Chris Jericho Suggests Steve Austin Wants To Wrestle More Than Once

It has been announced that Steve Austin will be appearing at WrestleMania 38 as a special guest on the KO Show.

Although it was rumored to be a match, Austin confirmed he would appear in Texas on the show during a promo from his ranch. Austin teased that whether it's The KO Show, a match, or a brawl, he'll be there to open a can of whoop-ass on Kevin Owens on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

AEW superstar Chris Jericho spoke about the rumors surrounding "Stone Cold" Steve Austin wrestling Kevin Owens at WrestleMania 38 on the latest episode of The Kurt Angle Show. Having had a long history with Kevin Owens, Jericho revealed a conversation he had with Austin years ago about coming back, and why he believes Kevin Owens is the perfect guy for Steve's return.

"He's the best guy for the job, he's one of the only guys for the job," Jericho said. "First of all, if Steve does come back, he's going to look like a killer. He's going to be so big and so jacked up, he's not going to come back and just be there wearing a shirt and shorts. He always told me, 'If I go back, I don't want to go back as anything less than before. And if I go back, there's going to be so much training going on that I don't want to come back just for one [match].' So maybe he wants to come back for two [matches], I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want to come back at all, but if he does, who's he going to work?

"You look at the guys on the roster, he's' not going to work with Brock because he's going to be getting dumped on his head and nobody wants to see that. He's not going to work with Goldberg because you don't want to put two guys from the same generation out there. I work with other guys because we've seen [that before], I remember when Matt Hardy came in [to AEW], we didn't need to see a Jericho/Matt Hardy match, we don't need to see a Jericho/Christian match. We've seen them. We need to see Matt Hardy and Sammy, and Chris Jericho and Eddie Kingston."

Kevin Owens recently spoke about the influence meeting Steve Austin had on his career and why he's always been a role model for the former WWE Universal Champion.

Continuing to talk about Owens and Austin at Mania, Chris Jericho continued to talk about why Owens is the best man for Steve Austin to face if he were to wrestle again. The former WWE Champion said Owens can bring so much to the table and is the perfect person to go toe-to-toe with Austin on the microphone and comedically.

"If Steve comes in, the best guy for the job is Kevin Owens because Kevin will be able to sell it on the mic, he can go toe-to-toe with Steve, he's got a comedy element to him that Steve has as well and will probably really have if he comes back because he can use that to his advantage, which Kevin will sell perfectly," Jericho said. "Can't do that with Roman Reigns. And Kevin will be able to work with Steve exactly the way Steve needs and can work. Which is just meat and potatoes, that's Kevin Owens. Kevin can do some flying and flipping, but if you ask him, he'd probably rather just punch and kick you in the corner, and that's Steve's whole offensive plan.

"That's a great idea and I would still love to see it happen. Kevin has been using [the Stunner] for a while because Steve allowed him to, so there's your story. You want a realistic story, you've got it right there. Kevin's also a guy that loves the WWF, he learned how to speak English listening to Jim Ross on commentary. I'm surprised he doesn't have a southern accent, so he's got that too."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit The Kurt Angle Show with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

