Impact Wrestling Results (05/19) – World Tag Team Titles Action, Ultimate X Qualifier Match

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Here is what happened on the show tonight:

The show starts with a recap of last week's Gauntlet of the Gold Match and the return of Sami Callihan.

Matthew Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan welcome fans to the show. Laredo Kid comes to the ring followed by Mike Bailey.

Ultimate X Qualifying Match: Laredo Kid vs. Mike "Speedball" Bailey

The bell rings and the pair lock up. Speedball rolls up Laredo Kid, but he kicks out at one. Speedball gets Laredo in a headlock, but Laredo escapes. Speedball delivers a kick to the midsection. He goes off the ropes, but Laredo counters and drags him to the mat with his legs. He goes for a cover but Speedball kicks out. Speedball delovers an arm drag. Laredo sends Speedball to the outside of the ring via a drop kick. He attempts a corkscrew, but Speedball moves out of the way and delivers a pump kick. He kicks him again and sends him back into the ring. He goes for a pin, but Laredo kicks out. Speedball delivers a right hand to the chest and tries to pin him again, but Laredo kicks out. Speedball slams him to the mat and goes for the pin again but Laredo kicks out. He delivers a double knee strike to the chest and attempts yet another pin, but Laredo kicks out.


Speedball sends him into the top termbuckle and delivers a chop. Laredo manages to deliver a kick, but Speedball gets in some offence. Laredo sends him to the outside ring and goes for a dive, but Speedball moves out of the way before Laredo can hit it. He hits a moonsault and the pair are sent into the barricade. Laredo tosses Speedball back in the ring. He delivers a fist to Speedball and hits a slam to the mat. Laredo delivers a moonsault and hits Uno Mas. He goes for the pin, but Speedball kicks out.

Laredo hits a hurricarana, but Speedball counters it and goes for a pin. Laredo escapes. Speedball delivers a backslide pin, but Laredo kicks out at two. Laredo is dumped to the outside and Speedball hits a beautiful flip on him. He tosses Laredo back in the ring and hits a missile drop kick off the top rope. Speedball hits a standing full twisting shooting star press and pins Laredo, but Laredo kicks out. Speedball goes for a kick, but Laredo slams him into the mat. He goes for a chop in the corner, then delivers another superman forearm. Speedball hits a twisting kick. He goes for the Ultimo Weapon, but Laredo moves out of the way and rolls him up. Speedball kicks out. Laredo hits a driver and pins him again, but Speedball kicks out once again.


Laredo goes to the top rope and Speedball follows. The two exchange forearms with one another, before Laredo headbutts him off the rope. Speedball delivers an insiguri and hits Laredo with a series of forearms. He is sent off the top rope again. Laredo hits a sunset flip off the top rope, but Speedball hits a moonsault knees. Speedball hits a kick to the head. He pins Laredo, but Laredo counters and pins him. Speedball counters that pin and pins Laredo for the win. The commentators noted that Speedball's legs were under the rope, but because the referee didn't see it, the pin counts.

Winner: Mike Bailey

Ace Austin cuts a  backstage promo from the NJPW Dojo. He congratulates Speedball on his win and says he is glad he won because he gets to pay for being selfish and not standing by his side. Austin says the X Division is at his mercy and there is only second place for all other members of the division. Austin goes on to say he is the first X Division Champion to compete in the Superjuniors tournament. HE states he has won the first match of the tournament and while he is there and focused on that, he is still keeping an eye on the X Division. He says as soon as he is done in Japan, he is headed straight for Nashville to win the match at Slammiversary.


We come back from break and there is a video package hyping Josh Alexander and Slammiversary.

Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green cuts a promo while on their honeymoon. Cardona is laughing at Rich Swann for challenging him for the Digital Championship. He and Green laugh about how it's funny that he challenged them while they are in the Maldives and not in the USA. He says that while he is always ready, he is not always available. Green says that she is about to be a two time Knockouts Championship after she wins the Queen of the Mountain match at Slammiversary and will not be watching the upcoming 6 woman tag team match scheduled for the show. The pair kiss and we go back to the ring.

Tasha Steelz, Deonna Purrazzo  and Savannah Evans are first to the ring. Jordynne Grace, Mia Yim and Taya Valkyrie then follow them.

IMPACT Knockouts Champion Tasha Steelz, Deonna Purrazzo  and Savannah Evans vs. Jordynne Grace, Mia Yim and Taya Valkyrie

Grace and Purrazzo start off the action. They lock up and try to lock one another in an arm submission. Purrazo gains the upper hand and sends Grace to the mat. Purrazzo goes for a standing moonsault, but misses. Grace gets up and tags in Valkyrie. Purrazzo tags in Steelz.


Valkyrie sends Steelz to the mat. She sends her to the corner and kicks her repeatedly. She delivers the double knees to Evans. She sends Evans off the ropes and delivers a Blue Thunderbomb. Valkyrie goes for the pin, but Steelz kicks out. Grace is tagged in but the show goes to commercial break.

Back from the break, Grace sends Steelz into the corner and hits her in the midsection. Grace hits Steelz with the delayed vertical suplex and holds her up for about 30 seconds. Grace goes for the pin, but Evans enters the rings and breaks it up. Yim and Valkyrie enter the ring to get in her face, but the referee sends them out. While he is distracted, Evans sends Grace into the middle rope and Purrazzo kicks her in the back. Evans tags in Purrazzo.

Purrazzo kicks Grace in the corner repeatedly. Purrazzo tags in Evans and she hits Grace with a couple big forearms, then a shoulder tackle. She hits a butterfly suplex and goes for the pin, but Grace kicks out. Steelz is tagged in and hits Grace with an uppercut, then an insiguri. She kicks Grace to the mat from off the ropes. She goes for the pin, but Grace kicks out. Steelz locks in a headlock, but Grace gets to her feet. Steelz goes for a move, but Grace counters with a suplex. She tries to make the tag, but Steelz grabs her boot. Grace hits a blackout and makes a hot tag to Yim.


Yim hits Steelz with a pair of drop kicks. Yim kicks her into the corner and hits her with a knee. She mocks Steelz and hits her with a cannonball. Yim hits a powerbomb and goes for a pin, but Purrazzo breaks it up. Grace tosses Purrazzo out of the ring, but Evans enters and kicks Grace down. Valkyrie hits Evans with a German suplex, then Steelz hits Valkyrie with a cutter. Yim hits a Full Nelson Suplex on Steelz. Purrazzo enters the ring again and tries to take out Yim, but Yim counters with some forearms and a double kick. Yim goes off the ropes, Purrazzo hits her with a pump kick. Purrazzo drags Steelz to their corner of the ring and Evans tags herself in.

Ym sends Evans to the middle rope and hits her in the middle of her back with a kick. Yim hits an Eat Defeat (as a nod to Gail Kim) on Evans for the win.

Winners: Jordynne Grace, Mia Yim and Taya Valkyrie

We then go to an episode of Locker Room Talk with Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood. Rayne wants to talk about the locker room and says that it has been calm ever since the IInspiration left Impact. The two say Swinger didn't show up for work, but then Swinger makes an appearance. Decay (Rosemary and Havok) appear behind Rayne and Dashwood and Rayne asks why they're there. Rosemary asks why they haven't challenged the pair to a Knockout's Women's Tag Team Titles match and Rayne says they have to prove themselves. Havok says that they're going to be hearing them sooner than later.


Back from the commercial break, Eric Young cuts a backstage promo. He says when he was 3, his dad got the two tickets to Wrestlemania III and watched Ricky Steamboat vs. Macho Man Randy Savage was the match that inspired him to go into the business. He says that straight out of high school, he went straight into wrestling training and then in 2004, he and Bobby Roode signed contracts for four appearances without reading them over. Four appearances turned into twelve years and in that time, he didn't say anything and kept getting slapped around. He became scared of being worried and being fired. He says that he ran with everything he's been given and he's still standing here. He says he was discarded like a piece of garbage and he is now the purest and realest version of himself. He says VBD is the truth and the world belongs to him.

In a backstage interview with Gia Miller, Josh Alexander is asked his thoughts on Eric Young being his opponent for Slammiversary. He says he has to recognize everything Eric Young has done. He says Young has done it all, but that Slammiversary is the catalyst for the next twenty years to come as much as it is a celebration of the past twenty years. He asks who will be the one to usher in the new era as he points to his championship and says he isn't giving up his title easy. He tells Young he will have to bring the fight of his life to take it away from him.


Honor No More comes to the ring accompanied by Maria Kannelis and she goes to the commentary position. The Good Brothers follow.

Honor No More (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. The Good Brothers

Karl Anderson and Bennett start off the action. The two lock up and Anderson sends Bennett into the corner. Bennett delivers a chop to him, and the two exchange forearms with one another. Anderson knocks Bennett to the mat. Anderson delivers s shoudler tackle adn tosses Bennett into the corner. Anderson tags in Gallows and the two deliver a double shoulder tackle to Bennett. Gallows pushed Bennett into the corner and hit a series of punches to Bennett's midsection. He sends Bennett into the corner, but Bennett escapes and tags in Taven.

Gallows hits Taven with a vicious clothesline. He goes for the pin, but Taven kicks out. Gallows hits Taven with a few elbows to the head, then a standing elbow srop. Anderson tags in and hits Taven with a couple fists to the head. He whips Taven into the corner and hits him with an uppercut. He hits Taven with a chop, and Taven tags in Bennett.

The two send Anderson into the top rope. Bennett knocks Gallows off the apron. Taven sends Anderson's head into the commentary desk, then into the apron. He tosses him back into the ring for Bennett. Bennett knocks him around the ring, then tags in Taven. Taven delivers a missile drop kick, then goes for the pin but Anderson kicks out. Taven delivers a chop to Anderson, then delivers a boot to his throat. Taven tags in Bennett.


Bennett kicks Anderson. He sends Anderson to the mat, then locks in a jaw lock. Anderson gets to his feet and hits Bennett's midsection to break the submission. Bennett knocks Anderson to the mat, then delivers a cheap shot to Gallows to knock him off the apron. Bennett locks in another jaw lock, but Anderson escapes once again. Bennett delivers a drop kick to his back and pins Anderson, but Anderson kicks out. Anderson delivers a chop, then a spinebuster. Anderson makes the hot tag to Gallows as Bennett tags in Taven. Gallows takes Taven down with a clothesline, then knocks Bennett off the apron. He kicks Taven down, then hits an elbow and knocks him down. Bennett tries to interfere, but Gallows hits a big boot. Gallows hits a Pumphandle to Taven and pins him, but Taven kicks out. Anderson gets in the ring and the two set up for the Magic Killer on Taven, but Bennett spears Anderson out of the ring. Taven manages to roll up Gallows, but he kicks out. Bennett knocks Gallows to the mat as Taven delivers a moonsault. He goes for the pin, but Gallows kicks out.

Taven tags in Bennett. The two send Gallows off the ropes, and hit two double kicks to the midsection. Taven hits an insiguri, then goes for a superkick. Gallows ducks out of the way and Taven accidentally hits Bennett. Gallows hits Taven with a fist and tags in Anderson. They hit the Magic Killer on Bennett, but when Anderson goes for the pin, Maria hops up on the apron and distracts the referee. Anderson looks for a move, but Maria gets in the ring. Bennett goes to spear Anderson, but Anderson hops out of the way and spears Maria. He hits Bennett with the Gun Stun for the win.


Winners: The Good Brothers

Back from the break, Masha Slamovich comes to the ring. Shawna Reed is already waiting in the ring.

Masha Slamovich vs. Shawna Reed

The bell rings and Slamovich charges straight at Reed. She hits her with multiple fists and kicks in the corner. She grabs Reed and pick her up for a chop. She tosses Reed to the mat, then sends her to the corner. She hits a boot on her and goes for the pin, but Slamovich stops her own pin. She hits the snowplow on Reed for the win.

Winner: Masha Slamovich

After the match, Decay's music hits and Havok comes to the ring. She stands face to face with Slamovich and the duo tease a match between them.

Back from the break, there is another promo featuring Josh Alexander promoting Slammiversary on June 19th in Nashville.

Shera and Raj Singh tease a tag team match against Bupinder Gujjar and W. Morrisey in a backstage segment. Rehwoldt and Hannifan then run down the card for next week's episode of Impact.

Violent By Design comes to the ring first, followed by the Briscoes next. We then go to a commercial break.

 The Briscoes (c) vs. Violent By Design (Joe Doering and Deaner) for the Impact World Tag Team Championships

Back from the break, Deaner starts off the action against Mark. He immediately tags in Doering and the two lock up. Mark hits Doering with a chop, followed by a fist but Doering no sells, Doering knocks Mark to the mat and Mark tags in Jay.


The two lock up. Jay goes off the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle, but Doering no sells it. He sends Jay to the mat and tags in Deaner. Deaner hits Jay with a boot to the midsection. Jay is sent into the corner but he rebounds and hits Deaner with a boot to the midsection. He knocks Deaner to the mat and tags in Mark. Mark hits a suplex, but Deaner kicks out. Mark and Deaner exchange chops to the chest. He tags in Jay and the two double team on Deaner. Jay delivers kicks to the misection in the corner and he tags in Mark. Mark delivers a few kicks, then a fist to the head. The Briscoes double team on Deaner again. Jay knocks Doering down on the outside as Mark delivers a kick and a neckbreaker on the outside. Doering hits a crossbody on Jay and the show goes to commercial break.

Back from the break, Doering has Jay in a headlock. Jay fights his way out, but Doering delivers a powerslam followed by a ricochet elbow. He goes for the pin, but Jay kicks out at two. Doering tags in Deaner. Deaner delivers a knee to Jay's head. He pins Jay, but Jay kicks out at two. Deaner gets in the referee's face and as the referee is distracted, Young hits Jay in the face, then waves the VBD flag.

Deaner tags in Doering and shoves his face in the middle termbuckle. Deaner tags in and delivers a drop kick to Jay. He grabs Jay, but Jay pushes him off and delivers a forearm. He leaps across the ring to make the hot tag to Mark.


Mark comes in the ring and hits Deaner and Doering with forearms. He delivers an insiguri to Doering and sends him out the ring. Deaner sends him off the ropes, but Mark hits a cannonball on the outside to hit Doering. He gets back in the ring. He hits Deaner with a fist and sits Deaner on the top termbuckle. He hits Deaner with an open palm strike, then flips him off the termbuckle as Deaner. Mark goes for the pin, but Deaner kicks out. Mark kicks Deaner in the midsection. Deaner sends Mark to the apron over the top termbuckle and hits an overhand jump off the top rope. The Briscoes hit a double team neck breaker. Mark pins Doering, but Doering kicks out. Mark tags in Jay.

Jay sets Deaner up for the Spikedring Driller as Mark and Doering go at it on the outside. Deaner escapes and knocks Jay to the mat. Deaner tags in Doering and Jay hits Doering with a couple forearms. Doering hits Jay with a spinebuster and pins him, but Jay kicks out. Doering hits a Fireman Carry on Jay and tags in Deaner. Deaner hits a diving headbutt and pins Jay, but Jay kicks out. Doering hits Mark with a shoulder tackle. Jay hits Doering with a kick, then a leg toss. Deaner tries to interfere and hit the Deaner DDT, but Jay hits an elbow instead. Jay gets him up on the shoulders as Mark climbs to the top rope. Doering stops Mark and the Briscoes hit Doering and Deaner with fists to the head. Jay manages to roll up Deaner for the win.


Winners: The Briscoes

After the match, Young starts attacking Mark. Doering and Deaner join in by attacking Jay. Josh Alexander's music hits and he comes to the ring to make the save. He tosses Deaner out of the ring, then pulls the top rope out of the way to send Doering out. Young and Eric have a stare down.

Deaner comes from behind to attack Josh Alexander and Doering helps. The Briscoes go after Young and toss him out as Alexader sends Deaner out of the ring. The two brothers send Doering over the top rope out of the ring and they stand tall in the ring alongside Alexander.

