Impact Wrestling Results (6/10): W. Morrissey Vs. Willie Mack, Major Summit With AEW, More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of Impact Wrestling, which airs every Thursday on AXS TV, as well as on Impact Wrestling's own Twitch channel at 8 pm EST! Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up-to-date coverage. Above and below is what's on tonight's agenda for Impact:


Tonight's episode will be the go-home show before Against All Odds, which is live this Saturday on Impact Plus and FITE TV.

** Before tonight's show, Crazzy Steve (w/Decay) defeated Deaner (w/Violent By Design) on Before The Impact! **


D'Lo Brown and Josh Mathews welcome fans to Impact Wrestling! We kick things off with the Summit between Scott D'Amore, Don Callis and AEW's Tony Khan.

Impact-AEW Summit Segment:

Executive Vice President Scott D'Amore welcomes AEW President Tony Khan down to the ring to begin this Summit. As per their agreement, D'Amore reiterates the consent from both parties to go about how Kenny Omega will represent both Impact and AEW. Just as things were going well, Don Callis makes his way out to break up the peace.

Callis believes Omega is the best investment and representative of the Impact and AEW World Champions. He sees Moose being the perfect competitor for Omega on Saturday; however, he doesn't feel the same way about Sami Callihan. Callis reminds both men that Callihan is banned from many other big promotions around the world. D'Amore brings up how Callihan won the match last week against Moose via a DQ by the attack from The Good Brothers and then Omega.

Callis informs them that he's been targeted by Callihan before and recalls many instances where he or the company has had to bail him out. Callis thinks it should just be Moose challenging Omega for the Impact World Championship this Saturday. D'Amore walks over and whispers something in Khan's ear.


D'Amore gives Callis credit that he's very logical and understands the business very well. D'Amore announces that they'll keep Saturday's match the same with Moose challenging Omega. Khan then adds he thinks Omega and Moose's match should take place on his turf at Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida.

D'Amore adds that whoever wins the Impact World Championship this Saturday will defend the title against Sami Callihan at Slammiversary!

- D'Lo Brown and Josh Mathews recapped what just happened during the Summit. Then, they run down the matches still to come for tonight's show.

Backstage: D'Amore catches Callis, the Impact World Champion Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers. The Good Brothers are mad that they won't be able to come to Saturday's match and be in Omega's corner. D'Amore mentioned that at Against All Odds, The Good Brothers will face Sami Callihan and a partner of his choosing in a Street Fight.


Backstage: Brian Myers continues shaping Sam Beale into a world-class wrestler. He teaches Beale how to cut a promo. Myers tells him to cut a promo on Matt Cardona.

Backstage: Sami Callihan finds Scott D'Amore and says he doesn't need a partner for Saturday. Tommy Dreamer interjects and says he'll help The Death Machine out on  Saturday.

Up next, an Against All Odds qualifying match. If Havok wins, she'll be added to the Knockouts Championship match this Saturday!

Havok vs. Rosemary

Rosemary slams into Havok with two massive spears. She goes straight for a cover. Havok kicks out. Rosemary puts Havok in a unique submission hold. Havok corners Rosemary and smothers her with a flurry of stomps and a boot wash just before the commercial break.


Coming back from the break, Havok is still on top of Rosemary. Havok hits a clothesline for a near-fall. Rosemary gets back up and lands another vicious spear for a two count. Rosemary hits one more big spear and picks up the pinfall. Havok will not be added to this Saturday's title match.

Winner: Rosemary

Post-Match: The Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo, Kimber Lee and Susan run in and attack Rosemary and Havok. Susan calls for Tasha Steelz to come out for her match with Lee. Steelz music hits. Their match is up next!

Tasha Steelz (w/Kiera Hogan) vs. Kimber Lee (w/Susan)

Tasha Steelz and Kimber Lee's match is underway just as the show comes back from the commercial break. Lee keeps the Knockouts tag champ grounded with a side headlock and a foot chokehold in the corner. Both women trade hard shots. Lee switches it up with a clothesline. Lee looks for a cover. Steelz kicks out. Steelz spills to the outside and makes it back into the ring by the 7th count.


Lee smashes Steelz face-first into two top turnbuckles. Lee hits a sidewalk slam for another near-fall. Lee plants two perfect German Suplexles and then a delayed vertical suplex for another two count. Lee perches herself up on the top and lands a Swanton Bomb! Steelz escapes out of a crucifix hold and slams Lee down on the mat with a falcon arrow for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Tasha Steelz

Post-Match: Deonna Purrazzo and Susan bring the fight to Fire 'N Flava. Rosemary and Havok run out and even the odds for Fire 'N Flava, at first. Once Havok and Rosemary take care of Purrazzo and Susan, they shift their focus towards Kiera Hogan.

- Another vignette is shown of Steve Maclin. Maclin promises he won't have his back turned once makes his Impact Wrestling debut.

Backstage: After a magnificent Iron Man Match last week, the X-Division Champion Josh Alexander will be watching the No. 1 Contenders match on Saturday closely. He looks forward to who will become his next challenger. Ace Austin appears and tells the champ to watch what he's going to do tonight ahead of the No. 1 Contender match. Alexander looks confused.


Rohit Raju & Chris Bey vs. Trey Miguel & Petey Williams

Rohit Raju gets cocky in the beginning as he gains the upper hand on Petey Williams. Williams locks Raju up. Raju escapes and makes a tag to Trey Miguel. Chris Bey is also tagged in by Raju. Miguel and Bey put on a show with their high-flying effortless exchanges. Williams and Raju find themselves in the same position as before. Bey helps assists Raju by knocking Williams off the apron. Raju hits a spinning neckbreaker for a two count on Williams. Bey is back in for Raju.

Bey softens Williams and brings him over to his corner for a tag. Raju is back in. Williams escapes the corner with several forearm shots. Raju cuts the ring off on Williams. Williams avoids double-team offense from Raju and Bey. Miguel is tagged in. Miguel lands a Northern Lights Suplex on Raju. Cover. Raju kicks out. Miguel keeps going and misses his shot. Miguel side steps and plants a snap German Suplex on Raju.


Williams jumps on Bey and twists around with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors takeover. Raju hits a jumping knee strike on Miguel. Miguel turns it around by locking Raju up with his hourglass maneuver. Raju taps. Miguel and Williams win this match!

Winners: Trey Miguel & Petey Williams

Post-Match: Ace Austin and Madman Fulton run out and attack everyone in their way. Josh Alexander comes to the rescue. Raju, Bey, Williams and Miguel slide back into the ring and beat up Fulton. Raju, Bey and Miguel hoist Fulton up as Williams plants a top rope Super Ultimate Canadian Destroyer on the big man!

Backstage: Willie Mack promises to put a little respect into W. Morrissey. Rich Swann wants to help Mack out before he meets with him on Saturday. Mack tells Swann that he's got this.

"It's All About Me" with Tenille Dashwood:

Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb (With A K) welcome Rachael Ellering to this week's show. Ellering brings Jordynne Grace. Dashwood and Kaleb aren't too keen about having Jordynne there. Ellering wants to know why she was brought on? Ellering feels disrespected that Dashwood won't accept that Jordynne and her are tag partners, and she wants nothing to do with Dashwood. Jordynne then challenges Dashwood to a match at Against All Odds this Saturday.


After a disappointing loss from Deaner on Before The Impact tonight, Eric Young has high hopes that Rhino and Deaner will successfully retain the Impact World Tag Team Championships this Saturday. Also, Joe Doering will square off with Eddie Edwards tonight and Satoshi Kojima on Saturday. He wants Violent By Design to conquer them all so they can take over this world.

Joe Doering (w/Violent By Design) vs. Eddie Edwards

Eddie Edwards ducks out of the way as Joe Doering comes charging towards the former world champion. Edwards corners Doering and lands a flurry of chops and forearms. Doering flies right through Edwards with a big shoulder tackle. Doering keeps on top of Edwards with a choke in between the ropes. Doering controls Edwards' head movement with a tight facelock. Doering looks for the first cover in the match. Edwards kicks out.


Doering hits another big power move for another near-fall count. Edwards lowers his control with a perfect suplex. Rhino throws Edwards off the apron. Edwards wildly misses a swing. Deaner also gets invovled. The referee sees it and awards the match to Edwards via a disqualification.

Winner By Disqualification: Eddie Edwards

Post-Match: Satoshi Kojima runs down to save Eddie Edwards from Violent By Design's beatdown. Kojima and Joe Doering trade forearms before Doering spills to the outside. VBD retreat out of the ring.

- Moose talks about how important this Impact World Championship is to him. He says Impact needs their prestigious title back.

And now, the main event!

- D'Lo Brown and Josh Mathews run through all the matches set for Against All Odds this Saturday.

No Disqualification Match: W. Morrissey vs. Willie Mack


Both men go straight into a collar and elbow tie-up. W. Morrissey throws Willie Mack up towards the corner. Morrissey puts Mack in a foot chokehold. Mack fires a flurry of shots to create some space. The wind is knocked out of Mack's sails as Morrissey lands a major kick right towards his midsection. Their match will continue right after the break.

Back from the commercial break, Mack picks up some steam as he finds a chain and deliberately lands a heavy shot to the midsection. The onslaught continues with a back to the spine of Morrissey. In the ring now, Morrissey seeks revenge by bringing in a chair and hitting Mack right near the shoulder blades. Morrissey finds the same chain Mack used on him and wraps it around Mack's face. Mack is hung up on the ropes. More chair shots from Morrissey follow.

Mack is still in the corner. Morrissey hits a big right hand. Morrissey charges back over to the corner, and Mack escapes within an inch of his life. Mack lands a standing moonsault. Cover. Morrissey kicks out. Mack returns the chair shots he suffered from earlier onto Morrissey. Mack misses a frog splash and lands directly on top of the steel chair. Mack holds the chair in front of his face. Morrissey lands a big boot on the chair that ricochets back onto Mack. Cover. 1-2-3. Morrissey prevails over Mack.


Winner: W. Morrissey

Post-Match: W. Morrissey puts Wille Mack in the corner. Rich Swann comes in to save Mack. Security comes out to break Morrissey and Swann up. Morrissey runs right through security. Swann gets the last word by slamming the chair into Morrissey. Morrissey's eyes are red with rage. He will see Swann on Saturday in singles action.

This concludes this week's episode. We hope you enjoy Against All Odds this Saturday!

