Photo: Otis Changes His Look Again

This week on WWE's The Bump, the new and improved Alpha Academy member Otis returned to the show to discuss his new look that many have been talking about since earlier this month. Otis has since changed his look again, by updating his hair style.

Kayla Braxton, the host of the show, asked Otis what inspired him to change from the fun-loving guy with the long hair and beard to a more cleaned shaved, and vicious competitor. For Otis, he says his transformation is trying to convey how serious he is as a tag team competitor. In other words, Otis wants to have the look while also have the acknowledgment as a top contender for the SmackDown Tag Team Championship.

"I think it's part of the plan of looking like [how] we use to be," Otis replied on his new look. "When I say that, back when we first use to compete, Chad was in the Olympics, and I was in amateur wrestling, we had the shorter hair look. Basically, the beard was getting annoying for me. I shaved it off. I'm a very pretty man, as people say. So, the haircut went well, and getting the hair out of the way and getting ready for the competition.

"It was basically a last-minute thing. Shave off the hair, and now, we're back to business as usual. I didn't want people to see the old Otis. I want people to see the new Otis. You see the big beard and long hair, ok. But now, you see the clean-shaven maniac. Now, it's a different Otis."

You can watch Otis' full interview here. If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit WWE's The Bump with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

