GCW Back 2 The Bay 2022 Results (7/17) – Fatu & Juicy Finau/Los Mazisos Main Event

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Announced card

* Blake Christian vs. Titus Alexander

* Bussy (Allie Katch & Effy) (c) vs. The Caution (Anton Voorhees & Dark Sheik) for the GCW World Tag Team Championship

* Kevin Blackwood vs. Nick Wayne

* Tony Deppen vs. Alex Zayne

* Gringo Loco vs. Komander

* Joey Janela vs. Starboy Charlie

* Mike Bailey vs. Jack Cartwheel

* Los Mazisos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) vs. The South Pacific Savages (Fatu & Juicy Finau)

* Cole Radrick vs. Midas Kreed

Cole Radrick vs. Midas Kreed

Kreed goes for an early roll-up, but Radrick counters into a submission hold. Kreed pulls out two dropkicks to send Radrick to the outside. Radrick manages to turn the tables to take control of the contest upon returning to the ring. Radrick has an answer for everything Kreed tries to throw at him. Radrick keeps him grounded.

Kreed begins to rally and delivers a swinging neck breaker which sends Radrick back to the outside. Kreed moonsaults onto Radrick below and lands seated on a chair. Back in the ring, Radrick quickly responds with a lionsault. Radrick lands a hard strike on Kreed which appears to fire up the latter. Radrick drives Kreed into the mat with a powerbomb variation to win the match.

Winner: Cole Radrick via pinfall

Gringo Loco vs. Komander

Loco attempts to send Komander down. Komander uses his quickness to send Loco down instead with an arm drag. Loco then manages to deliver an arm drag to Komander. The pace picks up as Komander plays on the ropes and connects with a hurricanrana that sends Loco out of the ring. Loco counters Komander's offense and pulls out a Styles Clash in the middle of the ring.

Loco takes control and applies a Pendulum stretch. Loco uses his strength to lift Komander up and plant him face-first into the canvas. Komander manages to counter Loco's offense, and they end up on the apron. Komander walks the ropes and delivers a leg drop to Loco laying on the apron. Komander runs on the top rope now and dives out of the ring, pulling out a hurricanrana on Loco on the floor.

Komander continues to build momentum and walks the ropes again to deliver a Shooting Star Press in the ring. Loco takes control and lands a moonsault from the top turnbuckle. Both men end up on the top rope and Loco delivers a Spanish Fly. Loco follows it up with a Base Bomb in the ring, which doesn't finish Komander off. Loco then delivers the Base Bomb from the top rope to win.

Winner: Gringo Loco via pinfall

Bussy (Allie Katch & Effy) (c) vs. The Caution (Anton Voorhees & Dark Sheik) for the GCW World Tag Team Championship

Effy and Voorhees start off the match with a butt bump battle. Effy strikes low and sends Voorhees down before tagging in Katch. Voorhees uses some innovative offense to take control of the match. Sheik is tagged in and delivers a series of kicks. Sheik delivers a Bronco Buster in the corner of the ring to Katch. Katch fights back and tags in Effy.

Effy attempts to take out both Sheik and Voorhees in the ring, but collides with the padded turnbuckles in the corner of the ring. Sheik connects with a leg drop from the top, but Effy kicks out of the cover at the last moment. Voorhees and Sheik send a wooden door and two chairs into the ring. They set up the door on the chairs. Effy ultimately sends Sheik bouncing off the door.

Effy sends another door into the ring and sets it up on two chairs. Voorhees sends Effy through the door from the top. Katch sends Sheik through the door in the corner of the ring. All four competitors trade strikes and kisses in the middle of the ring. Effy manages to connect with a Zack Ryder on Sheik and Voorhees at the same time. Katch and Effy follow it up with a double piledriver to win.

Winners: STILL GCW World Tag Team Champions, Bussy (Effy & Allie Katch) via pinfall

Tony Deppen vs. Alex Zayne

Deppen and Zayne go back-and-forth as the pair feel each other out in the early stages of the match. The pace of the match immediately picks up as both wrestlers now counter each other's offense. Zayne lands a leg drop to the back of Deppen on the apron following a standing forward flip on the outside.

Deppen manages to take control of the match as the action returns to the ring. Zayne eventually replies with a big clothesline. Zayne connects with a big powerbomb, but is unable to put Deppen away. Deppen sets up a wooden door in the corner of the ring. Zayne's knee gave out as he went for a high-risk move. Deppen immediately goes after the knee. The door is set up on two chairs. Zayne manages to deliver a Spanish Fly from the top through the door and follows it up with a Taco Driver to win.

Winner: Alex Zayne via pinfall

Joey Janela vs. Starboy Charlie

Charlie locks in a standing side headlock on Janela as the match gets underway. Janela struggles to deal with Charlie's initial offense. Janela eventually finds a window of opportunity and makes it count by connecting with a strong upper cut. Janela delivers a series of chops to the chest. Janela delivers a stiff kick to Charlie on the outside. Charlie replies with a moonsault from the ropes to the floor, sending Janela crashing through a number of chairs.

Janela lifts Charlie up and walks around the ring. Janela, still with Charlie lifted, exits the venue and then returns before throwing Charlie into the chairs at ringside. Janela takes control as both men return to the ring. Janela goes to the top turnbuckle and drops his trunks, exposing his backside, but Charlie stops him in his tracks. Charlie continues to fight.

Charlie goes flying over the top rope to take Janela out once again. Charlie delivers a series a moves that brings him within an inch of finishing off Janela. Janela manages to pull off a brainbuster from the top turnbuckle, planting Charlie into the canvas. Charlie surprises Janela and locks him in the Crossface. Janela ultimately lifts and plants Charlie face-first into the mat to win.

Winner: Joey Janela via pinfall

- Janela speaks after the match and says he doesn't wrestle for him, he wrestles for young stars like Starboy Charlie. Janela calls Charlie a 'Starman.' Janela says Charlie is about to explode to the top of the professional wrestling world. Charlie says he was miserable when he was out injured for seven months. Charlie says he's happier than he's ever been. Charlie says he's back in GCW, and he's not going anywhere. Juicy Finau and Jacob Fatu attack Janela and Charlie. Pollo Del Mar enters, who guest announced the last match. Fatu delivers a splash to Charlie and Del Mar.

- A 15-minute intermission takes place.

Jordan Oliver vs. Titus Alexander

Oliver uses his strength to back Alexander into the corner. Alexander sends Oliver down and stomps on him repeatedly in the corner. After both wrestlers trade moves, Oliver claims control of the match. Alexander takes over the match and punishes Oliver in the corner of the ring. Oliver lands a Tiger Suplex as he looks to build momentum.

Oliver delivers a sit-out powerbomb in the middle of the ring. Oliver goes for the Clout Cutter, but Alexander counters with a dropkick. Alexander lands a big suplex. Oliver connects with a Cleopatra, but Alexander responds with another suplex. Oliver and Alexander trade forearms in the middle of the ring. Oliver eventually lands a Clout Cutter to win.

Winner: Jordan Oliver via pinfall

Mike Bailey vs. Jack Cartwheel

Cartwheel and Bailey shake hands as the match begins. Both men counter each other's moves by cartwheeling. Cartwheel gains the advantage using his lightning quick move set. Bailey is sent to the outside. Bailey heads to the top rope to take out Cartwheel on the floor. Back in the ring, Bailey locks in a half crab, focusing on the leg of Cartwheel to keep him off his feet.

Bailey is in control and viciously works on Cartwheel in the corner with his feet. Cartwheel manages to knock Bailey off his feet as he sends him to the outside. Bailey returns and both men trade moves. Cartwheel went for a Shooting Star Press, but Bailey exited the ring. Cartwheel dives over the top rope to take him out. Cartwheel connects with a Poisonrana but misses with a high-risk move. Bailey delivers a Flamingo Driver to win.

Winner: Mike Bailey via pinfall

Kevin Blackwood vs. Nick Wayne

A fast-paced start to the match sees Blackwood get the better of Wayne. Blackwood punishes Wayne with a flurry of moves, strikes and kicks. Wayne fights back and connects with a Clout Stunner. Blackwood delivers a Dragon Suplex as both men now go back-and-forth. Blackwood hits a double stomp followed by a Northern Lights Bomb, but it wasn't enough to finish off Wayne.

On the apron, both men fall to the concrete floor. Blackwood's leg continues to bother him, which Blackwood began to feel in the early stages of the bout. Wayne locks in a Figure Four to inflict further damage to Blackwood's leg. Wayne continues to focus on the leg. He then connects with a Clout Cutter to win the match.

Winner: Nick Wayne via pinfall

Los Mazisos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo) vs. The South Pacific Savages (Fatu & Juicy Finau)

All four men go at it to get the match underway. The fight heads to the outside and around the ringside area. Fatu ends up diving over the ropes onto Los Mazisos on the floor. Back inside the ring, Los Mazisos are unable to take Finau down with a chair. Fatu sets up a door in the middle of the ring on top of two chairs. Los Mazisos connect with a Doomsday to send Fatu through the door.

Finau grabs a door and slams it down on Ciclope. Finau then drives Ciclope and Extremo through separate doors set up in the corner of the ring. Extremo manages to arm drag Finau from the top turnbuckle as he went for a high-risk move. A wooden door is set up on the floor and Ciclope dives from the top onto Fatu. In the ring, Extremo connects with a frog splash and 450 but Finau kicks out of the subsequent pinfall attempts. Extremo then defeats Finau with a roll-up.

Winners: Los Mazisos (Miedo Extremo & Ciclope) via pinfall

- Finau and Fatu attacks Los Mazisos after the match. Joey Janela and Starboy Charlie come out to make the save. Janela and Charlie challenge Finau and Fatu for September 23 in Los Angeles.

- That's all for GCW Back 2 the Bay!

