Mick Foley Reacts To Seeing Himself Portrayed On Young Rock

Mick Foley has a bevy of notable characters, moments, and catchphrases, but no era of Foley's career is as iconic as his partnership with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Known as "The Rock n' Sock Connection," Rock and Foley's tag-title-winning tandem was immortalized in a recent episode of NBC's "Young Rock,"

"I'm not sure words can do justice to how grateful I'm feeling after watching last night's episode of #YoungRock," Foley wrote on Facebook. "While I've had some special wrestling moments in front of thousands, last night's moment was just me, alone in my hotel, tears in my eyes, as I watched an actor portraying me (doing a fine job, too) teaching Dwayne Johnson's character a lesson about the gift of Christmas giving."

Foley was portrayed by actor Sam Ball, and according to Foley, his inclusion in The Rock's autobiographical sitcom helped clarify Rock's feelings for the former WWE Champion. "There was a time – many, many years ago – when I wondered if @TheRock appreciated me," Mick confessed. "Well, brother, he has answered that question in the affirmative so many times, in so many ways that I feel foolish for having ever wondered."

Foley and Rock formed the "Rock n' Sock Connection" in 1999 when Foley's Mankind character helped Rock in a battle against The Corporate Ministry and went on to be three-time WWE Tag Team Champions. The duo's most famous outing wasn't a match, but a segment of "WWE Raw," where Mankind provided The Rock with a "This Is Your Life"-style tribute which remains one of the highest-rated segments in the history of professional wrestling television.

Foley thanked Rock for all of the kind words over the years. "If I did in fact, teach you a lesson about giving, it is one you have paid forward a thousand times over. Merry Christmas, my friend."

