Big Show On Possibly Wrestling After 2017, Feeling Younger These Days, WWE's New Era

Big Show recently spoke with Tim Fiorvanti of ESPN. The full interview is at this link and below are highlights:

His WWE role over the past few years, improving his health:

"The past four years, I'm not sure if anyone has noticed but I've been struggling with some really bad injuries. WWE and Vince [McMahon], because of the great and incredible new crop of talent we've had, have given me the chance to step back a little bit and give these guys a chance to develop their brand and become the superstars they can be. But it also gives me a chance to maintain some things, and take care of some stuff."


"Through diet and exercise it has been a blessing. I'm on board with it, I understand it and I'm motivated to do it. The results are happening. I feel great, I feel younger. I'm definitely not as sluggish as I was before. The ability for me to compete at a better level is definitely in sight and I think that's reinvigorating for me."

Possibly not hanging up the boots in 2017, his future being a "fluid situation" now that his health has improved:

"I'm not going to go out and try to be a world champion or have some kind of dominating title run. I've had those years, I've done that. I understand this is a new era and there's a new changing of the guard. I know I still have some time left on this contract. It depends on how my role is going to change. WWE is home, it's a family. I'll always be a part of this as long as I can contribute in some positive way. But I know there's a time when the sun sets on everything."


Check out the full interview with Big Show at this link.

Source: ESPN

