AEW Dynamite: New Year's Smash Results- Jade Cargill Vs. Thunder Rosa, Kyle O'Reilly In Action

Welcome to our live AEW Dynamite: New Year's Smash viewing party. Tonight's special show will air live from Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida. Our live coverage starts at 8pm ET. Please share coverage of tonight's Viewing Party on social media and chime in with your thoughts in the comments section below.


- Tonight's show kicks off with the return of Jim Ross! JR gets a brilliant ovation from the AEW fans here in Florida, fresh from the news that he has officially beaten cancer. JR says, "it's Wednesday night, you know what that means!"

Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, Christian Cage, & Lucha Bros vs. Matt Hardy, Private Party, & FTR

Christian Cage and Cash Wheeler kick things off, and the FTR man initially. However, Cage turns things around with a flapjack and he then begins unloading on punches in the corner. Dax Harwood tries to help but he eats some fists as well and in tag Jungle Boy and Harwood.

Dax attacks Jungle Boy in the corner, but he turns things around with some big chops and then back elbows and a dropkick. Cage comes back in and he leaps over the rope to slap Dax before bringing Jungle Boy back into the match. He looks for the Snare Trap, but Cash breaks it up and bring in Isiah Kassidy.


However, the Private Party star is quickly taken down with a double team from Lucha Bros as Jungle Boy leapfrog from them to dropkick Marq Quen. He then gets dropped down by Kennedy though and in comes his partner. Private Party ends up being taken out by Jungle Boy. However, the numbers game from the heels works as Quen flips his opponent from the top rope into a Side Effect by Hardy.

They then isolate Jungle Boy in their corner as Matt slows the pace down.  However, he fires back with a lariat and Penta El Zero M then tags in and he connects with Slingblades to both members of Private Party. He and ReyFenix then light up Dax with kicks before both FTR members are dropped with a double DDT. Fenix then hits a Sento to Quen, but he kicks out!

Private Party then work together to flip Fenix in mid-air before planting him to the mat, and Harwood then returns with some leg drops. Dax sets Fenix onto the top turnbuckle, but he gets chopped and sent to the mat as Rey follows with a moonsault press to drop both FTR stars. Luchasuarus then tags in and he begins cleaning house. Everybody in sight gets taken out by the big man and he charges into each corner, hitting a different opponent each time.


FTR then tries to work together, but that doesn't work as Dax eats a clothesline, and Cash is hit with a tail whip. Luchasaurus Chokeslam's Harwood and then Penta tags himself in, which creates some tension. Despite that, he hits a backstabber to Dax, but he kicks out again.

The match then descends into chaos as everyone gets taken out on the outside due to two high-flying moves. However, inside the ring, Penta looks set to wrap things up until Christian makes a blind tag. They begin arguing and that allows FTR to push them into each other. After the collision, FTR hits the Big Rig on Christian for the win.

Winners: FTR, Private Party, & Matt Hardy

Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz vs. 2point0 & Daniel Garcia

Matt Lee tries to attack Eddie Kingston straight away, but he quickly takes control and then heads out of the ring as he starts brawling. Everybody then gets involved with a huge brawl starting outside of the match. However, with Kingston's focus gone, Lee attacks him from behind which allows Jeff Parker to continue the attack.

Ortiz managed to tag in and he picks up the pace, but a boot to the mid-section drops him. A dropkick turns things around though as he and Santana then work together with a series of strikes to drop the 2point0 star. However, Daniel Garcia then tags in, but he eats an elbow in the corner.


Kingston then bits the side of Garcia's head in the corner while the tag team once again work together as they plant him to the mat. Lee is able to make a blind tag and then changes the momentum as they isolate Ortiz, making frequent tags to work him down. Garcia then locks in a submission, but this leads to Kingston bursting in to break it up and once again the match descends to chaos.

Ortiz is able to tag in Kingston and he drops everybody as he starts charging into each corner before unloading on Garcia with chops. Parker eats a suplex, while Santana comes back in with a running boot to Matt Lee. The tag team show more tandem offense, but Lee has his knees up when Santana tries to flip onto him. He then follows that up with a roll-up where he gets a handful of trunks to steal the win.

Winners: 2point0 & Daniel Garcia

- After the match, the heels continue their beatdown. Garcia gets the ring bell and smashes it onto Santan's head...but here comes Chris Jericho! He's back and he has a bat in hand cleaning house as the trio go running! The fans then sing the song as Kingston demands it gets cut. He begins questioning what Jericho is doing, saying he doesn't need his help.

- MJF is shown backstage as he talks about unsafe working conditions. He says he was thrown out of the ring by an untrained Sting. He says if he was working for a more professional company, things wouldn't happen. He says that is a conversation for the bidding war of 2024, referencing his contract. MJF then claims he is done with CM Punk and has his eye on the gold.


He then says Wardlow to stop his powerbomb symphony. He also says he needs to be in the Face of the Revolution ladder match to win, but then give it to him. His contract is then talked about, where it is revealed that is what he signed. MJF then says next week, he will also start racking up some wins as well.

- Tony Schiavone is then shown backstage with the Lucha Brothers. Christian Cage appears and says they went into business for themselves, he says next week it's time for them to put the titles on the line against his guys. Alex Abrahantes then says he is supposed to be a tag team legend but he can't even be a partner. He then adds that if Jungle Boy is the future, he should consider letting go of the past. They then accept the challenge.

Wardlow w/Shawn Spears vs. Colin Delaney 

Colin Delaney eats an elbow to the face and then a major clothesline. He then drops Delaney with the Powerbomb which leads to, "one more time" chants. He then hits a second one as fans continue chanting at him. Wardlow then goes for two more before wrapping things up.

Winner: Wardlow

- As Delaney hobbles to the back he goes past Shawn Spears. He then takes that opportunity to nail him in the back with a chair shot.


- The Super Kliq, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O'Reilly are then shown. Adam Cole says they will be the best group ever and Matt Jackson points out Kyle hasn't even said hello to them. He says sure it isn't awkward. Kyle tells them all to leave other than Cole. He says he knows they have heat together, and tonight he will find out if Cole has his back.

- Adam Lambert is now shown in the ring with Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky. He says nothing is cool about Cody Rhodes and seeing Arn Anderson with him makes him sad. He says he used to be a Horseman, and now he is just a whore. He also says that is a perfect segway to Brandi, and Ethan Page then mocks her being a 'wrestler.'

Lambert then mocks Cody's neck tattoo and says he never really made it until he cut a backstage deal with Tony Khan. He sats AEW fans might be idiots, but even they don't like the sh*t sandwich he is shoving down their throat. Brandi Rhodes then comes out and calls Lambert a less talented version of Paul Heyman. He replies saying he prefers Jim Cornette.

She asks him when the last time Lambert got beat up by a woman and didn't have to pay for it. She will whoop his ass tonight for free. He says there isn't a person who wouldn't want to slap him and if he can do that he would be lucky. Brandi says if Lambert is a black belt, she's a black b*tch. Dustin Rhodes then comes out to calm things down, but Scorpio Sky then attacks him from behind as they walk away.


- A video package is shown about the upcoming AEW World Championship match between Hangman Page and Bryan Danielson. JR says the judges are a recipe for chaos, while Tony Schiavone says he always thought Bryan would be the next AEW World Champion. Excalibur also believes Danielson could win the title next week.

Jade Cargill vs. Thunder Rosa (TBS Title Tournament Semi-Final)

Thunder Rosa is here dressed up as Wolverine. She charges in and goes for a low dropkick, which sends Jade Cargill out of the ring. Mark Sterling then puts his body in the way of a dive, but Rosa takes him out with a somersault from the ring apron. However, turning her back allows Cargill to attack her.

Jade's power then proves to be too much as she catches Thunder Rosa in mid-air, dropping her onto the ring apron. However, she responds by attacking the knee of Cargill once again as this match remains outside of the ring. She then hooks Jade's leg over the guard rail and attacks it, working the leg once more.

Despite that work, Jade fires back again, launching her into the barricade. Cargill breaks up the count but things stay out of the ring as Rosa gets launched head-first into the ring post. However, she misses with a back elbow, only to end up being hit with a dragon screw into the second rope.


Rosa then connects with an elbow, but Cargill just drops her opponent with a pump kick straight away. She misses with a high boot and once again, Thunder Rosa picks at the leg as she continues to attack that area. Cargill then looks for a delayed suplex, but Thunder reverses and tries to catch her with a pinfall.  Shen then hooks Jade on the middle rope and attacks the leg again.

Thunder drops Jade down to the bottom turnbuckle and then hits another low dropkick. After all of that, Jade fires back with a Samoan Drop and then a backbreaker. However, Thunder Rosa turns things around once more and a Figure Four is locked in! But Cargill reaches the ropes and then gets a water drink from Mark. He created a distraction and this allows someone to attack Thunder Rosa!

Cargill sends her opponent into the bottom turnbuckle and a hooded figure blindsides Thunder Rosa with some type of weapon. This allows Cargill to connect with Jaded for the win.

Winner: Jade Cargill

- After the match, Thunder Rosa attacks Jade Cargill, but the hooded person attacks once again. That is then revealed to be...Mercedes Martinez! However, Ruby Soho then charges down with a steel pipe and that causes them to run away, with the finals now being set.


- It is revealed that at Saturday Night Fight Britt Baker will defend her AEW Women's Title against Riho

- CM Punk appears and he says it is awesome to see JR back in the booth and says he is the best to ever do it. Punk says he is all about giving people their flowers now. He says this place is a home for AEW and it gets him thinking about Brodie Lee. Punk says if there is anybody who says something to try and minimize the impact he made, that means they never met him.

Punk says he watched the tribute show for his friend and it made him want to come here. This then makes him think about someone who isn't worth his time, and that's MJF. He's a Twitter troll in the flesh, but he hides behind Dax and Cash, like last week. He is fine if MJF says he's done with him as he got to team with Sting and Darby Allin.

CM Punk claims he wants to be champion too. He says being here in Daily's Place, there is bigger and brighter things on the horizon for him. He says MJF is a bigger waste of Khan money than Tim Tebow, which gets a huge pop. Punk says MJF found out the hard way that on the mic, in the ring, and on commentary, nobody can touch him. He then teases it would be a real shame if somebody messed with MJF's quest for gold.


- Ricky Stark says ever since Dante Martin got involved with Lio, things haven't gone well for him. Powerhouse Hobbs then questions if he really wants to go a second round with him.

- Sammy Guevara then appears with his cards. It recaps his time as TNT Champion. He has a resolution for 2022, which is to beat the American Nightmare and become TNT Champion again.

- Hikaru Shida is then shown in a video package. She tells Serena Deeb to stop whining and making excuses and says she can have another rematch.

- Brian Pillman Jr is interviewed by Tony Schiavone. He says last week his brother walked into the House Of Black. He admits to not having much memory from that night, but he won't forget the bell ringing while Malakai tried to end Griff's career. But when he got up, things go fuzzy and his memory goes black as he was then laying on the ground himself.

He says now it is his turn to take a trip to the House Of Black. However, he won't barge down the door. He says he learned from his father you only get one life, and he's not giving him his to Malakai as he promises to be a new man next week. But then the lights go out and Black appears. He points to the ring and the lights go out once again and then Black disappears when they return.


- It is then revealed on Rampage it will be Anthony Bowens vs Darby Allin. Each man then gets a video package where they talk trash towards each other.

Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, & Kyle O'Reilly vs. Orange Cassidy & Best Friends 

Kyle O'Reilly starts the match out with Chuck Taylor and he takes him down with a knee strike as Trent Baretta then tags in. They exchange strikes and chops, eventually taking each other down with double kicks. Kyle then opts to not tag in Adam Cole and Bobby Fish comes in.

Orange Cassidy throws his glasses at him and looks to be alive, However, after quickly avoiding some strikes, he then nails his slow kicks. The hands then end up in Cassidy's pockets, but Cole rushes him and drops Cassidy down. However, Orange sends Cole into their corner and Best Friends work together to dominate.

O'Reilly and Fish then also get launches out of the ring. But before the hug happens, the Undisputed trio hit the ring and attack all of them, putting a stop to that. O'Reilly then hits a sliding knee to Taylor as he once again brings in Bobby Fish. The heels isolate their opponent, picking away at him with frequent tags.

Cole then blindsided Orange on the ring apron with a superkick, but Trent is able to tag in and drop Cole, avoiding an elbow drop on the outside from Kyle, and then launches Fish out of the ring. Trent then hits a back elbow and then a DDT onto Kyle inside of the ring, but he kicks out.


Trent connects with a double stomp to Bobby Fish, and he tags in Cassidy who takes down Kyle and then hits a suicide dive to Fish. Back in the ring, it is a Slumdog Millionaire for Cole, but Kyle then makes a save, pushing him out of the way. Kyle and Fish then work together with some great tandem moves to take down Orange. Cole then nails a Superkick to Orange as the High/Low is hit but Chuck breaks up the pinning attempt.

Trent then appears again, but he gets bounced off the top rope, meanwhile Taylor eats a superkick from Cole on the walkway. He looks for a Panama Sunrise, but Taylor reverses and he then launches himself off the stage into Kyle and Fish. Meanwhile, Trent Spears Cole as Cassidy connects with a top diving DDT, but Adam kicks out!

Cole is hit by two piledrivers and a Beach Break, but his partner make the save. Kyle then starts kicking Orange, but he brings an end to that, only for Kyle to hit a flurry of moves. He then goes for a big boot, but Orange moves and he nails Adam Cole.

Orange then nearly steals a roll-up, but Best Friends then clean house and hug. However, Brandon Cutler then runs into the ring only to be taken out. However, with the official not looking The Young Bucks hit superkicks, and then inside the ring, Chasing The Dragon is nailed for the win.


Winners: Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, & Bobby Fish

