Braun Strowman Tells The IWC To 'Take A Joke' Following Tweet About Flippy Wrestlers

WWE Superstar Braun Strowman took to Twitter this weekend and claimed that monsters are greater than "floppy floppers," all while hailing his match with Omos at Crown Jewel as a classic. The tweet received some flak from Strowman's fellow wrestlers and members of the internet wrestling community, who criticized the giant for causing trouble. However, "The Monster Among Men" wants everyone to know that he was joking.

In a follow-up tweet from Sunday, November 6, 2022, Strowman revealed that he respects all of his peers, regardless of their in-ring style.

"Yo yo all my brothers and sisters in the locker room no matter where you came from. I have mad respect. We have all worked very hard to be where we are. And all are here for a reason. Take a joke iwc [internet wrestling community]. Y'all come at me none stop and the second I fire back y'all melt."

Strowman's original tweet is still gaining heat at the time of this writing. Recently, AEW's Serpentico weighed in on the matter, stating that Strowman failed to draw a crowd while he was part of the Control Your Narrative promotion. Dax Harwood, meanwhile, was more diplomatic. Instead of going after Strowman like so many others, the FTR member tweeted his views about everyone having an important part to play in the wider wrestling ecosystem. "The flippy guys need the giants. The technicians need the brawlers. And my short ugly a** needs all the help I can get! Ultimately, & above it all, we need y'all. We do this for y'all."

