WWE 205 Live Results (6/4): August Grey Vs. Ariya Daivari, Ari Sterling Faces Sunil Singh

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of WWE 205 Live! Tonight's action-packed show will take place right after Friday Night SmackDown at 10 PM EST on Peacock (in the United States) and WWE Network (everywhere else). Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up-to-date coverage. Below is what's on tonight's agenda:

Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to another edition of 205 Live. Tonight, we kick things off with the first singles match on the card.

Ari Sterling vs. Sunil Singh (w/Samir Singh)

Ari Sterling ducks a single-leg takedown from Sunil Singh. Sterling stacks Singh up. Singh gets his shoulders up at two. Singh applies a side headlock on Sterling. On their feet, the hold gets broken. Sterling lands a knee strike to the jaw of Singh. Singh takes a tumble to the outside. Samir Singh runs in and distracts Sterling and the referee. Sunil slides in and chops Sterling down from behind.

Singh continues to work on the injured hamstring that he created with that chop on Sterling. The fans are rallying behind Sterling. Singh stomps on top of the injury. Sterling creates some space by sending Singh up and over. Singh grabs Sterling's injured leg and slams it towards the ring post. Singh rolls in by the 8th count.

Singh jumps off the top with a Bollywood Drop! Singh keeps on top of Sterling with the Bollywood Lock. Sterling escapes. Sterling comes through with two heavy forearms and a back elbow smash. Sterling trips Singh and hits a running 450 from off the ropes! Samir tries to get involved again. Sterling knocks Samir off the apron. Sunil stacks Sterling up. Sterling kicks out. Sterling rocks Sunil with a step-up enziguri followed by his flipping sidewalk slam for the pinfall victory!

Winner: Ari Sterling

- We look back at Kushida's successful NXT Cruiserweight Title defense against Carmelo Hayes from this week's episode of NXT.

And now, the main event. Who will close the book on this eight-month rivalry?

August Grey vs. Ariya Daivari

Both men come together with a collar and elbow tie-up. August Grey ducks under and applies a tight arm lock on Ariya Daivari. Grey turns it into a roll through/stack up pin. Daivari kicks out at two. Daivari hits a gut kick in the corner. Both men try to block counter-backslides. Grey delivers a neckbreaker and a chop to the chest. Grey shifts his momentum with a hurricanrana takeover before diving through the ropes onto Daivari!

Daivari slams Grey towards the apron and on the announce table before rolling the newcomer back into the ring. Daivari keeps those gut kicks coming before driving Grey down with a body scissors lockup. Daivari lands a low basement dropkick for another near-fall call. Grey creates some space with a kick from off the ropes, followed by an enziguri. Daivari eats a big boot in the corner.

Daivari avoids a corkscrew drop from Grey. Daivari climbs to the top and lands a perfect splash before locking in a camel clutch on Grey. Both men crash in the center of the ring with double clotheslines. Grey traps Daivari in the corner with a flurry of stomps and stiff chops. Grey then slams Daivari into the mat. On the outside, Grey smashes Daivari up towards the guardrail.

Back in the ring, Grey decks Daivari in the jaw and plants a powerslam for just a two count! Daivari hits Grey with a slam of his own for another near-fall count. Daivari has Grey in the hammerlock lariat position. Grey fights out. Grey turns inside out from an elevated DDT. Cover and a kick out ensue. Grey ducks the hammerlock lariat again and stacks him up. Grey puts Daivari in a single-leg crab. Daivari crawls towards the bottom rope. Grey drags him away and towards the center of the ring. An inside cradle occurs. Grey gains an assist from the ropes in time for his So Much Prettier finisher. Daivari is out cold. Cover. 1-2-3. The newcomer prevails over the OG of 205 Live!

Winner: August Grey

Both Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness believe August Grey could be the next in line for an NXT Cruiserweight Championship opportunity after that performance.

That concludes this week's episode. Thanks for watching!

