New Name And Backstory Revealed For Ancient Figure In WWE NXT Storyline

The mysterious woman in the recent WWE NXT vignettes with Xia Li and Boa has been revealed.

A new vignette that aired on tonight's NXT show revealed that the woman's name is Tian Sha. This is a name that WWE filed to trademark back in December.

The vignette, seen below, explains the backstory of how Sha comes from an ancient Chinese dynasty. The king had an older son and a younger daughter, but the son was corrupted by greed and killed the king, and then ruled with an iron fist, bringing dishonor to the family. The daughter went into exile and discovered a dragon that mentored her and taught her strength to bring honor back to the kingdom, but at the cost of her soul. The daughter had to undergo a series of four grueling tests to purge her fear, and that ended with her ascending to the throne. She would go on to defeat her brother and bring honor to the family, but she became what she despised and ruled everyone with fear. The narrator ended the story by saying people feared the name Tian Sha for generations to come.

The vignette ended with a shot of Sha, Li and Boa at Sha's throne. It was noted on commentary that the mysterious figure now seen on NXT is supposed to be thousands of years old.

It's been speculated that Tian Sha is played by Chinese NXT Superstar Karen Q, who teamed with Li several times in 2019. Q has been recovering from a broken leg suffered in July 2019, but resumed in-ring training in September. There is no confirmation on if she is involved with the storyline, but it has been heavily rumored.

Stay tuned for more on the dark storyline with Li, Boa and Sha. Below is the new vignette, along with post-show tweets from Li and Boa:

