ROH Episode TV Results (7/19): Quinn McKay Challenges Mandy Leon 

Joe Keys is shown taping Jonathan Gresham's knee with the rest of The Foundation after the opening ROH video signature package. Keys will be replacing Gresham tonight.

Brian Johnson checks in backstage as tonights host. Johnson talks about tonight's matches.

Fred Yehi and Rey Horus make their entrances.

Fred Yehi vs. Rey Horus

Yehi and Horus have a test of strength. Horus takes Yehi to the mat. Yehi eventually chops Horus in the corner. Yehi chops Horus again. Yehi connects with a back elbow to Horus. Yehi sits on the top turnbuckle. Horus hits a body-scissors into a Driver on Yehi to take him to the mat. Horus pins Yehi for the win

Winner: Rey Horus

A video package is shown on Mandy Leon and Quinn McKay.

The Allure's Mandy Leon (with Angelina Love) makes her entrance. Maria Kanellis has joined Caprice Coleman and Ian Riccaboni on commentary. Quinn McKay makes her entrance.

Quinn McKay vs. Mandy Leon

McKay offers a handshake. Leon pulls the handshake into a strike to the face of McKay as the bell rings. Love hands Leon a microphone. Leon calls McKay a rookie and tells her that she fell for the oldest trick in the book again and that's why she doesn't belong in The Allure's ring. Leon stomps on McKay in the corner. McKay eventually locks in the Tangerine Dream on Leon. Love distracts the referee on the apron as Leon taps out to McKay's submission. Love jumps down from the apron. As McKay talks to the referee, Love gives Leon some brass knuckles. McKay locks in a waist-lock on Leon. The referee shouts at Love as McKay goes for a Back Suplex. Leon hits McKay with the brass knuckles. Leon pins McKay for the three count.

Winner: Mandy Leon 

Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor, O'Shay Edwards, Moses & Kaun) vs. Joe Keys & The Foundation (Jay Lethal, Tracy Williams & Rhett Titus)

Keys and O'Shay lock up. O'Shay backs Keys to the corner. Taylor eventually drives his hip into Keys. Taylor goes for a Scoop Slam on Keys, Keys gets out of it. Keys strikes Taylor. O'Shay headbutts Keys. O'Shay pins Keys for a two count as the fall is broken up by Williams and Titus. Williams and Titus duck a double clothesline attempt by Taylor. Williams and Titus clothesline Taylor out of the ring. Kaun kicks Titus in the midsection. Kaun strikes Williams. Kaun chops Titus. Kaun slaps the chest of Williams. Williams drives his hip into Kaun. Williams and Titus hit a double Butterfly Suplex on Kaun. Taylor hits a double clothing on Titus and Williams. Lethal goes for his Lethal Injection finisher, Taylor catches him. Lethal sends Taylor to the ropes. Lethal ducks a clothesline attempt by Taylor. Lethal hits a Suicide Dive on Moses to the outside as Keys sends the turnbuckles. Keys dropkicks Taylor. O-Shay strikes Keys. O-Shay hits a spine-buster on Keys. O-Shay pins Keys for the three count.

Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor, O'Shay Edwards, Moses & Kaun) 

They hype next week's show as this one comes to a close.

