WWE 205 Live Results (4/23): Ashante “Thee” Adonis Vs. August Grey, Nese & Daivari Team Up

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of WWE 205 Live! Tonight's action-packed show will take place right after Friday Night SmackDown at 10 PM EST on Peacock (in the United States) and WWE Network (everywhere else). Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up-to-date coverage. Below is what's on tonight's agenda:


Tom Phillips and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to another edition of 205 Live. We kick things off with some tag team action!

The Bollywood Boyz vs. Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari

Tony Nese and Samir Singh begin the match. Ariya Daivari distracts Samir, which gives Nese the advantage to lay a vicious beatdown. Daivari is tagged in by Nese. Daivari and Samir exchange forearm shots before Daivari tosses Samir towards the top turnbuckle. Daivari tags in Nese. Nese comes in hot with a series of stomps, followed by a splash for just a two count.

Samir creates some distance with a textbook jawbreaker. Nese cuts the ring off from Samir, who was close to tagging in Sunil Singh. Nese makes another quick tag to Daivari. Daivari looks for a pinfall right away. Samir kicks out. Samir ducks a corner attack and turns it around with a beautiful tornado DDT! Nese takes Sunil off the apron. Daivari makes another tag to Nese. Nese takes Samir on a ride with a powerful suplex for a near-fall.


Nese locks in a body scissors. Samir rises to his feet. Samir drops Nese with a neckbreaker. Nese crawls over to tag in Daivari. Samir finally gets a tag out to Sunil. Sunil dumps Nese to the floor. Sunil plants double inverted atomic drops, followed by a dropkick on Daivari for just a two count! Sunil keeps his offense sharp with a clothesline off the middle rope for another near-fall.

Samir is back in. Samir sails off the top with a breath-taking back elbow drop. This isn't enough to keep Daivari down. The Bollywood Boyz then hit their Bollywood Blast! Cover. Nese breaks it up! Daivari throws Sunil out of the ring and towards the heavy guardrail. Back in the ring, Nese gets the last say with his Running Nese finisher on Samir for the pinfall victory.

Winners: Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari

- We look back to this past week when Kushida held his first Open Challenge for his NXT Cruiserweight Championship on NXT. He successfully retained against Oney Lorcan.

And now, the main event!

Ashante "Thee" Adonis vs. August Grey

Both men go straight for a collar and elbow tie-up. Ashante "Thee" Adonis shoves August Grey towards the corner. Adonis taunts Grey for a moment before they shift their fight to the center of the ring. Grey counters Adonis with a nice cartwheel. Grey runs the ropes and takes a shoulder tackle from Adonis. Grey fakes Adonis out with a rollup. Adonis kicks out. Grey goes for another pin. Adonis pops free again.


Grey reverses Adonis with a textbook arm drag. Grey continues working Adonis' left arm with a vertical armbar. Adonis pushes Grey up towards the ropes for a break. Then, he throws Grey out of the ring. Grey rolls back into the ring and finds himself on the receiving end of a series of brutal forearm shots and kicks towards the ribs. The fans are not pleased with Adonis' aggressive demeanor. The fans rally behind Grey with unified chants. This fuels Adonis, who plants two elbow drops and a knee drop.

Grey whacks Adonis with a heavy chop. Grey runs towards the ropes. Adonis catches him with a perfect dropkick. Adonis rolls Grey through with a snapmare before applying a front facelock. Adonis switches the lock with a Captain's Hook, in homage to Brian Kendrick. Grey tries to turn it around, but Adonis answers with a suplex. Ariya Daivari heads on down to the ring to watch this match closely.

Grey finds some momentum with a clothesline, followed by a running bulldog. Grey jumps off the top rope with a twisting crossbody! Grey dumps Adonis out of the ring. Both men crash into each other. Daivari and Grey get into an argument. Adonis throws Grey face-first onto the top rope. Adonis hits eye-catching finisher Long Kiss Goodnight for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Ashante "Thee" Adonis

Post-Match: Ariya Daivari pokes fun at August Grey's loss.

That concludes this week's episode. Thanks for watching!

