NJPW Music City Mayhem Results (7/30) – Moxley Battles Desperado In Bloody Clash

Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com NJPW Music City Mayhem Live Coverage. Our live coverage starts at 3pm ET. Please share tonight's coverage of tonight's event on social media and chime in with your thoughts in the Comments section below.

Show starts with a video package, running down the matches.

Shota Umino, Fred Yehi & Yuya Uemura vs. Ren Narita, The DKC & Kevin Knight

Narita and Uemura get in each other's faces before the match begins. Narita says something to Uemura and Umino that makes both men furious.

Narita and Uemura start the match fast and furious. Narita coaxes Uemura into the corner and Knight and DKC help assault Uemura. Knight tags in and tosses Uemura around and nearly gets a pinfall on a Frog Splash. DKC tags in and keeps Uemura down with tandem offense. DKC and Knight tag in and out, keeping Uemura at bay with a series of strikes and nearfalls. Uemura is struggling.

Fred Yehi makes the tag and clears out Narita, DKC & Knight. Yehi savages Knight's arm and hits a series of big knees in the corner. Yehi tries to choke out DKC. Knight comes back with a big dropkick. Umino tags in. Narita tags in.

The two men trade blows. DKC tags in and unleashes on Umino and gets a nearfall. Umino gets triple teamed. DKC hits a huge single leg dropkick for a nearfall. Wild brawl ensues. Umino counters a Crucifix Driver. Narita and Uemura trade blows and trade headbutts. Uemura hits a double underhook to send Narita out. Umino hits Bloody Sunday on DKC for a nearfall. Umino hits Death Rider on DKC for the pinfall in 13:10.

Winners: Shota Umino, Fred Yehi & Yuya Uemura.

MLW National Openweight Championship Match: Davey Richards (c) vs. Rocky Romero

The two hesitantly shake hands to start. Chain wrestling to begin as the two former tag partners feel each other out. They trade kicks and Richards catches Rocky's leg. Richards locks in a Stretch Muffler and Richards gets to the ropes.

They trade blows. Richards takes control and tortures Romero's leg. Romero regains his footing and attempts Forever Lariats but Richards meets him in the corner with a barrage of strikes. Romero comes back and hits some vicious kicks on Richards, but Richards weathers the assault. Romero hits a Rewind Kick and hits a big knee. Romero hits Shiranui for a nearfall. Richards counters Diablo Armbar with an Ankle Lock. Richards hits a Brainbuster for a nearfall and goes right back to the Ankle Lock. Rocky counters with a rollup, which Richards counters with a pin of his own for the win.

Winner AND STILL MLW Openweight Champion: Davey Richards

NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship Match: Fred Rosser (c) vs. Big Damo

Damo charges Rosser to start. Both men trade blows. Rosser takes Damo to the apron but Damo blocks a Belly To Back Suplex. Damo crushes Rosser and tosses him into the railing. Damo chokes Rosser on the railing.

Damo brings Rosser back into the ring and stretches him. Rosser battles back by choking Damo with a camera cable. Rosser fires up and unleashes a series of strikes on Damo. Rosser chops away on Damo in the corner and pummels him until he's on the canvas. Rosser hits a huge hip attack for a nearfall.

Rosser tries for an STF, headbutting Damo's shoulder. Damo bites the fingers and escapes. They trade blows. Rosser brings Damo to his knees. Damo counters the Emerald Flowsion and sends Rosser down. Damo hits a Fireman's Carry Slam and a Running Senton. Rosser counters the Damo Bomb. Rosser staggers Damo on the top rope and hits the Emerald Flowsion for the pinfall in 12:53.

Winner AND STILL NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion: Fred Rosser

Hiromu Takahashi vs. Blake Christian

Christian gets the match off to a fast start with a series of headscissors takedowns, sending Hiromu to the outside. Hiromu clips Christians wings and slows down the pace with a rope hung headscissors choke. Both men fight on the outside.

Hiromu brings the match back in the ring and keeps Christian grounded. Christian comes back with a Half Nelson Suplex, sending Hiromu to the outside. Christian hits a Fosbury Flop. Christian's wound from last night's GCW event opens up.

Christian gets Hiromu back in the ring. Christian kicks away at Hiromu. Christian fakes out Hiromu and hits a huge double stomp. They trade counters and Hiromu rolls up Christian for a nearfall.

Both men trade blows. Christian hits an Asai Moonsault Lariat. Christian counters Time Bomb with an airplane spin. Takahashi fights out and they trade strikes. Hiromu hits a huge lariat. Christian gets up and floors Takahashi. Both men unleash a flurry of offense. Christian traps Hiromu in a rollup for a nearfall. Takahashi hits a huge Vertical Suplex Flapjack. Takahashi hits Time Bomb II for the pinfall in 13:59.

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi

Both men show each other enormous respect after the match.

Alex Zayne, Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler vs. United Empire (Mark Davis, Kyle Fletcher & TJP)

[due to hardware/FITE TV issues we join the match in progress]

Aussie Open have Zayne on the top rope, Zayne counters with a double hurricanrana. Zayne gets a nearfall on Fletcher. Zayne accidentally hits a member of FTR with a superkick and Aussie Open hit Zayne with Coriolis for the pinfall in 14:33.

Winners: United Empire (Mark Davis, Kyle Fletcher & TJP)

After the match Aussie Open challenges Harwood & Wheeler for the tag titles. Microphone issues keep us from hearing FTR's response. Dax seems to accept but no one can really hear him.

KUSHIDA vs. Alex Shelley

KUSHIDA goes for the Hoverboard Lock early and Shelley escapes to the outside. The two men chain wrestle, feeling each other out. KUSHIDA and Shelley stretch each other, with the submissions growing more complicated as the match goes on.

They begin trading strikes. KUSHIDA powers up and gets in Shelley's head by hitting Cradle Shock. Shelley withstands the barrage and stretches KUSHIDA some more. KUSHIDA fights out of Border City Stretch.

The two men begin trading rollups and submissions. Shelley hits an STO for a nearfall and transitions to Border City Stretch. KUSHIDA counters with his own Border City Stretch. Shelley counters but then KUSHIDA counters with a Hoverboard Lock. Time Expires at 20:00.

Time Limit Draw

No Disqualification Match: Jon Moxley vs. El Desperado

Deathmatch Desperado came to Nashville. Barbed wire boards in the corners, skewers in Moxley's skull. This match started hot and stayed brutal. Desperado rubs Moxley's blood on his chest, and relishes dissecting the GCW Champion.

Moxley tries to tear Desperado's mask open to break a submission.  Desperado sends Moxley to the outside. Moxley stops a tope from Desperado by smashing a guitar over Desperado's head. Moxley stabs Desperado with a shard of the guitar. Desperado fights back and spears Moxley through a barbed wire board. Moxley pays Desperado back with a shotgun dropkick through another barbed wire board. Moxley hits a piledriver for a nearfall.

Moxley finds a table under the ring. Moxley sets up the table. Desperado knocks out Moxley and puts him on the table. Desperado climbs to the top rope. Moxley recovers and sends Desperado from the top rope through the table on the floor. Moxley grabs a cut soda can board. Moxley tosses Desperado on the cans and covers him on the cans, Desperado kicks out.

Moxley hits a series of penalty kicks, with Desperado asking for more. Desperado attacks the knee. Desperado locks in a Stretch Muffler. Moxley counters with an Armbar. Desperado fights out and stomps on Moxley. Desperado hits a Low Down for a nearfall.

They trade blows. Desperado hits Pinche Loco. Moxley counters a second Pinche Loco with a lariat. Moxley hits Death Rider. Moxley locks in a Bulldog Choke for the win in 17:44.

Winner: Jon Moxley

Moxley cuts a promo into a broken microphone.

