AEW Dark Results: Andrade El Idolo Vs. Warhorse, Darby Allin Vs. QT Marshall

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- Excalibur and Taz welcome us to Dark from Independence, MO. Taz is happy for some Team Taz representation tonight and calls out Dark Order as we go to our first of 15 matches tonight.

Gunn Club (Billy, Austin & Colten Gunn) vs. Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & Colt Cabana)

Evil Uno and Colten start off this trios match as Uno takes in the crowd. Colten talks trash and shoulder block battles with Uno. Colten cuts it off with a right hand and mocks Dark Order. Colten then with a kick to counter the back drop attempt. Uno catches a boot, hands it to the ref and hits a neckbreaker. Uno tries it again, but it doesn't work. He hits a kick to the mid-section, apologizes to the ref and tags in Reynolds who hits a pump kick then an uppercut for a one count.

Colten trips up Reynolds and hits an over the top neckbreaker. Reynolds gets an elbow up in the corner and hits a dropkick. Billy tags in and calls out Cabana. Cabana tags in flexes, but Billy with a kick and a right hand. Cabana catches a boot, bounces off the corner but finds himself eye first in front of Billy's crotch. Billy tells him to "suck it", but Cabana responds with a Boom Boom Drop. Everyone runs in as Dark Order send Gunn Club into each other and tell them to "suck it!"

Gunn Club escape outside and collect themselves. Austin and Colten run into bodyslams, and Dark Order pose. Billy comes in and gains back control as Reynolds is beaten down in the corner. Austin tags in as Colten looks to keep him in his corner, but Austin accidently sends his brother outside. Billy sent outside as Uno tags in and clears house.

Uno steps on Billy's hands, and Cabana with a hip attack on the outside! Uno chops Austin, and Colten dunks on his brother. Cabana hits Flying Apples, and Reynolds hits a tope suicida! Uno hits Something Evil, cover, but Austin kicks out at two! Austin escapes under Uno, and Colten hits a dropkick. Cabana sends him outside. Uno hits a big boot. Austin with a roll up while grabbing the ropes for the win.

Winners: Gunn Club (Billy, Austin & Colten Gunn) via pinfall

Riho vs. Heidi Howitzer

Riho with a go behind as she tries a German suplex, but Howitzer powers out and hits a clotheslines. Riho with a Matrix kick out as she hits a tijeras. Riho with a tiger feint kick on the middle rope for a two count. In the corner now as Howitzer whips Riho into the corner. Riho with a boot up as she tries a crossbody, but Howitzer catches her and carries her around and hits a powerslam for a two count. Howitzer then slams Riho on her head. Riho in the corner as Howitzer hits a hip attack and sits on Riho. Howitzer steps on Riho as she goes to the second-rope. She misses a Vader bomb, and Riho goes up top and hits a diving foot stomp for the win.

Winner: Riho via pinfall

Too Fast Too Fuego (Fuego del Sol and Fuego 2) vs. Nick Comoroto and Aaron Solo

Fuego and Solo start off this tag match, but the crowd wants Fuego 2 in. Fuego 2 forgets he has to be in the corner to tag in, and he does. The crowd showing their support for Fuego 2, but Solo with a kick to the mid-section. Fuego 2 responds with the same followed up by an arm drag. Fuego 2 with a wristlock as he deals damage to Solo, and he goes off the top rope for another arm drag. Fuego tags in, and the two hit a double dropkick. Solo with a knee lift, but Fuego with an uppercut and spear in the corner.

Fuego sent on the apron, but he flies in for a hurricanrana. Solo escapes to his corner, and Comoroto tags in. He takes his time to get in the ring as he picks up Fuego. Fuego escapes, but Comoroto hits a huge shoulder tackle. Fuego 2 tags in and flexes. Fuego 2 looking to show off his power taking a strap down. Fuego 2 goes off the ropes, but Comoroto sends him down. Fuego 2 puts his strap back on and tries a wasitlock. Comoroto shakes him off, sends Fuego 2 on the apron. Fuego 2 hits a missile dropkick.

Solo distracts and hits a shot from behind. Comoroto runs through Fuego 2. Comoroto hits a delayed vertical suplex for two. Comoroto sends Fuego 2 to his corner and tags in Solo who hits a bodyslam followed up by a leaping knee drop for a two count. Solo keeping up the pressure as he hits a suplex for a two count. Solo going at the mask, but the referee admonishes him. Solo with a big strike as he goes for a tornado DDT. Fuego 2 throws him off. Fuego 2 hits a reverse DDT.

Fuego 2 tags in Fuego as he hits a series of cross chops. Comoroto runs in, but Fuego dropkicks him out. Fuego with a foot stomp on Solo's head, cover 1-2-no! Comoroto with a Polish hammer on Fuego as Fuego 2 is sent out. Fuego going around Comoroto as Fuego hits Cross Rhodes, cover, but Comoroto fights off Fuego 2 to break it up. Fuego 2 with a step-up hurricanrana as Comoroto shows off his power. Fuego 2 hits a front kick into a DDT from Fuego on Comoroto. Fuego launches off Fuego 2 to hit a tornado DDT for the win.

Winners: Too Fast Too Fuego (Fuego del Sol and Fuego 2) via pinfall

Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager vs. Koko Lane & Luke Langley

Guevara and Langley start off this tag match. Langley with a shot to the back as he flexes. Guevara with a series of chops. He goes around Langley and hits a dropkick. Hager tags in, and Sammy Hager combine for a chop block. Lane holds onto Hager allowing them to take control. Lane and Langley try to keep Hager in their corner with multiple tags in and out. Hager bounces off the corner and hits a double clothesline. Guevara tags in and hits multiple elbows and a back bdoy drop. Langley sent out as Guevara hits a Gamengiri then a top rope cutter. Hager bomb from Hager Guevara tags in and hits a senton atomic for the win.

Winner: Sammy Guevara via pinfall

- Post-match: Men of the Year run in and attack Guevara and Hager. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky brawl with Santana and Ortiz who run in for the save. Sky and Page escape as the Inner Circle flip them off.

Best Friends (Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor and Wheeler Yuta) vs. Davey Vega, Darius Bengston and Camaro Jackson

Cassidy and Vega start off as Vega tries a chop. Cassidy isn't having it and tags in Yuta. Yuta going to work as he shows off his agility with an arm drag off a springboard followed up by a dropkick. Vega rakes the eyes and hits a front chancery suplex. Bengston tags in and quickly tags in Jackson after a strike. Jackson lifts up Yuta and squats to finish off the delayed vertical suplex.

Bengston tags in and sends Taylor and Cassidy flying. Yuta up top and hits a double dropkick on Jackson and Bengston. Taylor with a rising knee strike on Jackson then a Soul Food / German suplex combo. Yuta then planchas onto everyone. Taylor hits the Awful Waffle. Cassidy is fired up and wants in. Cassidy takes off his elbow pad ready for an Orange Punch, but Bengston is still down. Cassidy covers for the win.

Post-match: Vega tries to attack Cassidy from behind, but Cassidy hits the Orange Punch. Best Friends give the people what they want!

Dante Martin (w/ Lio Rush) vs. Frankie Kazarian

Kazarian and Martin with a quick fist bump of respect as they grapple to start off. Martin and Kazarian both spring up as they fight for position. Martin lands on his feet as Kazarian tries to flip him over. Martin hits a crossbody off the middle rope and hits a series of arm drags into an armbar. Kazarian backs Martin into the corner and hits a chop as Martin releases the hold. Martin stops his tracks off the Irish whip, but Kazarian catches him in an armbar. Martin using the ropes to escape.

Kazarian feints out the arm drag and tries a roll up and then goes back to an armbar position. Kazarian transitions into a wristlock as Martin again uses the ropes to escape. Martin leaps over Kazarian for a sunset flip for a two count. He hits a dropkick, goes over the top for a snapmare followed up by a tijeras then a senton for a two count. Martin bouncing off the ropes but misses a sunset flip, and Kazarian hits a springboard leg drop for a two count. Martin escapes the corner, ducks a few strikes, but Kazarian springboards Martin in for a cutter, cover 1-2-no!

Rush coaching up Martin as he gets the crowd behind him. Martin pushes off and leaps over Kazarian. Kazarian hits a huge clothesline in response. Kazarian sizing up Martin for a chicken wing. Martin backs into the corner. Martin going for his leaping Stunner, but Kazarian counters into a crossface chicken wing. Rush grabs Kazarian's boot. Martin hits a double jump moonsault for the win.

Winner: Dante Martin via pinfall

Post-match: Kazarian tells off Rush for interfering in the match. Martin doesn't know what happened and talks with Rush about it as he celebrates his victory.

Thunder Rosa, Kris Statlander and Ryo Mizunami vs. Emi Sakura, Jamie Hayter and Rebel (w/ Lulu Pencil & Mei Suruga)

Rosa and Hayter start off this trios match with some trash talking. Hayter tags out to Rebel. Rebel shows off how taller she is than Rosa and slaps her. Rosa responds with a chop to the chest and then an arm drag followed up two more as Rosa hangs on for an armbar. Rebel escapes and grabs her hair. Sakura tags in, but Rosa escapes and tags out to Mizunami. Mizunami hits her machine gun chops in the corner. Sakura counters Mizunami and plants her down. Sakura sizing up Mizunami in the corner for a crossbody, and she hits it and poses with The Killer Queens.

Sakura going for a Romero Special, and she gets it and drops Mizunami down. Sakura tags out to Hayter as she hits a suplex. Hayter throws Mizunami into her corner and tags out to Rebel as she's slingshotted by Hayter, and Hayter hits an uppercut. Rebel cartwheels off Mizunami for a neckbreaker for a two count. Mizunami trying to tag out, but Rebel maintains a headlock.

Rebel takes out Rosa, but Statlander hits a shot. Mizunami with a back body drop, but Sakura tags in and stops Mizunami. Mizunami hits a spear and tags in Statlander who clears house. Statlander tosses Hayter and Sakura on top of Rebel. Statlander, Rosa and Mizunami trio shots in three corner. Rosa held down by The Killer Queens. Everyone clearing house. Rebel in control and slams Statlander into the ropes. Rosa intercepts and hits a Fire Thunder Driver for the win.

Winners: Thunder Rosa, Kris Statlander and Ryo Mizunami via pinfall

Post-match: Hayter with a shot behind Rosa ahead of their upcoming match. Sakura and Rebel join in on the brawl. Ruby Soho coming out with a pipe! Soho misses a pipe shot and comes face-to-face with Statlander. Statlander not happy with Soho's actions as Soho backs off ahead of their upcoming tournament match.

Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty (w/ Mike Sydal) vs. 2point0 (Matt Lee & Jeff Parker)

Sydal and Lee start off this tag match as Lee starts off with a kick quick and a bodyslam to cut off the hometown pop. Sydal counters another bodyslam with a series of arm drags. Sydal hits a standing Mariposa for a one count. Moriarty tags in and keeps up the pressure. Parker blind tagged in and catches Moriarty with an arm drag into an armbar. Moriarty escapes, steps over Parker to take out Lee as Sydal takes out Parker. Moriarty launches off Parker, but Lee counters with a suplex into the corner for a two count.

Parker tags in as 2point0 work Moriarty over and keep him in their corner. Moriarty trying to build some distance, but Parker cuts him off as Lee tags in and hits a backbreaker for a two count. He tries another cover, but Moriarty kicks out again. Moriarty rising up off a headlock, but 2point0 cut him off. Parker hits a snap suplex for a two count. Parker talks trash to Sydal leaving an opening for Moriarty. Moriarty leaps for a tag, but Parker cuts him off. Parker hanging onto Moriarty, and Lee hangs onto Parker.

Moriarty powers out for a tag as Sydal takes out Lee. Sydal with a leg lariat on Parker. Moriarty gets sent for a knee strike followed up by a charging knee strike from Sydal. Sydal hits a Meteora, cover 1-2-but Lee breaks it up. 2point0 look for a double suplex, but Moriarty saves him for a Sydal hurricanrana on Lee. Moriarty launches for a tope suicida on Lee! Sydal with a combo of strikes and then a Lightning Spiral for the win.

Winners: Matt Sydal and Lee Moriarty via pinfall

Post-match: Top Flight's music plays and out comes Martin and Rush. Martin is not happy to come out, but Rush convinces him otherwise as the two teams stare each other down ahead of their Dynamite match this week.

Nyla Rose vs. Tootie Lynn

Lynn rolls through a lock up, but Rose goes for the hair. Lynn with a kick to escape. Lynn with rapid-fire strikes. She hits a knee strike, but Rose runs through her. Rose picks up Lynn and sends her to the corner and lands a chop and then a splash followed up by a cannonball senton. Rose going for a pin, but she lifts up Lynn's head and hits a Samoan Drop followed up by Rose hanging Lynn on the middle rope. Rose going for a top rope knee drop, and she hits it for the win.

Winner: Nyla Rose via pinfall

Andrade El Idolo (w/ Jose the assistant) vs. Warhorse

Warhorse getting some love from the crowd, but Jose is in the ring instead of Andrade. Jose dusting himself off as Warhorse turns his back on Andrade, and Andrade attacks him from behind. Andrade beats Warhorse down in the corner, whips him across, catches a boot and hits an elbow strike. Andrade places Warhorse up top and hits a chop. He meets him up top for a superplex. Warhorse blocks it and hits a headbutt. Andrade counters the missile dropkick with a powerbomb. Andrade hits the hammerlock DDT for the win.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo via pinfall

Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ Hook) vs. Dark Order (Alan "5" Angels and 10)

10 and Starks starting out with tag match as 10 has his eyes on Hobbs allowing Starks to hit him from behind. 10 absorbs chops and goes at Starks. 10 hits a big shoulder block and sends Starks into the corner and lays in a flurry of punches and rains down shots. 10 picks up Starks and hits a fallaway slam. Angels tags in and hits an assisted tijeras. Angels now rains down punches, back flips off and goes around for a Russian leg sweep for a one count. Starks drives Angels to his corner, and Hobbs tags in and goes at Angels.

Angels with a few body shots and leg kicks Angels with a low dropkick as he avoids Hobbs' strikes. Hobbs absorbs a kick and sends Angels to the corner. Angels with a boot up two times as he bounces off the ropes into a huge clothesline from Hobbs. Hobbs as Angels for a spinning delayed vertical suplex. Starks tags in and hits a top rope punch. Starks then hits a back elbow for a one count. Starks hits a bodyslam and tags in Hobbs who stomps on Angels. Starks basking in Team Taz's glory as Hobbs keeps up the pressure.

Angels fires in body shots and elbow strikes. Hobbs runs through Angels in response. Starks and Hook celebrate on the outside. Starks tags in, but Angels looking for a sunset flip and gets it for a two count. Starks blocking 10 for the tag, but Angels tries to fight through. Angels leaps through Starks as 10 tags in. 10 hits pump kicks on Starks and Hobbs. Starks sent over the top. 10 hits a spinebuster on Hobbs. 10 looking for a full nelson, but Starks breaks it up.

10 going for a powerbomb on Starks. Starks escapes, and Hobbs hits a spinebuster of his own, cover, but Angels breaks it up. Starks hits a spear on Angels. 10 with an elbow strike on Starks. Starks picks up 10 and sends him on the apron. 10 escapes Starks and tags in Angels. Angels and Hobbs going at it. Hobbs picks up Angels and hits a powerslam as Starks covers for the win.

Winners: Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs via pinfall

Tay Conti (w/ Anna Jay) vs. Miranda Gordy

Conti with a flurry of elbow strikes followed up by a pump kick and then a few more. Conti hits DD-Tay for the win.

Winner: Tay Conti via pinfall

Wardlow (w/ Shawn Spears) vs. Ryan Mantell

Wardlow with a quick takedown. Mantell tries a shoulder block, but Wardlow absorbs it and sends Mantell to the corner. Wardlow then hits a powerbomb. He rolls Mantell and sets him up for Casualty of War for the win.

Winner: Wardlow via pinfall

Post-match: Spears runs into the ring and hits a C4 on Mantell and celebrates with Wardlow.

- QT Marshall cuts off his music and Justin Roberts. Marshall sends a message to Sting over Sting kicking him in the nuts. He notes that Sting as a friend in Darby Allin he has a friend in MJF. He said while they were talking about how much better than they are than everyone else in AEW, MJF asked Marshall to go to St. Louis, even though it sucks, and to soften up Allin for him before Full Gear. Marshall says he'll make sure Allin doesn't make it to Full Gear.

Darby Allin vs. QT Marshall

Allin using his agility to get in Marshall's head as he tries to lock up with Allin. Marshall wants a test of strength as the crowd shows their support for Allin. Allin with a headlock and then a shoulder block. Allin bounces off the ropes for an arm drag. Allin on fire, but Marshall cuts him off with a lariat. Marshall slowing the pace as he rains down a right hand. Marshall lifts up Allin, but Allin escapes and chop blocks Marshall. Allin slapping Marshall, but Marshall catches a strike and hits a chop.

Marshall hits a suplex for a two count. Allin escapes to the corner and gets a boot up. He goes for a coffin splash, but Marshall catches it. Allin escapes, but Marshall hits a corner clothesline and then an overhead bell-to-belly. Marshall goes up top and hits a diving headbutt, cover 1-2-no! Allin going to the corner once again as he looks to build some distance. Marshall flips Allin on the apron. He lands on his feet, hits a palm strike and hits a missile dropkick sending Marshall outside. Allin hits a tope suicida! Allin sends Marshall back in the ring and hits a Code Red, 1-2-no! Allin going up top looking for a Coffin Drop, and he hits it for the win.

Winner: Darby Allin via pinfall

Christian Cage, Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy vs. Matt Hardy, Isiah Kassidy and The Blade

Jungle Boy and Kassidy start off out trios main event as Kassidy talks some trash. The crowd showing their support for Jungle Boy as Kassidy is looking for some respect but doesn't get it. Jungle Boy and Kassidy trade counters back and forth as Kassidy hits a hurricanrana. He does too much showboating allowing Jungle Boy to get a boot up. Kassidy cuts off Jungle Boy's step-up. Jungle Boy elevates over the corner and gets off his step-up arm drag and then hits a dropkick.

Hardy tags in as Cage is called out. Cage tags in and Hardy tells him to bring it. Hardy with a kick, but Cage going for a Killswitch. Hardy escapes, but Cage rains down Hardy with punches. Cage hits a second-rope uppercut for a one count. Blade tags in and runs into right hands from Cage. Hardy dropped with a sliding dropkick, and Kassidy dropped. Blade drops Cage face first and hits a running kick. He hits overhand rights and pumps himself up. Luchasaurus getting love now as HFO look to keep Cage in their corner.

Kassidy keeping up the pressure as he drops Jungle Boy off the apron. Cage gets off a cradle pin. Kassidy kicks out and applies a headlock on Cage. Luchasaurus getting love from the crowd again as Kassidy tries to prevent a tag out. Hardy tags in and looks for a second-rope elbow and gest it for a two count. Hardy slams Cage's head on the corner turnbuckles. Cage hits a few body shots. Hardy counters with a Side Effect. Hardy tags in Kassidy instead of going for a cover.

Kassidy goes up top, poses and goes for a senton atomic, but Cage gets the knees up. Kassidy preventing a tag out. Cage fights him off, and Luchasaurus tags in and runs down HFO. Kassidy elevated over. HFO set up on each corner. Luchasaurus hits each off them with a splash and a pump kick. Hardy with a chop block to prevent a double chokeslam. HFO swarm Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus avoids a Twist of Fate and tail whips Hardy. He hits a double chokeslam on Blade and Kassidy, cover 1-2-no!

Jungle Boy tags in, but Blade avoids a double team move. He gets boots up on Jurassic Express. Blade hits an exploder on Jungle Boy, Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Luchasaurus, Cage with a Killswitch on Hardy, Kassidy with a Stunner on Cage, Jungle Boy with a lariat on Kassidy. Jungle Boy rolls up Blade. Blade kicks out, but Jungle Boy transtions into a Snare Trap tapping out Blade.

Winners: Christian Cage, Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy via pinfall

