The Young Bucks and SCU Hype Tag Title Match (Being The Elite Recap)
Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite:
* Matt Jackson talks about Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian and knowing him for a long time. He mentions how Daniels was royalty back in the day and everybody wanted to wrestle him. He also gave Kazarian his props, and talks getting to not only wrestle them, but ride with them from town to town. Jackson recalls a few road stories, and brings up how they were brought in to AEW from the start. They are basically family! Jackson says a while ago, Daniels and Kazarian created a "silly stipulation" about if they lost as a team, they would disband as a tag team forever. He continues that it's one thing to be tomato cans on Dark and Elevation, but wrestling a team like The Young Bucks is a whole different story. No matter how hungry SCU is, Matt and Nick are hungrier. Matt says they are holding those titles forever and will be buried with them. Next week on Dynamite, Matt and Nick says they won't take any pity on their challengers. "Our tag team titles mean more to us than your legacy as a tag team means to you." Matt then mocks fans who have said certain promos that show up online or social media should have been on Dynamite.
* Grayson out looking for the mysterious girl. He sees Anna Jay in the distance and runs up to her, but nobody is there. Grayson is realizing he might be losing his mind.
* Dark Order hanging out, Evil Uno has some business to figure out. Uno wonders how they will deal with H.F.O. and talk about some upcoming matches. He said the next goal is to bring gold to the Dark Order. 10 said he almost had it but that "emo geek" ripped his mask. Uno tries to figure out if Sting is their friend or enemy. Uno wonders if they should change team colors to orange, simply to make Taz made. The group banters some more and decide the first thing they need to do is find John Silver.
* Nick Jackson hits another trick shot at home.
* At the hotel, John Silver is apparently lost and yelling for his mom. Best Friends (with drinks in hand) roll up on him and ask him what's wrong. Silver says he's lost all sorts of people and talks like he's from the south. The group says Chuck Taylor is from the south and Silver makes fun of him. Cassidy kicks Silver between the legs. They taunt him some more and take his sneakers. The group walks off and Silver says, "I didn't like his bit, this was a bad bit."
* Behind-the-scenes of the ring and cell being put together for Blood and Guts.
* Backstage at Dynamite, Karl, Nick, and Doc make fun of Matt for his outfit. They tell him it's biker gang day, not tropical vacation day. Nick says they are going to do a run-in and Matt is going to look stupid!
* From Brandon Cutler's camera view we see Kenny Omega come out to the ring during The Young Bucks and The Good Brothers attack on Kingston and Moxley. Omega gives Kingston a one winged angel and Nick mock count Omega pinning Kingston. The group taunt Kingston and Moxley some more before heading off.
* Peter Avalon having a drink and flirting with Madi Wrenkowski about her eyelashes. Leva Bates walks by and gives him a look. Avalon looks disappointed in himself.
* More Dark Order banter and a celebration that they reunited with Silver.
* Another trick shot by Nick Jackson.
* Christopher Daniels talks to the camera about not being on BTE, but he's still very much behind-the-scenes. He's been away because he hadn't really had much to say and didn't want to waste people's time on BTE. Daniels says he and Kazarian have been working away with their current stipulation, and Scorpio Sky is frustrated at the moment. Daniels says Sky is off doing his own thing, and Daniels understands frustration. He continues that life is going to change on May 12 and he's either going to be a tag team champion, or split-up with his longtime tag partner. Daniels says he's actually sitting in Matt Jackson's chair in his dressing room because he wanted to talk with the guys. He wanted to look them in the eye and see if he's facing the guys that he was on the road with day after day, or will it be what they are now (expensive sneaks, stirring the pot, new attitude). Daniels says after months of winning match, it's now just SCU vs. Young Bucks. He tells the brothers he wants them to think about all the promotions they've wrestled and all that time/effort. Are they willing to throw that all away? Daniels says he knows Matt and Nick are the best tag team in the world, but life is going to change for all four of them. "How far are you willing to go? ... If it's win or go home, win or quit, win or die? Which one do you think we are going to do? I know my answer."