Matt Hardy Names AEW Tag Team He Wants The Hardy Boyz To Face

During a recent Bleacher Report interview, Matt Hardy discussed a Hardy Boys reunion and listed potential dream matches. Now that Jeff is no longer a part of WWE, The Hardy Boys are free to reunite and end their careers on their terms.


"Jeff and I both made that deal to each other: we want to end our careers the way we began our careers," he said. "We're getting the opportunity to do that now as all of the planets have aligned. I'm really excited for how 2022 is going to turn out for the Hardys. It's going to be a great, great year and we're very much excited to be teaming again and having some first-time matches, which is going to be rare."

Matt and his brother Jeff haven't teamed in many years, and the landscape of tag team wrestling has changed. AEW's tag division is filled with new teams for the legendary brothers to face off against.

"We've gone long enough without teaming that there's all these fresh matchups out there and there's so many great tag teams in the world," he continued. "The AEW tag team division is jam-packed and overflowing. If we end up doing something at AEW, I think that'd be very cool, too."


Despite AEW's roster brimming with fresh tag teams, there's one team in particular that Matt Hardy would like to face. There's one team where the buck stops in AEW, and it's a dream match for fans.

"I'm not going to lie: I'm a big fan of The Young Bucks. I'd love to do another Hardy Boys vs. Young Bucks series at some point in time."

Matt and Jeff got their start as a "basic" tag team which saw them skyrocket to success in WWE. However, fans have seen various incarnations of the legendary team throughout the years. In the interview, Hardy teased the return of a popular yet unorthodox version of their tag team.

"I definitely think when we start this era of teaming with one another, it's going to be a basic Matt and Jeff Hardy, the Hardys that you remember working in our up-to-date styles," he said. "But if something did happen where we could do a 'Broken' Matt and Brother Nero thing, I think he'd love to do it as well. He loved the hell out of it also, he really enjoyed doing the Brother Nero thing and he really embraced it. As they say in the wrestling business, never say never."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Bleacher Report with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.


