New Name Revealed For ROH Women's World Title Tournament

Willow Nightingale is the newest wrestler to be added to the Ring of Honor Women's World Championship tournament.

During this week's ROH Women's Division Wednesday episode, Willow received her Ticket to Gold from Maria Kanellis-Bennett after her match with Alex Gracia.

Willow has wrestled for several promotions such as WOW: Women Of Wrestling, Shimmer Women Athletes, Women's Wrestling Revolution, and RISE Wrestling. She was trained by Mike Mondo (Spirit Squad member Mikey) and former NXT wrestler Bull Dempsey.

Mazzerati, Rok-C, Angelina Love, Miranda Alize, Trish Adora, and Allysin Kay are also in the tournament.

The Women's World Championship tournament will be happening this summer.

Below is this latest ROH Women's Division Wednesday episode:



