WWE NXT Results - Edge Teases Title Shot, Dusty Rhodes Classics Continue, Santos Escobar Defends

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE NXT Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, FL.

- Tonight's WWE NXT episode pens up on the USA Network with a video package to hype the show.


- We're live from the Capitol Wrestling Center at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida with Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez walking backstage, hyping tonight's opener. They enter the arena as Vic Joseph welcomes us to NXT. He's joined at ringside by Wade Barrett and WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix.

Women's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Semi-finals Match: Team Ninja vs. Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez

We go right to the ring and out comes Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez for tonight's first semi-finals match in the Women's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. The winners will earn a spot in the finals. Out next comes Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro of Team Ninja. We see a sidebar video from earlier in the day where they look forward to winning the tournament.


Catanzaro starts off with Kai, trading holds and going back and forth. Catanzaro takes Kai down first. They go at it again and Kai breaks, talking some trash. Catanzaro with a takedown and a tag to Carter. They double team Kai and Carter covers for a 2 count. Kai turns it around with an inverted backbreaker and in comes Gonzalez. She talks some trash but it backfires as Carter rocks her. Gonzalez with a big knee before beating Carter back down. Carter slides out of a hold and fights both opponents off from the corner. All four competitors enter the ring and face off now. A brawl breaks out.

Carter and Gonzalez are left alone in the ring. Carter jumps to the floor and taunts Gonzalez. Gonzalez chases Carter back in and gets dropkicked back out. Catanzaro flies but gets caught and thrown back in the ring. Gonzalez rolls back in and covers Catanzaro for a 2 count. Gonzalez drops an elbow and tags in Kai for a double team for another 2 count. Kai goes back to work on Catanzaro for another 2 count. Kai beats on Catanzaro while she's down now. Kai with a big kick to the back for a 2 count.

More back and forth now. Carter and Gonzalez tag back in and unload on each other. Carter gets the upperhand and dropkicks Gonzalez in the corner, then unloads with lefts and rights. Kai runs in but Carter drops them both in the corner. Carter jumps over Kai while she's down and dropkicks Gonzalez down, making her fall on Kai. Carter sends Kai out and nails a hurricanrana on Gonzalez. Carter with a scissors kick to the jaw for a 1 count.


Kai distracts Carter from the floor but gets kicked while Carer is on the apron. Gonzalez takes advantage and knocks Carter to the floor at the announce table. Kai and Carter are both down on the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Carter counters a move from Gonzalez but can't pin her. Gonzalez stops the tag but Carter kicks her. Kai tags in but Carter makes the tag. Kai charges and Catanzaro dodges her, unloading with kicks in the corner. Catanzaro with a flying scissors takedown. Catanzaro with more offense and a 2 count. Kai goes to the floor to regroup with Gonzalez. Catanzaro runs out and uses Gonzalez's back to leap up the lighting rig, then jumps off the rig to take both opponents down on the floor. She brings Kai back in for a 2 count.

Kai avoids a double team now. She sends Catanzaro out and drops Carter with a kick. Gonzalez comes in and they hit the big double team pele kick on Carter for a 2 count as Catanzaro makes the save just in time. Carter somewhat saves Catanzaro from a kick. Gonzalez is in now, tangling with Carter. Gonzalez slams Carter from her back. Gonzalez charges but gets sent to the apron by both opponents. Carter drops Gonzalez and tags in Catanzaro, who dropkicks her. They continue with the offense to Gonzalez. Catanzaro goes to the top and hits the big 450 but Kai breaks the pin up just in time.


Carter pulls Kai to the floor but Kai sends her into the steel ring steps. Gonzalez blocks a hurricanrana from Catanzaro and drives her into the mat with the big chokeslam. Gonzalez covers for the pin to advance.

Winners: Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez

- After the match, Kai and Gonzalez celebrate as they are going to the finals at the "Takeover: Vengeance Day" event. We go to replays. Kai and Gonzalez will face the winners of Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart vs. Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae at Takeover.

- Vic and Beth congratulate Barrett on receiving his American citizenship this past week.

- Alyse Ashton is backstage with Toni Storm now, asking her about the Triple Threat with Mercedes Martinez and NXT Women's Champion Io Shirai at Takeover. Storm says Shirai has been untouchable since coming to NXT, but only untouchable to anyone not named Toni Storm. Storm says last week when she held the title above her head was just a preview of Takeover. She calls Martinez a dead-weight and says neither of them will stop her because she's on top of her game, and that will be on display tonight.

- We see Austin Theory and Johnny Gargano walking backstage. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see WWE Hall of Famer Edge talking with NXT General Manager William Regal in the back.


Leon Ruff vs. Austin Theory

We go back to the ring and out comes Leon Ruff. The Way is out next – Austin Theory with NXT North American Champion Johnny Gargano.

Ruff and Theory go at it to start, trading holds and counters. Theory catches a crossbody and goes for a fall-away slam but Ruff lands on his feet and hits a dropkick. Ruff rolls Theory for a 2 count. Theory comes back with a drop-toe hold and a belly-to-back suplex.

Theory keeps control and shows off as Gargano taunts Ruff. Fans boo them. Theory slams Ruff again for another 2 count, then bullies him around some. Theory kicks Ruff while he's down and wastes some more time. Theory uses the middle rope as the referee warns him. Theory with a big stomp in the middle of the ring. Ruff tries to fight up from the mat now. Ruff keeps fighting but Theory levels him with a back elbow to the jaw. Theory puts Ruff on his shoulders for the ATL finisher but Ruff slides down. Theory blocks the pin attempt but Ruff rolls him for a 2 count.

They trade strikes now. Ruff fights back up and drops Theory with a shot to the knee. Ruff with a knee to the jaw to keep Theory down. Ruff keeps fighting and avoids a cheap shot from Gargano on the apron, then kicks Gargano. Ruff goes up top and hits a missile dropkick to Theory. Gargano gets back on the apron but Ruff knocks him off. Theory takes advantage and attacks, colliding with Ruff to knock him out of the ring next to Gargano.


Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae run down to help Gargano up but Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart attack them. The two women's teams brawl to the back. Gargano turns around and fakes like Gargano dropped him with a punch. The referee sees this and ejects Gargano to the back. Gargano throws a fit as fans cheer Ruff on.

Ruff fights back in with an enziguri from the apron. Ruff goes to the top and drops Theory again with a big Cutter. Theory gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin. Ruff launches himself onto Theory on the floor but Theory catches him and drives him into the barrier as fans boo. Theory brings Ruff back in the ring and hits the ATL finisher for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Austin Theory

- After the match,, Theory stands tall as his music hits. Referee Drake Younger goes to raise his arm but Theory snatches it back and yells at him. Theory grabs Ruff again and delivers another ATL as the boos get louder. Theory and Younger have more words. Theory goes to the timekeeper's area and grabs the bell, acting like he's going to bring it in to use it on Ruff. Dexter Lumis is standing there and grabs Theory from behind. Lumis applies The Silence submission as Theory tries to get free. Theory finally breaks away but Lumis has ripped out some of his hair.


- We get a video package on Legado del Fantasma with Santos Escobar talking about how dominant the group will be tonight in their matches. Santos says their future is bright, but the end is near for Lucha House Party and Curt Stallion. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a vignette for the mysterious woman from the Xia Li and Boa vignettes. Her new name is Tian Sha, which was trademarked by WWE. She is shown at the beginning of the vignette. A woman then narrates as a story is told about a family in ancient China. Tian Sha is apparently this woman who has been shown in the chair for weeks now. She is shown at the end of the vignette with Boa and Li. Beth points out how Sha is supposed to be thousands of years old, based on the story that was told.

Men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match: Lucha House Party vs. Legado del Fantasma

We go back to the ring and out comes Lucha House Party's Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik. Legado del Fantasma's Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde are already waiting for this quarterfinals match in the Men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.

Metalik and Mendoza quickly start the match. Metalik takes control after back & forth. Lince tags in and flies at Mendoza. Lince keeps control and grounds Mendoza now. Mendoza turns it around and in comes Wilde for the double team in the corner, then a big double team sequence in the middle of the ring. Wilde covers for a 2 count. Mendoza tags back in and keeps Lince down. Mendoza with a knee to the back and some trash talking. Lince turns it around and in comes Metalik with a big flying crossbody to Mendoza.


Metalik runs wild but gets knocked out to the floor by Mendoza. Wilde tags in and hits a big suicide dive on Metalik, sending him into the barrier. Wilde and Mendoza are in control as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Mendoza has Metalik on the top, trading shots. Metalik gets the upperhand and hits a big Sunset Bomb to the mat for a pop. Dorado and Wilde tag in at the same time and go at it. Lince runs wild and hits a dropkick, then strikes. Lince counters a move and nails a big arm drag across the ring. Lince with another counter. Wilde runs into an elbow. Lince with a crossbody from the top for a close 2 count.

Wilde with a jawbreaker to stop Lince. Wilde looks for a tag but Mendoza is down. Lince counters and drops Wilde with a big Stunner for a 2 count. Metalik comes in and nails Wilde for a 2 count but Mendoza breaks it up just in time. Mendoza gets tossed to the floor as they double team Wilde now. Wilde fights them off and nails a double tornado DDT. Wilde covers Lince for a close 2 count. Wilde is frustrated now. Wilde charges but Lince sends him over the top rope to the floor. Lince also fights Mendoza off now. Metalik joins in and he sends Mendoza to the floor on Wilde with a huge top rope hurricanrana. Lince goes to the top now, nailing a big moonsault to both opponents on the floor at the announce table.


Fans cheer Lucha House Party on as Lince brings Wilde back in and hits a hurricanrana, holding it for a close 2 count. Wilde decks Lince and tags in Mendoza but he doesn't see it. They double team Lince and Mendoza connects with a big kick, covering for the pin to win and advance.

Winners: Legado del Fantasma

- After the match, Wilde and Mendoza stand tall as the music hits. We go to replays. We get a look at the updated brackets now and Legado del Fantasma will face MSK in the semi-finals. The music hits and out comes MSK to the stage, standing next to the Dusty Classic trophy. Wes Lee and Nash Carter congratulate Wilde and Mendoza, but warn that they're about to get the brakes beaten off them next week. They go on and admire the trophy, then send another warning to Wilde and Mendoza ahead of next week's match. The two teams stare each other down.

- We see a SUV pull up in the parking lot. Pete Dunne and NXT Tag Team Champions Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch step out as fans start booing in the arena. Dunne says let's go find Finn Balor. This excites Burch. They enter the building to find the NXT Champion. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher backstage warming up for the main event.


- We go back to the ring and out comes Pete Dunne and NXT Tag Team Champions Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch as fans start booing them.

Dunne takes the mic and says he told NXT Champion Finn Balor he wasn't waiting anymore, but Balor didn't listen so Dunne snapped his fingers last week. Dunne tells Balor not to force him to make it any clearer than that. The music interrupts and out comes Balor to a pop. Balor says it looks like Dunne is still hiding behind his two clowns. Dunne says he doesn't hide behind anyone. Balor is on the apron now and says it doesn't look like that to him.

Dunne looks at Lorcan and Burch, and they exit the ring. Balor comes in and faces off with Dunne. Dunne tells Balor to hold on to the title because it's his as soon as he gets a chance. Balor proposes a title match at "Takeover: Vengeance Day" on Valentine's Day. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Edge to make his NXT debut. The crowd pops big for The Rated R Superstar as he enters the ring.

Edge takes the mic and says this feels good. He says a lot of times in WWE we put the focus on the "E" but here in NXT, the focus is on the second "W" and that's fun. Edge talks about watching NXT as a fan for years, and seeing passion, conquer, fire in eyes, but what people don't know is that NXT helped him find his passion. Fans chant "NXT!" now. Edge says NXT helped him find the passion to get his career back after 9 years. He used that passion to win the Royal Rumble on Sunday, and by winning that it allows him to challenge any champion in the company. Edge sees two of the damn best when he looks at Balor and Dunne. He talks directly to Dunne and sees so much of himself in him, the good and the bad. Dunne just shrugs his shoulders and Edge says he would've done the same thing 10 years ago.


Edge tells Balor he's operating on an entirely different level, and in a zone that is special to watch. Edge says he will be watching their match at Takeover because he's never held the NXT Title. Edge says no matter who wins the match at Takeover, the NXT Title is intriguing to him, and if he hasn't made his choice for WrestleMania 37 by Takeover, then this fight may cause him to make his choice. Edge drops the mic and his music hits as Dunne and Balor continue staring each other down. Edge backs off and stares them both down to end the segment.

- Alyse Ashton is backstage with NXT North American Champion Johnny Gargano. He hopes she will bring a better kind of journalist to NXT. He jokes around some and calls her McKenzie. Gargano also predicts Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell will win next week's Dusty Classic match to advance to Takeover. He tells her she's asking some good questions. Ashton says NXT General Manager William Regal just informed her that he will be defending his title against Kushida at Takeover. Gargano suddenly doesn't like her. He tells her to follow him to Regal's office because she's in trouble. Gargano tells the camera man to follow so we can watch Alyse get fired. Back to commercial.


- Back from the break and Johnny Gargano brings Alyse Ashton to William Regal's office but Kushida opens the door and says Regal is busy. Gargano says he will come back but then he attacks Kushida. A big brawl breaks out and Kushida runs wild. Kushida gets the upperhand as Regal and other officials break it up.

Jessi Kamea vs. Toni Storm

We go back to the ring and Jessi Kamea is in the ring with Robert Stone and Aliyah, apparently a permanent member of The Robert Stone Brand now. Toni Storm is out next as the boos continue.

Storm and Kamea lock up. Storm takes control and Kamea goes down with some sort of slip. Storm then levels her with a kick and stays on top of her for a 2 count. Storm grabs Kamea but gets kicked into the corner. Kamea drops Storm over the top turnbuckle and knocks her off for a 2 count. Storm comes back with a shot to the throat but Kamea comes right back and levels her to take control.

Mercedes Martinez suddenly enters the ring and goes for Storm but Kamea attacks her. Martinez fights her off and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ: Jessi Kamea

- After the bell, Storm and Martinez continue brawling. NXT Women's Champion Io Shirai comes down and watches from the top turnbuckle. Shirai takes a seat up top as Martinez and Storm continue fighting. Shirai goes to another turnbuckle and delivers a big moonsault to the floor, taking both of her Takeover challengers down for a pop. Shirai returns to the ring and raises the title in the air. Storm and Martinez are laid out at ringside.


- We get a video segment with Curt Stallion. He talks about earning his NXT Cruiserweight Title shot and says he's going to make everyone in Texas proud tonight. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a vignette for Cameron Grimes. It's announced that Grimes will be back in action next week.

NXT Cruiserweight Title Match: Curt Stallion vs. Santos Escobar

We go back to the ring and Curt Stallion is already waiting. Out next comes NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar as the boos start up. He poses on the stage and is then joined by Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. Legado del Fantasma heads to the ring together. We get formal ring introductions from Alicia Taylor.

The bell rings and Escobar taunts Stallion from the corner. Stallion talks some trash and tells the champ to bring it. They lock up and go to the corner, then break. Escobar takes control and beats Stallion down. Escobar with kicks while Stallion is down now. Stallion gets up and rocks Escobar but gets dropped again. Escobar goes back to work while Stallion is on the mat.

Escobar grounds Stallion and works him over while on the mat. Escobar brings him up and they run the ropes but Escobar nails a dropkick for a 2 count. We see Scarlett watching the match from a platform up high in the arena.


Escobar works on Stallion's arm now. Escobar grounds Stallion once again and apparently has not seen Scarlett yet. Escobar with a big chop in the corner. Escobar with running double knees into the opposite corner. Escobar has seen Scarlett now. Escobar with a suplex to Stallion for a 2 count. Escobar grounds Stallion now while looking up and locking eyes with Scarlett. Escobar smiles.

Escobar with a big knee to the gut. Stallion finally gets an opening and tries to fight back but Escobar catches him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Stallion tries to get a pin while Escobar is distracted looking up at Scarlett, but it backfires. Escobar ends up at ringside to regroup with Wilde and Mendoza. Escobar looks a bit shaken up and Vic says he can sense another presence in the arena. Escobar looks up at Scarlett and then back at Stallion as we return to commercial.

Back from the break and Escobar has Stallion down at ringside, talking trash while standing over him. Escobar brings it back in the ring and covers for a 2 count. We see how Escobar slammed Stallion back-first over the steel ring steps during the break. Scarlett looks on from the platform as Escobar keeps Stallion grounded. Escobar takes Stallion to the top and hits a modified package neckbreaker for a close 2 count.


Escobar works Stallion over while he's down once again. Escobar with a single-leg Crab now. Stallion tries for the bottom rope but Escobar transitions into a Crossface, pulling him back into the middle of the ring. Escobar breaks it and drives a knee into Stallion's back, then holds it there. The referee warns Escobar but Escobar breaks the hold and yells at him. Escobar continues to dominate Stallion, taking him back to the corner. Stallion fights off Escobar's shoulders. Stallion dodges a clothesline attempt and fights back in the corner. Santos cuts him off and delivers knees to the gut in the corner. Stallion dodges a flying knee in the corner and hits a German suplex. Stallion with a forearm and right hands now, dropping Escobar in the corner.

Escobar rolls to the floor for a breather but Stallion nails a big dive to take him down at ringside. Stallion brings it back in and goes to the top for the flying splash. Escobar kicks out at 2. Stallion immediately covers again but the champ kicks out. Stallion jumps on Escobar's feet, hoists him up and goes for a big DDT but Escobar counters and launches him into the turnbuckles. Escobar covers for another pin attempt. Stallion gets up and nails a headbutt but Escobar drops him into the corner with a kick. Escobar scoops him and hits the Phantom Driver in the middle of the ring. Santos decides against the pin and picks Stallion back up for a modified Gutbuster. Escobar covers for the pin to retain.


Winner: Santos Escobar

- After the match, Legado del Fantasma stands tall in the middle of the ring as the boos pick up. Scarlett watches from the platform as Escobar celebrates. Karrion Kross comes walking down the ramp. Wilde and Mendoza meet him at ringside but he levels Mendoza with a big boot, then launches Wilde into the barrier. He then picks Mendoza up and launches him into the barrier as well. Escobar watches from the ring with his hands on his hips, not concerned at all. Kross slowly enters the ring. Kross walks up to Escobar, without a mic, and says it seems like they have an ever-growing problem, so here's a solution – he's going to give Escobar the gift of time, which is a double-edged sword as it just gives Escobar the time to think about the inevitable. Kross motions at Escobar and tells him to move along, then taunts him again – Tick, Tock... Escobar slowly makes his exit as Kross stares him down. Scarlett is standing with Kross in the middle of the ring now. Escobar stares back at Kross from ringside.

- The Undisputed Era is backstage showing support for each other. Adam Cole and Roderick Strong walk off for the main event as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Edge is backstage giving a fist bump to Bronson Reed before exiting the building. He's asked if he's made his decision yet. Edge says even if he has, he wouldn't tell whoever is asking. Karrion Kross walks up and tells Edge he has a big decision to make soon, a decision he has to live with. Kross tells Edge to make the decision logically and not emotionally because the next NXT Champion won't be Pete Dunne or Finn Balor, it will be Kross taking back the title he never lost. He issues a warning for the Ultimate Opportunist. Edge says words like that sound like a threat and could be motivating for Edge to come back to NXT, and he doesn't think Kross will like that. Edge walks off.


- The announcers plug NXT "Takeover: Vengeance Day" on Valentine's Day.

Men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals Match: The Undisputed Era vs. Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event, the final quarterfinals match in the Men's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Out first comes The Undisputed Era – Adam Cole and Roderick Strong. Out next comes Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher.

Cole and Ciampa start off, locking up and going to the corner. Ciampa backs off as the referee warns him. They lock up again and Ciampa applies a headlock. Ciampa drops Cole with a shoulder and keeps control, going back down with a headlock on the mat. Back and forth now. Ciampa counters and rolls Cole for a 1 count. Cole blocks the Fairy Tale Ending and rolls Ciampa for a quick 1 count. Ciampa with another headlock takedown.

Cole misses a pump kick and then a sliding knee. Ciampa catches a superkick but misses a running knee of his own. We have a stalemate now. Ciampa applauds Cole. Strong and Thatcher tag in now. They lock up and Strong takes Thatcher down by his arm. Thatcher turns it around on the mat and applies a scissors. Strong tries to get free but Thatcher tightens it and punches the ribs. Thatcher keeps Strong down and works on the arm now. They get back up and Thatcher uppercuts Strong. Strong comes back with a chop. Thatcher fires back but Strong dropkicks him.


Cole tags in and unloads with kicks and forearms in the corner. Cole keeps Thatcher in their corner and in comes Strong again. Thatcher turns it around and tags in Ciampa. Ciampa chops Strong in their corner and takes him down, driving a knee to the back. Ciampa looks over at Cole and goes back to work on Strong, dropping him with a back elbow. Ciampa rocks Strong into the corner again. Thatcher comes back in and drives a knee into Strong as Ciampa holds him in the corner. Thatcher scoops Strong and slams him in the middle of the ring. Thatcher drops an elbow for a 2 count.

Ciampa stomps away on Strong in the corner now, then talks some trash to Cole. Ciampa turns back around to Strong rocking him. Strong tags in Cole now. Thatcher also tags in. The two teams talk trash in the middle of the ring and then start brawling as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and Thatcher has Strong down on the mat. Thatcher with a modified surfboard submission now. Strong kicks out at 2. Thatcher takes it to the corner and in comes Ciampa. Ciampa and Strong trade big chops now. They continue unloading with stiff chops as fans cheer them on. Ciampa drops Strong with a forearm but Strong kicks out at 2. Ciampa covers again for another 2 count.


Thatcher tags in and drives a big knee into Strong's kidney as Ciampa holds him down. Thatcher keeps pounding on Strong and grounds him again. Thatcher goes for the armbar but Strong resists. Ciampa takes Strong to the corner but has to back off as the referee warns him. Thatcher applies a Sleeper hold from the top turnbuckle, choking him as the referee counts and Ciampa yells at him. Thatcher breaks. Strong turns around and rocks him. They trade shots on the ropes now. Strong takes Thatcher up and nails a big superplex. Fans chant "NXT!" now.

Ciampa and Cole tag in at the same time. Cole runs wild on Ciampa, then kicks Thatcher off the apron. Cole with a Backstabber for a 2 count in the middle of the ring. Cole scoops Ciampa on his shoulders but he fights free with elbows. A German suplex is countered but Cole nails a big kick and then the Ushigoroshi for a close 2 count. Ciampa blocks the Panama Sunrise but Cole keeps fighting. Thatcher tags in but Cole takes him down and applies the Figure Four. Ciampa runs in but Strong takes him down and applies the StrongHold for the double submission.

Ciampa gets free and breaks the Figure Four up just in time to save Thatcher. Thatcher ends up shoving Strong into Cole and he goes down out of the ring to the floor. Strong blocks the Fujiwara armbar and rolls Thatcher for 2. Thatcher levels Strong with a huge slap. Thatcher with a Germans suplex to Strong. Ciampa tags in and drops Strong with a German. Thatcher comes right back in. He lifts Strong and delivers a third German as Ciampa tags in and follows up with a big knee for the pin but Strong kicks out just in time as Cole runs in but gets hit by Thatcher. Thatcher tosses Cole to the floor.


Ciampa unloads on Strong as a "this is awesome!" chant breaks out. Strong blocks the Fairy Tale Ending and nails an Angle Slam to Ciampa. Cole tags in and superkicks Thatcher off the apron, then one to Ciampa as Strong joins him. Cole covers Ciampa for a close 2 count and he can't believe it. Fans chant "NXT!" now. Strong drops Ciampa on his head as Cole charges for the double team but Thatcher pulls Cole to the floor and work him over. Strong flies out and attacks Thatcher. Strong drops Thatcher on top of the barrier neck-first. Strong returns to the ring but Ciampa is waiting for him at the ropes with Willow's Bell. Ciampa nails it and covers for the pin to advance.

Winners: Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher

- After the bell, Thatcher comes back into the ring and joins Ciampa as the music hits. We go to replays. Cole and Thatcher head to the stage and take a look at the Dusty Classic trophy. They will face The Grizzled Young Veterans next Wednesday to determine who goes to the finals. James Drake and Zack Gibson come out to the stage now. The two teams have words as NXT General Manager William Regal also comes out. A brawl breaks out and a "NXT!" chant starts up as the show goes off the air.

