WWE SummerSlam: John Cena Vs. Roman Reigns (WWE Universal Title Match)

WWE Universal Title Match: John Cena vs. Roman Reigns

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event as John Cena makes his way out to a big reaction. Cena rushes to the ring as fans cheer him on. Out next comes WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns with Paul Heyman. Reigns heads to the ring as Cena sits on the top turnbuckle and watches. Reigns raises the title in the middle of the ring now. We get formal ring introductions from Hamilton.

Fans are riled up as the bell hits. Cena throws a few jabs and smiles at Reigns. They go to lock up but stall some, backing away and getting a feel for the crowd. Cena plays to the crowd and taunts Reigns. They finally lock up and Cena applies a headlock to start. Reigns drops Cena with a shoulder but he gets right back up. Reigns talks some trash.

They lock back up and Cena takes Reigns down for a 2 count. Cena warns Reigns with the "1-2-3" taunt. They go for a test of strength but Cena takes Reigns down with another roll-up for 2. Reigns works Cena over and drops him with a right. Reigns plays to the crowd, and drops Reigns with another right hand. Reigns talks some more trash and keeps Cena down. Reigns wastes some time yelling at the crowd while Cena recovers. Reigns whips Cena hard into the turnbuckles and he goes back down. Reigns taunts Cena about going to Hollywood.

Reigns with a suplex now. Reigns grounds Cena but Cena fights to his feet. Reigns puts him back down and stands tall over him. Reigns with another suplex for a 2 count. Reigns ends up tossing Cena through the ropes to the floor. Reigns taunts the crowd from the apron. Reigns follows to the floor but Cena blocks a right hand and fights back with right hands. Cena whips Reigns shoulder-first into the steel ring steps. Reigns stands on the steps now and raises his fist in the air for mostly boos. Reigns keeps Cena down at ringside and grabs the Universal Title, raising it in the air and taunting the fans some more.

Cena rolls back in the ring to break the count. Reigns comes back in and Cena rolls him for 2. Cena charges but Reigns levels him with a shoulder. Reigns kneels down and talks some more trash to Cena. Reigns blocks the Attitude Adjustment and drops Cena with a DDT for a close 2 count. Reigns looks to the camera and apologizes to Hollywood movie executives for beating Cena's ass. Cena gets up and looks to mount some offense but Reigns shuts him right back down and keeps the trash talking going.

Cena with another roll-up attempt out of nowhere but Reigns kicks out. Reigns goes right into a Sleeper hold and Cena starts to fade. Cena powers back up to his feet as fans rally. Reigns keeps the hold locked and jumps on Cena's back now. More of the same now. Cena mounts offense with his signature shoulder blocks now. Cena stands over Reigns and calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Reigns rocks him and brings him into the Guillotine. Cena breaks free and jackknifes Reigns for a 2 count. Reigns comes right back with a Superman Punch to shut Cena's momentum down once again.

Cena drops Reigns again and this time hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena then delivers the Attitude Adjustment but Reigns kicks out right before the 3 count. Cena is a bit frustrated now. Cena gets the STF applied now but Reigns drags them to the bottom rope. Reigns gets the bottom rope and breaks the hold but the referee has to use the 5 count as Cena keeps it locked in.

Reigns rolls to the floor and limps around to regroup. Reigns goes down to one knee. Cena follows but Reigns nails him with the Drive By. Fans do dueling chants now. Reigns runs around the ring but Cena catches him and puts him through the announce table with the Attitude Adjustment. Heyman looks on shocked and fans go wild. Cena rushes to grab Reigns and roll him back in the ring but Reigns kicks out. Cena can't believe it.

Cena goes to the top for the big leg drop but Reigns catches him in mid-air, slamming him for a close 2 count. Cena ends up blocking the Superman punch as they go back & forth again. Reigns drops Cena with another Superman Punch attempt but Cena kicks out at 2. Reigns is frustrated. Cena side-steps the Spear and Reigns runs into the ring post, going down on the apron. Cena brings Reigns to the top turnbuckle now. Cena climbs up for a super Attitude Adjustment from the second rope. Cena nails it but Reigns kicks out right before the 3 count. Cena is flat on his back now, in shock, and the Vegas crowd can't believe it.

Cena mocks Reigns' yell from the corner and some fans boo. Cena charges but Reigns rocks him. They trade big right hands in the middle of the ring now as fans go along with them. Cena unloads with right hands now but Reigns stuns him. Reigns with a Superman Punch, and another to drop Cena flat on his back. Reigns yells out about how this is all him, he is WWE. Reigns waits in the corner now as Cena slowly recovers. Reins yells out and calls for the Spear, then delivers it for the pin to retain.

Winner: Roman Reigns

This is from our live WWE SummerSlam coverage post. You can click here for full results, plus our live Viewing Party with your feedback...

