Impact Wrestling Results: James Storm Vs. Eric Young

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of Impact Wrestling, which airs every Tuesday on AXS TV, as well as on Impact Wrestling's own Twitch channel at 8 pm EST! Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below.


Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up-to-date coverage. Above and below is what's on tonight's agenda for Impact:

Rohit Raju and Hernandez defeated Fallah Bahh and Shera (Before The Impact)

Fire 'N Flava vs. Havok and Nevaeh (Non-Title Match)

Havok and Hogan get things going with Havok dropping her with a back breaker and then launches her into the corner. Nevaeh tags in and hits a clothesline on Hogan, cover, two. Hogan continues to get worked over as as Havok tags in and crushes her in the corner. Steelz tags in, double dropkick to Havok's knees. Steelz with some running uppercuts in the corner. Hogan gets right back in there and nails Havok with a single leg dropkick, cover, two.


Steelz tags in and stomps away on Havok, pin, two-count. Hogan back in there, boot to the face, cover, two. Hogan talking some trash as she continues to keep Havok grounded. Steelz in, snap mare, kicks to the face, leaps off the second rope, gets caught in midair and Havok hits a fallaway slam. Nevaeh finally tags in and nails the champs with a flurry of strikes. Flatliner on Steelz, release german suplex, cover, two-count.

Havok gets the blind tag and nails a sit-down powerbomb, cover, Hogan breaks it up. Hogan up and hits a DDT on Havok, but Nevaeh face plants Hogan, and Steelz nails a cutter on Nevaeh. Thrust kick by Hogan on Havok and then a twisting neckbreaker. Steelz hits a frog splash, Hogan for the cover on Havok, 1-2-3.

Winners: Fire 'N Flava via Pinfall

- Post-match, champions celebrate a bit and head to the back. Havok talking with her partner, who doesn't seem to be too happy with the loss. They seem to be okay, Havok goes to walk away and Nevaeh hits her partner from behind! She hits a spear and punches Havok over and over. "Your the weak link!" Nevaeh says to Havok after hitting a DDT.


- Backstage, James Storm talks about tonight's 1,000 match in Impact. He says at much as this should be a celebration, it's more of a dedication because he wasn't even supposed to have one. Storm talks about getting help early on in his career from Bob Ryder and how he always pushed for him and Chris Harris to get more work. Storm then tells Eric Young he's going to come out there and beat Young up. Storm then says he'll have some more friends of his own out there. Chris Sabin lets Storm know he's got a little surprise for him for tonight's match. Chris Harris shows up. Storm says it's been a long time, they hug, and head off together.

- Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo talks about being unstoppable after taking out Jazz last week. Susan says Jazz deserves more than what she got, just as Jazz shows up and beats the heck out of Susan. Deonna runs off.

Sami Callihan vs. Larry D with Acey Romero

Callihan immediately charges and they start throwing shots at each other. Larry puts Callihan down, looks for a running splash, nobody home. Callihan with a couple knees as Larry rolls out to the floor. Sami looks for the suicide dive, caught in midair and sent into the apron. The two continue to brawl on the floor.


Larry throwing big shots at Sami before throwing him back into the ring. Both trade clotheslines, Sami with the hair pull and big slaps to the chest, misses a clothesline and eats a discus clothesline, running splash, cover, two. Sami nails his opponent with a death valley driver, cover, two. Both go to the apron, Sami looking for a piledriver, no, Larry looks for a move, reversal, Sami digs at his eyes! Larry fights out of it, takes a kick to the face, Sami then plants him head-first into the mat, cover, and that will do it.

Winner: Sami Callihan via Pinfall

- Post-match, Romero jumps in the ring and attacks Sami, leaving him down in the middle of the ring.

- Video shown of Juice Robinson and David Finlay showing off their Impact World Tag Team Titles on NJPW programming.


- Backstage, Don Callis, Kenny Omega, and The Good Brothers talking about FinJuice. Omega says he gets what all the fuss is about with them, and thinks they have improved. The Good Brothers aren't impressed though. Don feels like Doc and Karl are a bit off, but understands because they don't have the belts and wrestling is a "what have you done for me lately?" kind of business. Callis then has an idea and whispers it to the other guys. Doc and Karl dig it and head off.

- Backstage, Sami talks with Trey Miguel about how he saved Trey last week, and Miguel didn't return the favor. Sami says a couple weeks ago they wrestled and he saw Trey lacks passion. He wants Trey to get to the next level and he can get him there. Sami says he'll be Trey to be his mentor. Trey isn't feeling that idea at all. Sami says it could be the two of them taking Impact Wrestling to the next level. Sami says next week he wants XXXL in a tag match, and the only person who wants to tag with is Trey. "Hell no!" Trey responds. Sami says to think it over and get back to him by next week.

Brian Myers vs. Suicide

Suicide getting the best of Myers early on, goes for a pin, one-count. Octopus stretch lock in on Myers, but he gets to the ropes fairly easily. Myers throws some shots, knocking his opponent down, reverse chinlock applied.


Suicide into the corner, kicks Myers away, then hits a shotgun dropkick on him. Myers plants Suicide, cover, two-count. Myers lightly boots away at Suicide and then eats a couple shots. Myers with a DDT, hits the roster cut, cover, and we're done here.

Winner: Brian Myers via Pinfall

- Post-match, Myers on the mic to address Matt Cardona's challenge to a match. Myers says Cardona is just trying to get the rub, and it's not going to happen. Myers says Impact Wrestling is his and that doesn't include Cardona.

- Backstage, Tommy Dreamer talks with Jazz who is looking for Deonna. Dreamer says he's booking Hardcore Justice and says he has an opportunity for her. How about Jazz vs. Deonna. If Jazz win, she's get a title, but if she loses, she has to give up something. Jazz says the way she's feeling she'd willing to put her career on the line.

- Tony Schiavone and Tony Khan talk about tomorrow's AEW Dynamite and run down the card. Khan then lets everyone know that he owns booking right to Omega, just like AAA found out months ago. Khan says "great" a whole lot as he hypes each match. Tony Schiavone then takes over with the other matches fans will see.


- John E. Bravo and Johnny Swinger check out how much money they made this week at the casino and it's been a whole lot. Kenny Omega and Don Callis show up. Callis says he heard they are taking bets on Omega vs. Rich Swann at Rebellion. Swinger says the odds are close, things are pretty much one to one. Callis then shows him a one winged angel collaboration to maybe get the odds swinging in Omega's favor. Callis then says they are going to put $20,000 on Omega winning, then head off.

Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs. TJP and Josh Alexander

Fulton and Alexander get things started with Fulton getting a body lock in and then tosses Alexander across the ring. Austin tags in, but quickly tags Fulton right back in. Side headlock by Alexander, belly-to-back suplex, but Alexander hangs on. He beats up Fulton a bit more, then throws him over to Austin for the tag. Austin gets in there for a moment, but looks to tag out. Alexander catches him and throws him down to the mat.


Fulton gets involved, TJP leaps off the top rope, crossbody and gets caught in midair. Alexander trips Fulton up. TJP and Alexander drop Austin, then continue bickering with each other. TJP goes to his corner, then tags himself in. Powerslam on Austin, slingshot senton lands. Austin catches TJP in the corner and kicks him in the face. Fulton tags in and is able to choke TJP while standing on the second turnbuckle. TJP is able to eventually find a window to tag in Alexander. Fulton gets in there and eats a couple forearms, spinning elbow, suplex, looks for to plant Fulton and takes a backdrop and then a big boot.

Alexander with a foot wash on Austin in the corner. Alexander and TJP working over Fulton, then send him out to the floor. Alexander with Austin in the ring, Austin plants him to the mat. Alexander is back up, pops Austin the face, sends him to the mat. TJP with a mamba splash, goes for the cover, Josh shoves him off, TJP then shoves him as they argue over who's the legal man. Austin with the sneaky roll-up on TJP for the win.


Winners: Ace Austin and Madman Fulton via Pinfall

- Backstage, Callis talks with Willie Mack, says he has big plans for Mack. Callis then shows him Omega's one winged angel compilation because he knows Mack is friends with Rich Swann. Swann walks in and Callis talks a little trash about Omega kicking out of Swann's finisher. Callis says he's in Swann's head, and Rich says he's not. Swann says he has the heart and determination to beat Omega. Rich says if Callis wasn't his boss, he'd smack his sunglasses off. Callis says he's going to do Swann a favor and say for the next ten minutes he's not going to be his boss. Callis takes his shades and other gear off. They go to brawl, but The Good Brothers and Omega show up. Big brawl ensues, Eddie Edwards runs in to help out and chase Callis and company away.

- Rohit Raju bumps into Hernandez with a possible tag name —  ILX (Indian Latin Exchange). Hernandez says they aren't a team, he just gets paid to help. Hernandez says Rohit doesn't have any money for him? Then bounce!


- Eric Young talks about James Storm having 1,000 matches in Impact, and he's the one who challenged Young. Young talks about violence being the way, it's what brought in Rhyno. Young says the future of the company hangs in the balance tonight and this world doesn't belong to Storm, it belong to him and his group.

- Tommy Dreamer talks with a group of wrestlers about Hardcore Justice, including Deonna vs. Jazz. Deonna says it will just be another legend that she's going to lay waste to. Tommy then asks Susan if he could talk about her friend, Sue. Susan doesn't know what he's talking about. Tommy then announce multi-women's knockout scramble match. Winner faces the champion at Rebellion. He says all weapons will be legal. It will feature Jordynne Grace, Susan, Tenille Dashwood, Havok, Rosemary, and Alisha Edwards.

- Next week: Impact World Champion Rich Swann, Willie Mack, and Eddie Edwards vs. AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers.


Eric Young with Rhyno, Deaner, and Joe Doering vs. James Storm with Chris Sabin, Chris Harris, and Jake Something

Tonight is James Storm's 1,000th match in Impact Wrestling. Feeling out process as we get things started, Storm puts Young down, knee drop, leg drop, cover, two. Storm with a hard elbow to Young's back. Young gets back at Storm by sending him into the ring post and down to the floor with all the other wrestlers standing nearby.

Back in the ring, Young goes for a cover, two. He hits a twisting neckbreaker, another cover, two. Young is annoyed. Storm sent into the corner, hits Young with a back elbow, heads up to the second rope and tries for a swinging DDT. Young counters into an overhead release suplex into the corner. pin, Storm grabs the rope before the three-count.

Storm gets back into the match with a flurry of strikes, goes for the cover, two. Eye of the storm, Young gets out of it. Young dodges a big kick, eye of the storm then hits Young, cover, two. Storm charges in, eats a boot, neckbreaker, Young with a big elbow drop off the top rope, cover, two! Young yells and stares at the referee. Young with a thrust kick, cover, two. Storm hits a lung blower, cover, Deaner up on the apron, referee runs over to him. Storm throws Young into him, roll through, cover, two.


Storm gets kicked all the way out to the floor. Referee checking on Storm, brawl breaks out among the other guys at ringside. Young gets his helmet, but Harris yanks at Young's leg. Young tries to hit Harris, and takes a big punch, Harris throws him back in the ring. Superkick by Storm on Young, cover, 1-2-3!

Winner: James Storm via Pinfall

