Impact's Digital Media Title Tournament Day 4 Results: Johnny Swinger Vs. Jordynne Grace

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of Impact Wrestling's Digital Media Championship Tournament, which airs every Tuesday and Wednesday on Impact Plus and Impact's YouTube membership page. Be sure to chime in on your thoughts about tonight's show in the comments section below. Additionally, share our live coverage through social media. Make sure to click the REFRESH button to continue to get the most current up-to-date coverage.

Commentators Josh Mathews and D'Lo Brown welcome fans to match four in the tournament. We'll find out who rounds off this week's events.

Johnny Swinger (w/The Swingerellas & Hernandez) vs. Jordynne Grace (w/Rachael Ellering)

Stalling earlier in the match, Johnny Swinger decides to turn his lock-up with Jordynne Grace into a dance. Jordynne isn't having it, as she shoves Swinger off. He falls straight to the corner. They restart. Jordynne pulls Swinger in with a full arm-twist, sending him down on the mat. Swinger turns it around and drags her down by her hair. Jordynne takes Swinger by his hair and throws him to the mat. Cover. Swinger pops out at two.

The fans inform Swinger to tie his shoe. He does so and eats a massive knee lift to the face. He rolls to the outside and officially ties his shoe. Jordynne tries to drag him back into the rope, but he snaps the rope right towards Jordynne's face, creating temporary space. Back in the ring, Jordynne avoids a head dive. She slams a back elbow straight into Swinger's face, then follows with a Vader Bomb. Cover. Hernandez helps Swinger break the count.

Swinger stacks Jordynne up with both his feet on the ropes. The referee catches it and breaks the count. Jordynne locks in a sleeper hold. Hernandez jumps up onto the apron. Jordynne breaks the hold on Swinger to walks over to Hernandez. Hernandez grabs her. Swinger comes charging, Jordynne escapes Hernandez's clutch, and Swinger stops himself instantly. Jordynne pushes Swinger into Hernandez. Hernandez falls to the floor. Jordynne climbs on Swingere and applies another sleeper hold. They drop to the mat. She turns it into a body scissors. Swinger chooses to tap. Jordynne just punched her ticket towards a shot at the Digital Media Championship!

Winner: Jordynne Grace

That concludes this week's matches. We'll be back next Tuesday and Wednesday to recap the last two finalists of the tournament!



