AEW Dynamite Results: Double Or Nothing Go-Home Show

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Darby Allin with Sting vs. Cezar Bononi with Ryan Nemeth, Peter Avalon, and JD Drake

Allin getting a nice pop from the crowd as things get going. Bononi throws some shots to Allin's taped ribs and then just tosses him across the ring. He then slams Allin down on the top turnbuckle, and he falls out to the ramp. Bononi tosses Allin back into the ring and goes for a couple pins, but no luck.

Allin able to lock in a sleeper on the big man, throws some punches, over-the-top stunner, shotgun dropkick, and then heads to the top for a coffin drop! Cover, 1-2-3 and he gets the fairly quick victory.

Winner: Darby Allin via Pinfall

- Post-match, Allin gets on the mic and calls out Ethan Page/Scorpio Sky. The two stroll out, Sky says they just expect them to come out in their fancy clothes and fight for free? "Grow up," Sky says. Sky continues at Double Or Nothing it will be the end of one legend and the beginning of two more. From behind, Bononi and his group attack Allin and Sting. Page and Sky run to the ring and throw some shots. Page chokes Allin as Sky wraps a chair around Sting's ankle. He goes to stomp on it and Dark Order runs out to chase Sky and Page away. Dark Order give Allin/Sting a look and give a bunch of fist bumps to the two.

- Paul Wight out to host the weigh-in between Anthony Ogogo and Cody Rhodes before their Double or Nothing match. Wight says he'll be out here to make sure it's a serious weigh-in, he then introduces Anthony Ogogo. Ogogo comes out with QT Marshall, Aaron Solow, Nick Comoroto, and another individual. Marshall on the mic, crowd boos, Marshall says they shouldn't boo Wight! Wight tells QT to shut up and keep it moving. Wight then introduces Cody Rhodes who comes out with a bunch of Nightmare Factory students, Red Velvet, Lee Johnson, Arn Anderson, Dustin Rhodes, and others.

Wight calms both sides and asks them to save it for the PPV. Cody goes first and weighs-in at 218. Fireworks going off in the background on the beach because its Memorial Day Weekend. Crowd with a "USA" chant as Ogogo gets ready to find out his official weight is 219. Marshall cuts off Wight and says he's heavier and already has the victory in his hands. Ogogo and Cody get up on the top ropes with Cody getting bigger pops. Rhodes lunges at QT Marshall and sends the group out of the ring. Cody takes the mic and thanks Wight for hosting and tells the fans he'll see them at the PPV.

- Video package hypes the upcoming Stadium Stampede Match between The Pinnacle and Inner Circle. If Inner Circle loses, they have to disband. We see clips from the first match when The Elite defeated Inner Circle.

- Backstage, Powerhouse Hobb and Christian Cage are battling back and forth. Cage gets send into some equipment, but then launches Hobbs into a fence. He then smacks Hobbs in the midsection with some backstage equipment and spears him into boxes. A bunch of people separate the two.

Hangman Page vs. Joey Janela

Taz joins commentary to get another look at Page before his match against Brian Cage at the PPV. Page with a shoulder block, side headlock, but Janela able to get to the rope to break that up. Janela with a shot in the corner, but Page returns the favor with some chops of his own. Page with a suplex, cover, two. He ends up tosses Janela out to the floor, Page goes out, Janela to the apron, leaps, and is caught in midair. Page with a fallaway slam on the floor, then tosses his opponent in the ring.

Back and forth action that leads to the two on the apron. Page looks a move, but takes a few punches to the back. Page with a springboard clothesline that sends Janela back to the floor, he then hits a splash down to the floor. Page looks to be bleeding a bit from the mouth. Page thinking buckshot lariat, Janela blocks it, but ends up taking a modified spinebuster, cover, two.

Janela with a slick snap suplex that sent Page into the bottom turnbuckle. Janela hits an elbow drop from the top rope, cover, two. Page with a rolling elbow, another one, pop-up powerbomb, Page then blasts Janela with a buckshot lariat. Page's forehead got busted open somewhere near the end of the match.

Winner: Hangman Page via Pinfall

- Post-match, Taz gets on a mic and introduces Brian Cage. Cage comes out to the ring. Page jumps on the mic, tells Taz to shut up. He says they've done the same thing month after month with Team Taz jumping him from behind. Page says he expects that from Taz, but not Cage. Page doesn't think Cage needs those guys to fight. Page says to leave "these assh****" out of it and fight him like a man at the PPV. Cage agrees to a one-on-one match.

- Outside, Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley have The Young Bucks' sneakers that they stole and said it's time to get serious! Cut to an abrupt commercial. We're back, Moxley says he would go to war with Kingston, and at the PPV, it will be a war. Moxley says he needs those tag belts! Moxley admits The Young Bucks might be a well oiled machine, but he wants those titles! Kingston says it's going to happen because Young Bucks are going to quit, they've already quit on the people. Kingston says the pressure is coming on Sunday.

- Tony Schiavone in the ring to talk with Orange Cassidy about if he will defer his title shot or not. Instead, PAC walks out to the ring and boots Tony. PAC wants to let everyone know that Cassidy is irrelevant, and only PAC will be relevant when he beats Omega. PAC says Omega has only been ducking and dodging his whole title reign and it's been pathetic. He calls out Omega. Don Callis up on the big screen, he calls PAC a dangerous person and they want nothing to do with him! Omega tries to sneak attack from behind, but PAC catches him and hits a hard single leg dropkick. The Good Brothers run out and swing away on PAC. The Lucha Bros run out to help make the save for PAC. Good Brothers bail, leaving Kenny still in the ring. Omega looks for the one winged angel as Cassidy's music hits. Out he strolls with Best Friends and Kris Statlander. Orange goes to the ring on his own and rolls in. He has a note for Kenny and hands it over. "Freshly Squeezed!" chant from the crowd. Omega thinks it's the contract he gave Cassidy, but it's all shredded up. Cassidy then drops Omega. Cassidy goes for the title, PAC stops him and they brawl until Cassidy cracks him with an Orange Punch. He then puts his shades on, picks up the title, and gives his signature thumbs up while his music plays on.

- Jade Cargill goes to talk with Tony Schiavone, but gets interrupted by Matt Hardy about wanting her to join the group. Mark Sterling jumps in and says he's already been selected by Cargill. He tells Hardy if he keeps bothering her, he's going to slap him with a restraining order. Sterling notes his payment style is way different than Hardy as he only gets paid if she wins. Hardy is not happy at all and heads off.

Jade Cargill with Mark Sterling vs. KiLynn King

Cargill able to work over her opponent, catching her in midair and curling King a few times. She steps on her opponent and taunts the crowd some more. She continues to put King down, kip up, more taunting, but King lands a few shots. Cargil then launches King out to the floor. Sterling offers up his card for her, but she takes a swing at him. Back in the ring, King takes a swing and ends up getting Cargill's finisher (Jaded), cover, and that will do it.

Winner: Jade Cargill via Pinfall

- Backstage, Jake Roberts says Dante Martin will be a great champion if he can actually win the title, but Lance Archer cuts him off. He doesn't want Martin, he wants Miro at the PPV and is looking to take that title.

Miro (c) vs. Dante Martin (AEW TNT Championship)

Miro is not in a good mood and throws some big shots at Martin. He then lands a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd with a "Miro is gonna kill you" chant. Miro fakes a kick, smiles a bit, and ends up eating a jawbreaker. Miro with a judo throw, looks for a splash, but nobody home. Martin with a flurry of moves, shotgun dropkick, cover, one-count. Martin knocked down to the apron, Miro with a huge suplex as he brings Martin back in the ring. Miro with a big leaping kick and then locks in game over for the tap out.

Winner: Miro via Submission

- Post-match, Jake Roberts and Lance Archer head out to the ramp. Roberts says Archer is focused and ready for the champ. He says on Sunday, Miro's fairy tale comes to an end. He tells Miro to "shut the f up." Miro gets on the mic and says Robert needs to shut up and stop holding back Archer. Roberts finally tells Archer to go get him. Archer runs out and nearly hits a chokeslam on him. He gets in a punch and a kick, that sends Miro out to the floor. A bunch of referees gets in the way to keep them separated. Roberts cackles in the background.

- Tony Schiavone introduces AEW Women's World Champion Hikaru Shida as they honor her year-long reign. She also received the new Women's Championship which has some added bling to it. Shida then takes the mic and says when she won the title, there were no fans in attendance, but tonight they are back! She says the title is for all the fans...just as Britt Baker's music hits. Baker makes her way out to the stage and says she made a mistake earlier when she spoke with Jim Ross. She had previously said she was the face of the women's division, but when she wins the tile she'll be the face of a whole new era. That previous era was all about 3:16, this one will be D.M.D.

Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky vs. Stu Grayson and Evil Uno

Sky and Uno get things started with Sky showing lots of disrespect to Uno. Crowd breaks out with an "Evil Uno!" chant. Multiple tags from both teams and the Dark Order members look to gain control of the match. Grayson and Uno with a side suplex/elbow drop combo. Grayson with a senton over the top rope, on Page, and down to the floor. Sky then sweeps out the legs of Grayson and he falls hard to the apron. Grayson back in the ring, Sky with a springboard cutter after he tags in.

Grayson continues to get worked over until Uno gets the hot tag and lands a bunch of moves on both opponents. He throws Page's kick into the referee's hands and then lands a boot to Page's face. Dark Order hits "get over her" on Sky and Page. 450 splash off the top by Grayson as Uno lands a cannonball senton on Sky in the corner, cover on Page for two. Crowd with a "this is awesome" chant. Sky back up, gouges Uno's eyes. He then gets a heel hook on Grayson while Page hits the ego's edge on Uno, cover, 1-2-3.

Winners: Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page via Pinfall

- Post-match, Ethan Page says this Sunday it will be the same result whether it's the heel hook or the ego's edge. Sting's music hits and Allin walks out with a bunch of people that have Sting masks on. Allin goes after Page while the other "Sting" people go after Sky, he gets rid of the first couple, but the real Sting shows up, take a punch, then takes off the mask to's him! He blasts Sky, and both Page/Sky run off.

- Commentary runs down this Sunday's AEW Double or Nothing card.

- Inner Circle celebration up next. Eric Bischoff is the host of the segment and heads out to the ring before the break. Bischoff on the mic and receives some big cheers from the crowd. Bischoff says 25 years ago, last night, he introduced what many consider the best stable of all-time (nWo). He now has the honor of introducing Inner Circle. The group then heads out and listen to the crowd sing "Judas." Jericho with a big smile on his face. Jericho says it feels good to have the fans back. He then thanks Bischoff for everything in his WCW career and for being here tonight. Jericho said he wanted to make amends with Bischoff (from how they treated him in his previous AEW appearance) and called him in. They then throw it to a video package, showing a bunch of highlights from the group's history.

Santana on the mic first, says they have been through a lot of s***. They helped carry the company throughout a pandemic and are glad to have the fans back. He says if this is their last dance, he wouldn't have it any other way and in front of all the fans. Otis says that was beautiful and gives him a fist bump. Jake Hager wants to see both the good and hard times they've been through. "Show me the hard times that make hard men. Those are the times to be celebrated." Guevara up next and he gets a "Sammy!" chant. He says they have been together through everything, even him coming out to the ring wearing a panda head.  He says there was a time when they didn't have his back, and he didn't like it. He will do everything he can do to make sure it doesn't happen again, and thanks them. Jericho says he was hesitant to put a group together as he doesn't play well with others.

He then saw a photo of them together and felt like they looked like a bunch of badasses. He says on Sunday, it will be a battle, a war, and they will go down in a blaze of glory. If it is the last time, he tells them group "I love you." The group hugs and they flip off the camera. Up on the big screen, MJF mocks their promos while standing in the stadium. Wardlow stands behind him as MJF continues to talk. MJF asks Wardlow a question, and then asks Dean Malenko what he thinks. Dean is tied to the goal post and beat up. MJF says they better get over to the stadium before Dean goes cold. Inner Circle run to the stadium, but are blindsided by The Pinnacle. The group is beat up and brought to the stadium. FTR end up hitting piledrivers through two tables on Santana/Ortiz. MJF yells at the camera, "When you are in The Pinnacle, you are always on top!" The Pinnacle puts their hands together as Inner Circle is completely out.

