WWE Hall Of Famer Talks Mickey Rourke Altercation, The Rock Partnering With MTV, Fans On WWE NXT

- In the video above, WWE Hall of Famer Hacksaw Jim Duggan talks about his altercation with actor Mickey Rourke of WrestleMania 25 and "The Wrestler" fame. Duggan says he was at the WrestleMania hotel, didn't have his glasses on and had been drinking. He brushed shoulders in passing with Rourke while walking down a hallway. They had words and squared up but were split up by Rourke's crew. Duggan says he was told by a WWE official to apologize to Rourke at the WrestleMania after-party but the official later agreed that Rourke is a jerk.


- As seen below, WWE NXT issued a Twitter poll asking fans if they enjoyed last night's episode. With over 4700 votes, 70% gave the show a thumbs up.

- The Rock announced on Instagram that he's partnering with MTV for a new 30-minute show titled, "The Greatest Movie Show of All-Time, This Week." He wrote:

EXCLUSIVE: Great news coming out of tomorrow's #UPFRONTS: Our @SevenBucksProd is partnering with @MTV and @JoshuaHorowitz to develop, "The Greatest Movie Show Of All Time, This Week". Goal is to create a TV show for the biggest stars to stop in and chop up whatever project they're promoting, the latest movie and entertainment news, trends and WTF moments we can fit into a 30min show.

Should be fun. Stay tuned. Lets roll.
#WeLoveUsSomeMovies #SevenBucksProds #MTV #MyTwinJosh #GreatestMovieShowOfAllTime #ThisWeek


