WWE SmackDown Results – SummerSlam Fallout, Becky Lynch Returns, Family Celebration, More

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE SmackDown Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from the Simmons Bank Arena in North Little Rock, AR.

- The post-SummerSlam edition of WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up with a video package of SummerSlam highlights. We're live from the Simmons Bank Arena in North Little Rock, Arkansas as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined at ringside by Corey Graves and Kevin Owens. Cole says Pat McAfee is at home tonight recovering from COVID-19, but they just spoke and Pat is feeling better.


- We go right to the ring and out comes new SmackDown Women's Champion Becky Lynch to a pop. Greg Hamilton does the introduction. The Man hits the ring and poses as the announcers talk about her quick SummerSlam win over Bianca Belair. Fans chant "Becky!" as she takes the mic and announces that The Man has come around to Little Rock. Becky says it feels good to be back, but not just back, back on top. She says she missed the fans.

Becky says it was one of the hardest thing she ever had to do whens he had to give up the RAW Women's Title last year. It felt like she was giving up part of her identity but she promises she's been working hard every day to get back where she was. Becky says she does have a new life and a new set of priorities now, and if you think she was dangerous when fighting for herself, we have no idea how deadly she's about to be. She brings up SummerSlam and fans boo. Becky points how there has been some controversy over her reactions at SummerSlam. She would like to take this time to say she's sorry... for absolutely nothing! She talks about being in WWE long enough to know timing is everything. She talks about opportunity and says she had been waiting for the moment and if you don't know that, you haven't been watching her career. The music interrupts and out comes Belair to interrupt.


Belair says she's not here to make excuses because that's not her style but she's not cool with what happened at SummerSlam. She's worked too hard for too long for Becky to erase all that in 26 seconds. She bring sup timing and says she accepted Becky's challenge, so how about they tear it down tonight, for the title? Fans pop. The music interrupts and out comes Zelina Vega. Vega mocks Belair for being reduced to crying for a rematch. Fans chant "you suck!" as she enters the ring. Vega thinks Belair should fall back and let Vega have the title shot. Fans boo. The music hits and out comes Carmella now.

Carmella also wants the title shot. She says she was only told she was Sasha Banks' replacement one hour before she came out at SummerSlam. She didn't have time to get her hair or nails done, or her makeup, any of that. The music interrupts and out comes Liv Morgan. Morgan doesn't understand why Vega and Carmella feel like they deserve a title shot when they get beat every week, but if Becky is looking for a contender, Liv is right here. Carmella pokes at Liv for spending the last two months in catering. They have words and Belair says all three of them have lost their damn minds, this has nothing to do with them, this is between she and The Man. Belair tells Becky to forget about the others and let's give the fans what they want – The Man vs. The EST. Becky simply says no and exits the ring as her music hits. Becky says not tonight. She heads to the back.


The other 4 Superstars face off in the ring and a brawl breaks out as Belair strikes. Belair and Liv are standing in the ring for a second until Belair ends up on the outside with Vega and Carmella. Belair gets away and goes to re-enter the ring but Vega and Carmella yank her back to the floor. Vega and Carmella go to enter the ring to attack but Liv knocks them to the floor from the apron. We go to commercial with Liv standing tall in the ring, smiling as fans cheer her on.

#1 Contender's Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match: Bianca Belair vs. Carmella vs. Liv Morgan vs. Zelina Vega

Back from the break and a Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match is underway as Bianca Belair and Carmella go at it in the corner.

Carmella and Belair keep going at it until Zelina Vega comes in. Belair works Vega over and presses her high in the air in the middle of the ring. Belair drops Vega face-first into the mat. Belair then handsprings to knock Liv Morgan off the apron, then back onto Vega. Belair kips up for a pop. Carmella and Vega double team Belair now with Carmella working from the apron. Vega kicks Belair down in the corner. Vega looks on as Carmella hits a Bronco Buster on Belair for a 2 count.

Belair gets sent to the floor. Liv comes in fighting but she gets double teamed now. Carmella uses the ropes for a submission on Liv. More back and forth between the three. Carmella and Vega argue now and turn on each other. Belair runs back in and levels Vega with a clothesline. Carmella grabs from behind but Belair sends her to the floor. Belair scoops Vega for the Kiss of Death for the pin. Vega has been eliminated.


Belair goes to ringside where Liv and Carmella are both down. Belair grabs Liv and brings her back in but Carmella attacks from behind, then sends Belair into the barrier. Carmella works Liv over in the ring now, talking trash. Liv counters and plants Carmella face-first for the pin. Carmella has been eliminated.

Liv taunts Carmella as she rolls to the floor. Belair and Liv face off in the middle of the ring now. We go to commercial as Cole says a chance at the title hangs in the air.

Back from the break, which includes the new WWE NXT logo and theme tweeted by Wale. They go at it back & forth now. Belair taunts Liv in the corner. Belair counters a move and lands on her feet but Liv nails a big knee. Liv counters and drops Belair with a big DDT. Liv with a stiff stomp to the back of the head for a close 2 count in the corner. Liv keeps control and delivers another stomp. Belair dodges a third stomp in the corner. Belair with a Spinebuster for a close 2 count.

Liv kicks Belair but has a clothesline blocked. Liv counters a vertical suplex and drops Belair with double knees to the face for a close 2 count. Liv can't believe it. Liv waits for Belair to get up now. Liv charges but Belair drops her face-first into the top turnbuckle. Liv counters the KOD but ends up dropped face-first into the turnbuckle again. Belair scoops Liv again and drops her with the KOD in the middle of the ring to get the pin and the win.


Winner and New #1 Contender: Bianca Belair

- After the match, Belair stands tall and celebrates. It's confirmed that she has earned a future title shot from SmackDown Women's Champion Becky Lynch.

- Kayla Braxton stops Paul Heyman backstage and asks where he stands now that Brock Lesnar is back and he's confronted WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Heyman says he stands where he always stands, right behind and kind of to the side of his Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns. Fans in the arena boo. Heyman excuses himself and says he needs to help Reigns prepare for his family celebration. Heyman tries to enter Reigns' locker room suite but the door is locked. Heyman is surprised. He keeps trying to open the door but it's locked. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see stills from SummerSlam while the uncensored version of Cardi B's "Up" single plays.

- Cole hypes tonight's Family Celebration with Roman Reigns and The Usos, which was announced earlier as a Championship Celebration. We get a SummerSlam video package with highlights on Reigns and The Usos. Kayla is backstage with Paul Heyman again and he's annoyed by her. He's still locked out of Reigns' locker room. The Usos finally open the door and say Reigns isn't here yet. The Usos think Heyman knew Brock Lesnar would be at SummerSlam but he says he didn't. Heyman asks why would he tear down what they all worked so hard to build up. He says it makes no sense, and swears he didn't know Lesnar would be there. The Usos ask why Heyman sent them back to the locker room before Reigns' match with John Cena. Heyman says Reigns sent them back, not him. They're not buying it and question Heyman a bit more before walking back into the suite without him.


Chad Gable vs. Cesaro

We go back to the ring and out comes Alpha Academy – Chad Gable with Otis. We see recent happenings before going back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Cesaro. The bell rings and Cesaro unloads into the corner with a running uppercut. Cesaro keeps control but can't hit the Cesaro Swing as Gable turns it around. Gable works on the arm now and slams Cesaro. Gable works Cesaro over on the mat and covers for 2. Otis looks on as Gable keeps Cesaro grounded.

Gable with more offense and a shot to the throat. Gable with a Northern Lights suplex for 2. Gable goes to the top and hits a perfect moonsault for another close 2 count. Cesaro catches Gable in a move but Gable uses the ropes for an armbar and takes advantage of the 5 count. Cesaro ends up overpowering and launching Gable from the corner with a hurricanrana.

Cesaro keeps control and starts the Cesaro Swing but Otis hits a the ring and drops him for the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Cesaro

- After the bell, the referee calls the match but Alpha Academy double teams Cesaro and destroys him now. Gable holds Cesaro down while Otis goes to the second turnbuckle and delivers the big flying splash. Otis stands tall and stares straight ahead as we go to replays.


- Kayla is backstage waiting for Roman Reigns to arrive. A Bentley pulls up and it's Baron Corbin instead. He says he can be addressed as Happy Baron Corbin now. Corbin says good luck is finally back on his side, he's filthy rich again and he's happy. Corbin walks off into the building and we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see more SummerSlam stills.

- We go back to the ring and out comes Baron Corbin, introduced as Happy Corbin. The ring has a red apron cover and velvet ropes, a table with champagne on it. He has a casino-slots entrance theme now, and he's thrilled. Corbin enters the ring and talks about how happy he is. He was so close to filing bankruptcy and he was so down over the past few months, but things changed and now he's happy, he's rich. We see a video package on how he lucked up in Las Vegas this past week.

Corbin says he was the Mayor of Jackpot City. fans boo. Corbin doesn't know what he did to deserve this, but he deserves it. He brags about his expensive clothes and watch, and the $300,000 Bentley he drove here in. His wife welcomed him home and had Wagyu beef on the table. Some fans chant "you deserve it!" and he agrees. He wants us to call him Happy Corbin because he really is happy, but there's one thing that can make him even happier. Corbin calls Big E to the ring and promises not to hurt him. The music hits and out comes Big E with his Money In the Bank briefcase.


Big E says he's happy for Corbin and just glad he doesn't smell bad anymore. Corbin wants to make things square after trying to steal the briefcase last week. Corbin wants to buy the briefcase. He offers $20,000 but Big E isn't interested. $50,000... but Big E isn't interested. Corbin says Big E is going to end up miserable after he loses. Corbin makes one final offer – $100,000 for the MITB briefcase. Big E considers it to help his family but says hell on. Big E offers him a half-eaten sandwich to buy, or a plushie for the Arkansas Razorbacks. Fans pop for the plushie. Corbin says this is all a big joke to Big E, but he is way too rich and too happy for this. Corbin goes on about how Big E will lose and regret not taking his offer. Big E says he's done with his and he's going to punch Corbin in the face if he doesn't leave. The music hits and Happy Corbin exits to the back.

- We get a Progressive-sponsored video package on WWE Hall of Famer Edge beating Seth Rollins at SummerSlam. Edge is backstage now as fans boo. He says SummerSlam was pretty damn satisfying as he defeated a generational talent in Rollins, but he had to pay for it as he had to go to a dark place to get where he needed to be. It affected him at home and everywhere he went, but now this thing with Rollins is over and done with, and Edge is moving on. Edge says he's moving on to what Rollins cost him in the first place – the WWE Universal Title.


Rollins is backstage now. He only has one thing to say to Edge – congratulations. Rollins laughs and says he's has a week to think about what happened. Some people are saying it was Match of the Year and while it was certainly one of Edge's best performances, it was a loss for Rollins. He says it taught him a lot about himself. It pains him to admit Edge earned his respect. Rollins admires Edge and his Hall of Fame career, and the life he's built for himself. Rollins says if he wants to fight his way back to the Universal Title, maybe he needs to be a little more like Edge. Fans in the arena boo. Rollins thanks Edge and congratulates him again to end the segment.

Rick Boogs and WWE Intercontinental Champion King Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler

We go back to the ring and Rick Boogs is ready to jam with his guitar. He introduces himself and says he came to party with the one King of WWE. The music hits and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion King Shinsuke Nakamura. They head to the ring together as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Roman Reigns is walking. He stops at his locker room door and asks Paul Heyman what he's doing just standing there. Heyman just stares at him, shocked. Reigns asks if he has to open his own doors now. Heyman apologizes to his Tribal Chief and opens the door. Reigns enters and stops to ask Heyman if he's also coming in. Yes, my Tribal Chief. We go back to the ring and Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode are wrapping their entrance. Boogs starts the match with Ziggler.


Boogs shows Ziggler up and plays guitar on his leg. Boogs overpowers and man-handles Ziggler around, tossing him across the ring. Ziggler with an elbow to stop Boogs' momentum. Roode tags in and they double team Boogs. Roode with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. We see a pre-recorded backstage video of Apollo Crews with Commander Azeez. Crews talks about being upset with his loss to Nakamura and how his ancestors and people in Nigeria also aren't happy. Crews wants his rematch. Roode keeps control of Boogs and drops him with a neckbreaker for a 2 count.

Boogs gets an opening and drops Roode, then knocks Ziggler off the apron. Boogs crawls and makes the tag. Nakamura unloads on Roode now, leveling him with a flying kick. Ziggler runs in but Nakamura hits him with an Exploder suplex. Nakamura counters Roode in the corner and hits the sliding German suplex under the bottom rope.

Nakamura waits for the Kinshasa now. Roode side-steps and rolls Nakamura for a close 2 count. Roode dumps Nakamura to the apron but Nakamura kicks him in the head. Ziggler drops Nakamura on the floor with a Zig-Zag from behind as the referee and Boogs are distracted in the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Nakamura gets double teamed with big moves by Roode and Ziggler. Ziggler with a running knee while Roode holds the champ for a close 2 count. Roode tags back in with a suplex in the middle of the ring for a 2 count. Roode shows frustration and yells at the referee. Boogs is also showing frustration on the apron. Nakamura gets an opening and levels Roode now.


Boogs and Ziggler tag in. Boogs ducks a clothesline and hits a corkscrew flying elbow. Boogs launches Ziggler across the ring and splashes him with a clothesline in the corner, then a running Bulldog for a close 2 count. Boogs gets hyped up now. He kicks Ziggler in the gut and screams out for the pumphandle slam but Roode pulls Ziggler to safety. Boogs launches Roode onto his neck with an overhead suplex. Ziggler superkicks Boogs but Nakamura breaks the pin up at 2. Nakamura tosses Roode to the apron, then kicks him to the floor. Ziggler comes from behind and dumps Nakamura tot he floor. Boogs rolls Ziggler up from behind for 2. Boogs dodges the Fame-asser and delivers the big pumphandle powerslam for the pin to win.

Winners: Rick Boogs and King Nakamura

- After the match, Boogs is hyped up as he grabs the guitar to celebrate the win. Nakamura's music hits as the champ joins Boogs in the middle of the ring to celebrate. Fans cheer them on.

- Naomi is backstage with Sonya Deville, who is a bit pre-occupied with her phone. Naomi says she's thrilled to be back on SmackDown and she's ready to glow the show up. She asks who her first opponent will be. Deville says she didn't even know Naomi was on the show now. Deville welcomes her but isn't sure she will even measure up. Naomi touts her history in WWE but Deville cuts her off and says she will get with Naomi next week. Deville goes back to typing on her phone. Naomi stares at her and then walks off.


- We see Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio backstage. Rey says he needs to step back and let his son fly on his own, but he will always have his son's back. Dominik asks what that means. Rey says he has to step back and let Dominik go on his own. Rey says he spoke to Adam Pearce and got Dominik a match tonight and he doesn't know the opponent, but he's confident if Dominik goes out there with his head up and focused, he will do fine.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Sami Zayn

We go back to the ring and out comes The Mysterios to a pop – Dominik Mysterio with Rey Mysterio. Dominik hits the corner to pose as Graves says his surprise opponent will be revealed next. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Sami Zayn. Sami sends Dominik into the corner and backs off as the referee warns him. Rey is no longer out there it appears. Sami beats Dominik down in another corner and works him over as the referee warns him. Dominik counters and takes Sami down. Dominik keeps fighting and puts Sami down in the opposite corner. They go for a test of strength but Sami kicks Dominik in the gut and beats him down.

Sami sends Dominik into the corner but runs into an elbow. Dominik springboards up to the top and delivers a big arm drag, then a dropkick. Dominik ducks a clothesline and sends Sami into the ropes with a hurricanrana for the 619. Dominik runs for 619 but Sami moves, pulls the ropes down, and sends Dominik to the floor. Rey comes down the ramp while Dominik is down at ringside. Fans cheer Rey on as we go back to commercial.


Back from the break and they trade offense. Dominik ends up unloading with elbows to get Sami off his back. Dominik with kicks and a big enziguri now. Dominik drops Sami for 619 and this time he hits it for a big pop as Rey cheers him on from ringside. Dominik goes to the top but Sami rolls away.

Dominik comes off the top and grabs Sami but Sami sends him into the turnbuckles with an Exploder. Sami nails the Helluva Kick in the corner for the pin to win.

Winner: Sami Zayn

- After the match, Sami stands tall as the music hits. Rey comes in the ring as Dominik recovers now. Rey goes to console his son but Dominik pushes him away and seethes as he makes his exit from the ring. Dominik walks off as Rey follows, trying to talk to him.

- Roman Reigns, The Usos and Paul Heyman are backstage. The Usos are hyping Reigns up before heading out. Heyman hands the title to Reigns but Reigns asks what he's supposed to do with that. Heyman says this is a Family Celebration they're going out for. Reigns says Heyman is family, and he loves Heyman. Heyman walks off with the group.

- We go back to the ring for tonight's Family Celebration as WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos, and Paul Heyman come to the stage. Heyman is kissing up to Reigns extra hard tonight. Heyman bows a bit and hands the title to Reigns so he can raise it in the air. The pyro goes off as Reigns and The Usos raise their titles on the stage. We go to commercial as they march to the ring.


Back from the break and Reigns, Heyman, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso are in the ring. Reigns raises the Universal Title one more time to pyro. Fans are loudly booing now. Heyman takes the mic and says The Tribal Chief has granted him permission to address the crowd. Heyman says it is our lucky night as we will also get the chance to acknowledge The Usos, our SmackDown Tag Team Champions. The Usos stand tall with their titles as fans chant for them. Heyman says is the moment in the show where we all get to celebrate the fact where we have Cena-nuff of John Cena. Heyman praises Reigns for how he defeated Cena at SummerSlam last Saturday.

Heyman keeps talking but he's quickly interrupted by the music of Finn Balor as fans pop. Balor points out how he was screwed out of a title match by Cena. Balor says he will deal with Cena in due time, but now Edge is talking about a title shot, and Brock Lesnar is back. Balor says he was going to come challenge Reigns to a match at WWE Extreme Rules, but he doesn't trust anyone here, and he's not waiting in line, he's challenging Reigns to a title match for next Friday night on SmackDown. Fans pop big for the challenge.

Heyman, now on the apron but with the mic down, yells at Balor with a warning. The Usos stand behind Reigns as Reigns stares at Balor. Balor suddenly tosses the mic at Reigns' chest and then attacks. Balor quickly gets triple teamed by Reigns and The Usos. The music hits and out come The Street Profits, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. Reigns exits the ring and walks up the ramp as Balor and The Profits take out The Usos. Balor with a corner dropkick to Uso, then a Coup de Grace as Reigns looks on. Balor stands tall and stares Reigns down as the champ walks up the ramp. Reigns stops to look back at the ring as the post-SummerSlam edition of SmackDown on FOX goes off the air.

