Ken Shamrock Was DQ'd From A WWE Match For Using Canned Dog Food As A Weapon

WWE prides itself on creating fresh and inventive entertainment, whether in the form of new characters, intriguing storylines, or even their match stipulations. On one occasion in 1997, the company added a unique swerve to a traditional European Championship match. If the British Bulldog – the reigning champion at the time — lost his title match against Ken Shamrock, he would be forced to eat dog food.


Heading into the summer that year, "The World's Most Dangerous Man" battled back and forth with The Hart Foundation. At In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede, Shamrock competed in his first WWE (then WWF) pay-per-view main event, landing on the losing side of a ten-man tag team match. However, he would soon ignite a feud with European Champion, the British Bulldog.

On the July 28th edition of "Raw," the MMA legend dueled with British Bulldog in an arm wrestling contest. As Shamrock closed in on the impending victory, the British Bulldog delivered a headbutt, followed by a series of chair shots to the back of his opponent. In the end, the champion revealed a can of dog food, smearing it across the face of Shamrock.


Dog food DQ

The two would then meet at SummerSlam 1997 with the European Championship on the line. There, a can of dog food sat atop the announcer's desk as a reminder to the respective champion. If he lost, he would be served up a not-so-nice treat.


Shamrock and British Bulldog traded strikes right as the bell rang, before Shamrock gained control, launching the champion into the ring post and steel steps at ringside. Bulldog responded with a few clotheslines, taking down his opponent. Later, Bulldog tossed Shamrock to the outside, slammed him to the ground, and grabbed a handful of the dog food, again smearing it across Shamrock's face. This time, though, Shamrock was furious.

Before the Bulldog could get away, Shamrock beat him down and smashed the dog food can into his skull, not once, but twice. Subsequently, the referee disqualified Shamrock from the match.

Though he lost the match, and the chance to hold the title, Shamrock continued to unleash his fury on British Bulldog, laying him in a sleeper hold in the center of the ring. WWE officials rushed down to try and break it up, but not before eating a series of suplexes from Shamrock.

