AEW Battle Of The Belts 2 (04/16) Results – New AEW TNT Champion, Thunder/Nyla Women's Title

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Announced Card

* Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Nyla Rose for the AEW Women's World Championship

* Scorpio Sky (c) vs. Sammy Guevara for the AEW TNT Championship

* Jonathan Gresham (c) vs. Dalton Castle for the ROH World Championship

Scorpio Sky w/ Ethan Page & Dan Lambert (c) vs. Sammy Guevara w/ Tay Conti for the AEW TNT Championship

Sammy starts the match by rushing Sky into the corner. Scorpio immediately responds by using his strength to plant Guevara onto the canvas. Sky works on Guevara in the corner and bites his head. Guevara turns the tables and bites Scorpio's head. Guevara takes Sky down in the middle of the ring and goes for the Standing Suplex. Instead, Sammy sends Sky into the ropes, but Scorpio lifts him up for a TKO but doesn't connect. Sammy and Sky trade chops in the middle of the ring, before Guevara connects with a Lariat.


Sammy shows off his athleticism by delivering a Dropkick to Scorpio, who then rolls to the outside of the ring. Guevara follows him out and sends him crashing into the guardrail. Sky manages to reply and drops Sammy on top of barricade. Scorpio then scoops up Sammy and slams him down onto the protective padding. Sammy then responds and jumps off the steel steps to deliver a Moonsault. On the apron, Scorpio Sky connects with a TKO.

Scorpio Sky then sends Sammy Guevara face-first into the steel steps. Sky returns to the ring, as Sammy beats the referee's count at nine. Sky works on Sammy in the corner with a flurry of body strikes. Scorpio delivers a Backbreaker in the middle of the ring. Sky then delivers a second Backbreaker. The champion then stretches the spine of Guevara over his knee.

Sammy manages to reverse to kick Scorpio in the head with an Enzuguiri. Sammy then connects with a Spanish Fly. Guevara kicks Sky in the face, after leaping from the middle rope. Ethan Page then pulls Scorpio Sky out of the ring. Tay Conti gets in his face, but Sammy hits a Shooting Star Press to wipe out Page and Sky. Back in the ring, Scorpio goes for a small package but Sammy kicks out. Guevara connects with a kick to the face, and delivers a Cutter, but Sky kicks out of the pinfall attempt at two.


Dan Lambert tries to cause a distraction. Page and Lambert then bring out Paige VanZant and she brawls with Tay Conti on the outside. In the ring with the referee distracted, Sky pokes Sammy in the eye, but Guevara responds with a low blow and hits a GTH to win the AEW TNT Championship.

Winner: The new AEW TNT Champion, Sammy Guevara via pinfall

Jonathan Gresham (c) vs. Dalton Castle w/ The Boys for the ROH World Championship

Both men shake hands before the bell rings. Both wrestlers lock and Gresham immediately goes to work on the left arm of Dalton. Dalton then goes after the left arm of Gresham. The champion reverses into a Headlock take down. Dalton delivers a number of Gut Wrenches, and Gresham lands awkwardly. Dalton Castle connects with a Big Back Elbow. Gresham and Castle hit the ropes and avoid each other's moves, before the champion takes the challenger down.

Jonathan Gresham delivers a Dropkick in the middle of the ring. Gresham gets Dalton Castle in the corner, and then drags him into the middle of the canvas whilst controlling the left arm. Gresham continues to work on Castle on the mat. The champion locks in a Hammerlock. Castle elbows his way out of it, but Gresham takes Dalton back down. Dalton eventually manages to get his foot on the rope.


Dalton Castle hits a Hurricanrana on the outside to take the champion out. Back in the ring, Gresham and Castle duck out of the way of each other's moves. Castle then lifts Gresham up and connects with a German Suplex. Dalton then connects with a dead lift throw. The challenger then wears down Gresham in the middle of the ring. Dalton Castle and Jonathan Gresham reverse each other's covers. Back on their feet, Gresham hits an Enzuguiri, before Dalton delivers a Lariat. Gresham then manages to lock in The Octopus and Dalton submits.

Winner: Still ROH World Champion, Jonathan Gresham via submission

- ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham and Dalton Castle shake hands after the match. Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal then make their way out to the ring. Satnam then chokeslams two of The Boys. Satnam then sends Dalton into the steel steps. In the ring, Lethal hits a Lethal Injection on Gresham. Satnam then bounces Gresham against the mat. Lee Moriarty then makes his way out, but Satnam Singh takes him out. Matt Sydal appears and tries to hit Satnam with his crutch. Lethal and Dutt take him out, before feeding him to Satnam. ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe then makes his way out with a lead pipe, but Singh, Dutt and Lethal manage to exit the ring.


Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Nyla Rose for the AEW Women's World Championship

Nyla Rose immediately takes out Thunder Rosa. Thunder rolls out of the ring. Nyla follows her to the outside and sends her crashing against the barricade. Nyla then delivers a chop to the chest. Nyla lifts Rosa up, but the champion manages to reverse and sends Nyla into the ring post. Thunder then takes Nyla down, before delivering her own big chop to the chest, and sends her into the guardrail.

Back inside the ring, Thunder goes to the top rope and connects with a Missile Dropkick. Rosa goes for the cover, but Nyla kicks out. Thunder connects with a sliding Lariat, as she goes for another pinfall attempt. Thunder Rosa delivers a number of strikes, but Nyla replies by headbutting the champion to send her down. Nyla Rose stomps Thunder down in the corner of the ring. Nyla sends Rosa into the ropes, but Thunder manages to counter to send the challenger onto the outside. Thunder Rosa dives from the apron, but Nyla Rose counters to hammer Rosa against the ring apron.

Thunder is draped over the apron, as Nyla Rose hits a number strikes, before she connects with Suplex onto the floor padding. Nyla then brings the champion back into the ring. Rosa manages to fight back with a flurry of lefts and rights. Nyla hits a shoulder breaker, but Thunder kicks out of the cover. Nyla then stretches the left arm of the champion in the middle of the mat. Thunder goes to fight back again, and connects with a Russian Legsweep. Nyla replies with a Death Valley Driver. Nyla locks in a lower back submission.


Back on their feet, Thunder and Nyla trade strikes. Thunder attempts to take Nyla off her feet and delivers a Stunner. Thunder charges into Nyla in the corner. A Dropkick sends the challenger out of the ring, and Thunder follows it up with another Dropkick through the ropes. Rosa then goes to the top turnbuckle and dives onto Nyla Rose on the outside. Thunder sends Nyla back into the ring and goes back to the top turnbuckle to deliver a Crossbody. Nyla holds on, but Thunder escapes for a moment. Nyla drapes Rosa over the top rope and misses with her move from the top.

Thunder then hits a Code Red in the middle of the ring, but Nyla kicks out of the cover. Nyla hits a Clothesline, but Thunder gets her shoulder up at two. Nyla delivers a Chokeslam and goes to the top turnbuckle. Thunder is sent into the ropes, but Nyla hammers her with a Lariat. Nyla drives Thunder Rosa into the mat, but the champion gets her shoulder up once again. Thunder is now laying underneath the bottom rope, but Nyla misses again with her move. Thunder rolls Nyla up, but she kicks out. Nyla rolls up Thunder up, before Thunder rolls Nyla up. Thunder Rosa hits a Hurricanrana and locks in a cover to retain the title.


Winner: Still AEW Women's World Champion, Thunder Rosa via pinfall

- That's all for AEW Battle of the Belts 2!

