WWE 205 Live Results (4/2): Bolly-Rise Takes On Daivari & Nese, Mansoor Returns To Action

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of WWE 205 Live! Tonight's action-packed show will take place right after Friday Night SmackDown at 10 PM EST on the WWE Network and Peacock. Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up to date coverage. Below is what's on tonight's agenda:


Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to another edition of 205 Live. We kick things off with some singles action! Will August Grey become the first challenger to scratch up Mansoor's unblemished record?

August Grey vs. Mansoor

Both men go right for a collar and elbow tie-up. Mansoor ducks behind. Grey counters with a tight side headlock. Mansoor tries to reverse it into a belly-to-back suplex, but Grey locks in another side headlock. Masoor's shoulders touch the mat, and the referee begins the count. Mansoor pops free at two. Mansoor quickens the pace with a series of arm drag takedowns. Back on his feet, Grey counters it with another firm headlock. Mansoor rolls through with a beautiful standing moonsault. Mansoor goes for a cover, and Grey kicks out. Grey turns it around with a powerful body slam – turning Mansoor inside out. Grey covers and Mansoor breaks free at two. Mansoor catches Grey with a textbook clothesline for another near-fall. Grey counters Mansoor's chinlock with a hip toss before Mansoor executes Grey's maneuver with another chinlock. Grey takes flight through the ropes with a nice dive.


Back in the ring, Grey jumps off the top with a massive crossbody for another near-fall count! Grey hoists Mansoor up in the electric chair position. Mansoor slides down with a roll through a pin. Grey kicks out! Following that, both men counter each other's pins. Mansoor breaks up the pace with a big release German Suplex! Off the ropes, Grey scouts Mansoor's plan with a Russian leg sweep counter! Grey goes for another pin attempt, and Mansoor kicks out again. Mansoor drops Grey with another slam for just a two count. Next, Mansoor charges off the second rope with a missed moonsault. Grey catches him with a dropkick, which helps set up his So Much Prettier finisher, but Mansoor rolls out of the ring right before Grey can even think about going for a pin! Mansoor stays still outside of the ring. The referee is close to the 9th call. Grey runs out and rolls Mansoor back into the ring. Mansoor fakes Grey out with a small package pin, and he maintains his undefeated streak at 45-0!


Winner: Mansoor

Post-Match: Mansoor extends his hand out for August Grey to shake. Grey rejects his handshake and walks out of the ring.


- We look back on last Wednesday's  NXT when Santos Escobar successfully defeated Tyler Breeze in his Open Challenge match for the WWE NXT Cruiserweight Championship.

And now, the main event! If Bolly-Rise loses, they will be no more.

Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari vs. Bolly-Rise (Chase Parker & Sunil Singh) (w/Samir Singh & Matt Martel)

Ariya Daivari and Sunil Singh kick things off. Both men go straight for a collar and elbow tie-up. Daivari shoves Sunil in the corner and lays down a flurry of shots before dragging Sunil over towards his corner to make a tag out to Tony Nese. Sunil changes the pace of the match by dominating Nese before bringing Chase Parker in. Parker locks in a tight wristlock and makes a tag back to Sunil.

Sunil knocks Daivari off the apron. Sunil lands a big chop across Nese's chest and then two heavy rights. Daivari drags Sunil out of the ring and goes to town on him. Samir Singh and Matt Martel charge on over. Daivari throws Sunil back into the ring. Daivari, the legal man, throws Sunil straight towards the top turnbuckle! Daivari heads over and makes a tag to Nese. Nese applies a strong facelock. He breaks it and connects a perfect spinning heel kick before bringing Daivari back in. Daivari tries to put Sunil to sleep, but Sunil breaks it up and makes a desperate tag out to Parker.


Parker runs in and cleans house. Sunil joins in on the fun with a Bollywood Drop. Nese quickens the pace with his 450 Splash. After, Daivari jumps off the top with a frog splash. Daivari looks for a cover on Sunil, and Parker runs in and breaks up the count. Matt Martel climbs up on the apron and "checks in on Sunil." As referee Aja Smith barks at Martel to get off the apron, Samir Singh slides in a chain. Daivari picks it up, and Smith tells him to drop it. Distracted by all the mayhem going on around him, Daivari finds himself pinned up against Sunil Singh, who picks up the pinfall victory on him and Tony Nese. Bolly-Rise wins, but most importantly, they will continue their tag team alliance!


Winners: Bolly-Rise

That concludes this week's episode. Thanks for watching!


