ROH TV Results (10/4): VLNCE UNLTD In Action Against PCO, Sledge, Demonic Flamita & Danhausen

VLNCE UNLTD is shown backstage after the usual ROH signature video package. A challenge is made to face VLNCE UNLTD tonight. Danhausen interrupts and talks about being very violent before saying never-mind and leaving after being stared down.


Taylor Rust and Alex Zayne make their entrances. The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) make their entrance.

The Briscoes (Mark & Jay) vs. Taylor Rust & Alex Zayne

Rust takes Mark to the mat with a waist-lock. Rust eventually connects with a Pump Kick to Mark as Mark sits on the top turnbuckle. Zayne springboards over the back of Rust to launch himself up to Mark. Zayne hits a Hurricanruna on Mark from off the turnbuckle. Rust pins Mark for a two count. Rust chops Mark. Mark sends Rusy into the corner. Jay clotheslines Rust before sending him into a boot from Mark. Marl hits a Modified STO on Zayne. Jay goes for a Jay-Driller on Rust. Rust gets out of it. Jay clotheslines Rust. Jay hits a Jay-Driller on Rust. Mark hits his Froggy-bow finisher from off the top turnbuckle on Rust. Mark pins Rust for the three count.


Winners: The Briscoes (Mark & Jay)

New ROH World Women's Champion Rok-C comes to the ring for an interview with Brian Zane. Rok-C talks about how everything has dreamt of became a reality when she won the title. The Allure's Angelina Love & Mandy Leon make their entrance. Leon talks about how this is The Allure's house. Love talks about the C in Rok-C not really standing for Champion but not being able to say what it really stands for on television. Miranda Alize, Trish Adora, Willow and Allyson Kay make their entrances. Maria Kanellis Bennett comes out to the entrance stage with a microphone in hand. Kanellis says that there will be two three-way matches in the near future, with the winners of those matches facing off. The winner of that match will then face Rok-C for the title at Final Battle.

VLNCE UNLTD's Tony Deppen, Chris Dickinson, Brody King & Homicide make their entrance. Danhausen, Sledge, Demonic Flamita & PCO make their entrances.

VLNCE UNLTD (Tony Deppen, Chris Dickinson, Brody King & Homicide) vs. Danhausen, Sledge, Demonic Flamita & PCO

Danhausen and Homicide lock up before exchanging wrist-locks. Homicide goes for a Back Drop on Danhausen. Danhausen turns that into a pin attempt for a two count. PCO eventually hits a Sit-Out Powerbomb on Deppen. Homicide strikes PCO. PCO clotheslines Homicide. Homicide connects with a back elbow to Sledge. Homicide goes for a Tornado DDT, Sledge pushes him away. Sledge hits a Modifed Tilt-A-Whirl Powerslam on Homicide. King kicks Sledge in the midsection. King hits a Piledriver on Sledge. King pins Sledge for the win.


Winners: VLNCE UNLTD (Tony Deppen, Chris Dickinson, Brody King & Homicide)

They hype next week's show as this one comes to a close.

