The Young Bucks Show Off Their New Attitude (Being The Elite Recap)

Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite:

* The Young Bucks show off their ring gear from last week's Dynamite. The two say they feel like $25,000 between the two of them (between their shoes and ring gear). Matt says he does feel a bit bad about ruining his Dior sneakers though by wearing them in a match.


* Clips shown of last week's Dynamite match between The Young Bucks and PAC/Rey Fenix.

* From last week's show, we see Alex Marvez ask Hangman Page about the Young Bucks, but Page instead talks about John Silver and heads off. Dark Order is apparently still waiting for the food, Colt Cabana texts Page to bring the spring rolls. The group banters for a bit, and finally realizes Page might not be coming back. Cabana finally decides to order up some food for the group, and they celebrate.

* Cutler goes in to check on Kris Statlander at a photo shoot. She chokes him out using the force. He wakes up and sees Best Friends and Orange Cassidy standing over him. The group is finally ready to kill Cutler (something they previously failed to do after he harassed them about figuring out a bit for BTE). He throws out the idea of doing a mailbag, and the group seems to be cool with that.


* BTE Mailbag with Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, and Kris Statlander. The first question is why Best Friends haven't been on BTE. Trent just says, "Hey, look around..." which cracks up Taylor. Chuck starts up the next question and then Trent says they weren't around because he's been hurt. Trent noted he wanted to have a big return, so he didn't want to be seen every week on BTE. They answer questions about what country they'd like to wrestle in, and if they look unfrosted or frosted Pop Tarts.

* Ryzin is still dealing taking way too many Blue Chews. He runs through the hallway trying to figure out what to do and gets reactions from JD Drake and Tay Conti.

* Young Bucks and Kenny Omega do a meet greet at the non-televised AEW event. They say it's the first one they've done in a long time. Omega jokes about how it's funny their doing a meet and greet when they don't care about the fan because they're bad guys! Clips shown of their match from the non-televised event.

* Backstage, Matt and Nick Jackson checking out their ring gear. Cutler walks into the room and says they've been avoiding him all week. Cutler says they look completely different than last week, but Matt and Nick disagree. Cutler asks them if they saw his Dark match against Penta (they didn't) and says he got all bloodied up from an attack by Death Triangle. Cutler says he has a broken nose and his orbital has been blown out. Young Bucks don't care, at all. Cutler is out four to six month according to the doctor. Matt says Cutler's contract is expiring soon, unless they decide to roll it over. Cutler says him being out for so long though, he's gonna have to do a bunch of odd jobs for them. They list off a bunch of stuff, but Cutler responds he already does most of that. "We're gonna find more odd jobs!" The Young Bucks say. Cutler doesn't seem to appreciate how The Young Bucks are treating him, but they remind Cutler he's the one who said Don Callis was right about them not being the same these days, and then make fun of him some more.


