Matt Hardy Rallies His Faction, Young Bucks (Being The Elite Recap)
Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite:
* Private Party talking about their "This Ain't Water" drink. They wonder about Butcher, Blade, and Bunny. Hardy shows up and says he will make sure everyone will gel. They talk about Dark Order and TNT Champion Darby Allin. Hardy says Allin better watch his step or he'll take his title. Hardy goes off to talk with 3B, says he thinks they will dominate as part of the group. They just kind of sit there and stare at him. Hardy then comes back as "Broken" Matt, to try an appeal to them in a different way. He mentions different dimensions, which seems to interest them. Cut back to "Big Money" Matt talking with Private Party about how he switch to "Broken" Matt when he talked with the other group. Private Party thought "Broken" Matt was dead. Hardy says he's a chameleon and can adapt to any situation. He assures them about 3B and they will make a lot of money together.
* Matt Jackson at Daily's Place with his kids for a Dynamite taping.
* For Matt's birthday, Brandon Cutler got him the other pieces for the skateboard decks he received a few weeks back. Matt says he doesn't know how to put them together properly and goes off to find the skateboard AEW guys. Clips are shown of Angelico, Ryan Nemeth, and Darby Allin putting them together while Brian Cage and Jack Evans try a few tricks.
* Backstage, Luchasaurus bumps into Cezar Bononi in the hallway.
* Mark Stunt tells Griff Garrison he wants to be someone to do a "first" in AEW. Stunt talks about the Spanish Announce Table (with Alex Abrahantes listening in the background). Stunt then says he's going to be the first to break the Spanish Announce Table and Abrahantes looks horrified. He immediately goes to his broadcast partners to let them know word is out that there's a Spanish Announce Table. Stunt is seen walking around in the back, checking things out. Dasha says there's no need to be nervous as she hands out weapons for protection. Stunt gets too close and is chased off.
* Dark Order hangout, the group (and Hangman Page) talks about having a rough night in the ring. Evil Uno breaks the news that John Silver might need a whole new arm (he had a shoulder injury during his AEW TNT Title Match against Allin on last week's Dynamite). Page then tells the group they have good arms, hinting they could give him one.
* Public Swole Announcement: Big Swole lets people know the mask goes over your nose. If she catches you not wearing it properly, you're getting popped in the mouth.
* Back to Dark Order about to cut off 5's arm to give to Silver. John shows up and wonders why nobody came over and helped him out while he was crying. They tell him 5 offered up his arm, Silver says he doesn't want his "s***ty little arm." Silver says he does want 5's small manhood, and they "cut" it off, then drop a shrimp on the floor (they called 5 "shrimp d**k" in previous episodes).
* Karl Anderson wants Doc Gallows to go get some food and says Gallows has been in a terrible mood lately. Doc is super grumpy and says he doesn't wanna go. He's mad at Karl for taping his hands so he can't masturbate. Anderson says they're winning though! Doc gives him the middle finger and Karl walks off.
* Backstage, Cutler is icing his knee as The Young Bucks tell him he should be proud of his performance. The group lost their match, and Cutler couldn't believe Matt and Nick were saying to be proud, "That's not the Young Bucks I used to know." Cutler says back in the day, if he messed up, they would let him have it. Matt and Nick say not to be so hard on himself. Cutler wonders if Matt and Nick are just content with their success now and their mentality has changed. Cutler says BTE is just Dark Order taking over, and thinks maybe what Don Callis said to them on Dynamite was true. "When you guys look in the mirror now — do you see that version of yourselves? Your best versions? What do you guys see?"