MSK On Why They Got Emotional After Winning Their WWE NXT Debut Match

As noted, last night's WWE NXT episode saw MSK (fka The Rascalz) make their debuts for the company. Nash Carter (fka Zachary Wentz) and Wes Lee (fka Dezmond Xavier) defeated Jake Atlas and Isaiah "Swerve" Scott to advance to the quarterfinals of the 2021 Men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.

Above is post-show video of McKenzie Mitchell interviewing Lee and Carter. She asked who MSK is.

"MSK is Wes Lee. MSK is Nash Carter. MSK is going to win The Dusty Cup," Lee said.

Mitchell then asked how cool it was to make their debuts on NXT and get the win.

"Surreal, absolutely surreal," Lee said. "We've fought for this for so long and now that we're finally here, we're not going to just let this opportunity slip away."

MSK was seen getting a bit emotional during their post-match celebration on last night's broadcast. Mitchell asked what made the moment so emotional.

"We have pretty much just gone through everything that you could possibly go through in life," Carter said. "We've lost everything, and to be able to have this moment of just joy and triumph, and have something that we've wanted since we were little kids... this is just everything. This is just everything."

Lee agreed, adding, "There's no other way to put it. That's the best... those are the best words other than us coming to tears again. There's no other way for us to convey how we feel. I'm still tingling with the sensation of just being out there in front of that crowd, and then getting the victory."

Carter added, "We did it. MSK is here to stay."

"All day," Lee said.

MSK will now face the winners of Killian Dain and Drake Maverick vs. Curt Stallion and August Grey. That match should take place in the next few weeks.

Stay tuned for more. Below is video from last night's match:

