Liv down and grounds her, taunting Riott. Natalya rams Liv back into the corner to prevent a tag. Kay mocks Liv while Natalya has words with the referee. Natalya with a slingshot slam to Liv.

Kay tags back in and there's some tension between Kay and Natalya now. Riott comes in and Kay ends up getting double teamed after Natalya was knocked off the apron. Riott hits the Riott Kick on Kay for the pin to win.

Winners: The Riott Squad

- After the match, Kay throws a fit at ringside with Natalya as Liv and Ruby celebrate in the ring.

- We get a video of Chad Gable helping Otis with some unusual training at the WWE Performance Center earlier this week, working on his "blind spot" by throwing an exercise ball at him while he's blindfolded. A few hours later... it looks like Otis is making progress as Gable says Otis is an Alpha. We go backstage to Gable and Otis with Kayla now. She reveals that they will face Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura tonight. Gable says life has knocked Otis down over and over, but he's got what Gable was looking for in a talent, and now he's back up as Gable's Alpha Training Academy is going to mold Otis from a lump of clay. Otis also makes some jokes on Gable, about his height. Cesaro and Nakamura walk up, mocking both Gable and Otis before waling off. Otis gets upset but Gable reminds him that an Alpha never gets worked up. Gable has Otis do some breathing exercises to relax as we go to commercial.


- Back from the break and Access Hollywood host Mario Lopez talks about how he and his daughters are excited for tonight's main event.

Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Otis and Chad Gable

We go back to the ring and the pyro goes off as Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura wrap their entrance. Out next comes Otis and Chad Gable.

Otis tags in after Gable looks to start. Gable levels Cesaro for a pop. Gable tags in and takes Cesaro down. Cesaro and Gable trade holds and get back up. Gable with a German, holding on for a roll-up for a 2 count. Otis comes back in and takes Cesaro down again. The frequent tags continue as Gale comes right back in but Cesaro rocks him with a big right hand. Nakamura tags in and unloads on Gable with strikes. Nakamura stomps away in the corner now.

Gable blocks the reverse Exploder. Gabble avoids kicks from Nakamura and nails one of his own. Cesaro and Otis tags in at the same time. Otis runs over Cesaro, decks Nakamura and launches Cesaro back to the mat. Otis with a big clothesline to Cesaro. Otis shows off some and splashes Cesaro in the corner.

Otis looks to go for The Caterpillar but Gable wants to be tagged in. Gable flies off the top but Cesaro blocks and hits the Cesaro Swing with ease as fans boo and Nakamura counts. Cesaro drops Gable on his head. Nakamura tags in and waits for Gable to get up. Nakamura nails the Kinshasa and covers for the pin to win.


Winners: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura

- After the match, Cesaro and Nakamura pose int he middle of the ring as the music hits. Otis fumes on the apron, looking disappointed at the loss. Otis stares the winners down as they head to the back.

- We see Sasha Banks backstage getting ready for the main event. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and announced for tomorrow's Talking Smack on the WWE Network are Big E and The Street Profits. Paul Heyman and Kayla Braxton are the hosts again.

- Otis and Chad Gable are backstage. Gable says tonight was a learning lesson – he didn't really want Otis to tag him in. Gable says Otis had the match won when he asked to be tagged in. Gable goes on and says tonight was a test but you failed. Gable says that's OK because it's al part of the Alpha mentality, he's teaching Otis what to do by sowing him what not to do. Otis wants to interrupt but Gable tells him to hydrate for now, and he will explain more later. Gable walks off and Otis sips his water.

- We see how Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake returned last week to help King Baron Corbin defeat Murphy, with Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio at ringside. Corbin, Cutler and Blake are backstage now. He says last week was perfect, he couldn't have asked for them to do a better job. Alyse Ashton walks up and she's stopped with a security wand. They let her proceed to talk to Corbin and she asks about last week. Corbin praises Cutler and Blake, and says this king is bringing back a little old school attitude. He says these boys are the Knights of The Lone Wolf, and they're no family like The Mysterios, there's no family drama or love story to get in the way. Corbin says they pledged their ruthless cold-blooded loyalty to this King, so if Rey wants to step up, that's fine, he can bring his dopey son and his red-headed stepchild Murphy but next time the consequences will be more severe.


SmackDown Women's Title Match: Carmella vs. Sasha Banks

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event. We see Carmella's messenger guy at ringside with her champagne setup. The music hits and out first comes Carmella with a new entrance. Out next comes SmackDown Women's Champion Sasha Banks. Sasha poses on the apron as the pyro goes off. Back to commercial.

Back from a break and announced for next week is Bianca Belair vs. Bayley, plus a title match between SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits and Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler. We go back to the ring and get formal ring introductions. Bank and Carmella lock up and go to the corner. They break and Carmella slams Banks to the mat by her head. Carmella talks some trash while working Banks around. She traps Banks against the ropes as the referee counts. Carmella slaps Banks in the face and fans boo her.

Banks fights back and Carmella rams her back into the corner. Carmella with back elbows in the corner now as the referee counts. Carmella rams Banks back into the corner and charges. Banks sends her to the apron and nails a knee to the face. Banks leaps over the top and delivers a Meteora on the apron. Carmella fights back on the apron and slams Banks face-first into the edge of the apron. Banks falls to the floor and Carmella immediately follows, grabbing her as we go right back to commercial.


Back from the break and Banks is in control. Banks pulls Carmella to the top for a superplex. Carmella fights back and slams Banks face-first into the top of the turnbuckle. Carmella drives Banks' arm into the post and then kicks her to the floor. Carmella follows and sends Banks into the apron, then rolls her back in the ring for a close 2 count.

Carmella yells at Banks while she's down. She then mounts Banks with more strikes for a 2 count. Carmella's messenger boy has her champagne toast ready at ringside. Carmella keeps control with more strikes, then grounds Banks. Fans start to rally for Banks. Banks backs Carmella into the corner and hits back elbows to drop her. Banks charges with the running knees to the face in the corner. Banks launches herself back in from the apron with knees for a close 2 count. Banks shows some frustration now. Carmella blocks the Backstabber. Banks walks into a kick and goes down. Carmella goes to the second rope and drops back over the ropes with her hands on the apron with a submission. Fans boo as she uses the whole 5 count.

Carmella goes back to the top and hits a crossbody for a 2 count. Carmella kicks Banks in the gut. Banks counters with a Jackknife cover for 2. Carmella goes right back into the Code of Silence submission in the middle of the ring, but she can't get it fully locked. Banks resists and goes into the Banks Statement. Carmella tries for the bottom rope to break it.


The messenger boy, or sommelier as they're calling him, tries to help from ringside and puts a bottle in the ring but the referee grabs it. He then pulls Banks out of the ring to the floor while the referee isn't looking, breaking her submission. Banks chases him and comes back in, brawling with Carmella. Banks unloads and beats Carmella down in the corner now. The referee calls for the bell as Banks won't let up.

Winner by DQ: Carmella

- After the bell, Carmella's sommelier comes from behind and grabs Banks again but she decks him and applies the Bank Statement on him. Carmella makes the save, yells at Banks and superkicks her in the face, knocking her out of the ring. Carmella stands tall as fans boo her. Carmella yells that Banks has officially lost it. She goes to ringside and yells the same thing in her face. Carmella puts Banks' face in her ice bucket and puts her back down, still yelling at her in front of the announce table. The referee tells Carmella that's enough. Carmella grabs one of the champagne bottles and smashes it over Banks' lower back as the boos get louder. Carmella laughs and pours herself a toast. Carmella then sprays the announcers and Banks with champagne. Carmella yells at Banks some more and is then announced as the winner, but Banks is announced as the champion still. We go to replays as Carmella shows off some more at ringside. Carmella dances at ringside as her music hits. The TLC go-home edition of SmackDown on FOX goes off the air.

