Abdullah The Butcher’s Assistant Gives Update On His Financial State
During the latest episode of Talk Is Jericho, details about Abdullah The Butcher's life were revealed.
Professional wrestling referee Danny Lincoln discussed the lawsuit that was put against the wrestling legend revolving around an independent star, who claimed he contracted Hepatitis C from Abdullah.
"In 2007, a guy named Devon (Nicholson) apparently, he claimed that Abby contracted Devon with Hepatitis C, in a cage match, down in, I believe it was in Alberta. But nobody knew about it," he said. "Because Devon said he never felt him cut him, right? When I first met Abby in 2008, and we were sharing a locker room, it was me, Abby, Honest John, and Devon. And Devon said, 'do you want me, or Abby to cut you tonight?' I am like, 'okay,' he goes, 'if I was you, I'd let Abby cut you, he's been doing it for 50 years, I trust him, he's got all his stuff.'
"I was like, 'alright, the guy's been doing it 50 years.' Abby cut me many times, I trust you and all that, doing the thing with the fork, I believe it was 2010 I was told that Devin wanted to talk to me, I went to Devon's work, and all that to talk with him. And he said, 'do you remember the contract WWE was going to give me? They rejected it because I got Hepatitis C, and I got it from Abdullah.'"
Abdullah The Butcher's assistant, Malikah then explained that he actually does not know how to read or write. This has been the case throughout his entire life, as he only reached the second-grade level in the education system.
"Abdullah went as far as the second grade," she said. "That's one of the things that Ab and I plan on doing is bringing attention to the people. He's only been up to the second grade, he doesn't really read and write. So, what happened, I've been his assistant. I am his live-in caretaker, and I am his assistant, and I handle all his business. When I first moved in, he had a stack of mail, probably about one hundred pieces of mail unopened. I moved it because he would fall, he had a bad hip.
"When I moved in, he lives on one side of the house and he would yell and scream because he was in excruciating pain, and he couldn't live alone. So, that's why I moved in to help him. He would ask me from time to time to open his mail, and I would get a little irritated because I was only here because he couldn't live alone.
"For years when all of us would go out to eat, I would ask him, 'what is it that you want on the menu?' I would give him the menu, and each time he would say, 'I want what you want,' or whoever was with us, 'I want what you want.' I would say, 'no, eat what you want,' but he always just said, 'get what you want.' I think it was his pride, he didn't want to tell me. One day when we finally got home, he sat me down and said, with tears in his eyes, 'I don't read or write.'"
She then revealed that Abdullah The Butcher lost his case against the independent star. However, this was because he was not able to read the letters that had been sent to him regarding this.
"When his sister called to tell him, 'you know you lost the case, Abdullah,' Abdullah was shocked. She sent us a clipping of the news in Canada because she said it was all over the news. We looked at it, Ab let me see it, and they said that he won the case by default," Malikah revealed. "Because Ab didn't answer the motions, and they think that Ab was just ignoring them, but he only went to second grade, so how is he meant to answer? He's not even a lawyer."
Another situation that Abdullah The Butcher is dealing with is the fact his wife is divorcing him. Malikah claimed that she has taken all of his properties, putting them in her name.
"His wife is divorcing him, so he has two cases," she said. "We found out later, now listen, this man has carved out a career. I don't understand how he did it with his educational level. But the wife has taken his property. She's forged his name, stating that he gave his property to her as a gift. Ab did not even know that he didn't own most of his properties."
Finally, his assistant claimed that Abdullah The Butcher is now living day-to-day in terms of finances. He has nothing in the bank, which is why there is a Go Fund Me set up for him to help with legal fees.
"They just don't know this. He is living from day to day, he's on a fixed income," she said. "He doesn't have any money in the bank, his wife owns all of his properties. Except for this house that he lives in right now, which is both of their names. His wife came here from Japan, she didn't have anything. All of these properties he owns is from the career he built. And he has nothing but this house which is in both of their names. He doesn't even have a car."
If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Talk Is Jericho with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.