Former WWE Official Remembers Owen Hart

Former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas has fond memories of Owen Hart. "The King of Harts" had the reputation of being a lighthearted prankster. No one was safe from Hart's ribs, not even WWE officials.

Appearing on "Insight with Chris Van Vliet," Korderas reflected on the time Hart pranked him while he was staying at a hotel.

"He got me one time at a hotel," Korderas recalled. "I get this call in my hotel room from someone claiming to be from the front desk and said, my credit card was declined. 'You have to come right now.' I go, 'It's like three-thirty in the morning. Can we deal with this in the morning?' 'No, we have to take care of this right away.' So, I get dressed and I head down to the front desk and when I get to the front desk they're telling me,' I don't even know nothing about this.'"

Hart tragically died on May 23, 1999 at the Over The Edge pay-per-view. He fell to his death after his harness rigging malfunctioned during his descent from the rafters. Korderas was in the ring when Hart fell and was told by Jerry Lawler that he was mere inches away from Hart landing on him.

Korderas shared his thoughts on just how far Hart would've gone in his in-ring career if not for the tragedy.

"No disrespect to Bret, but Owen had more personality from an entertainment standpoint than Bret did," Korderas said. "So, the potential to be even bigger was there in my opinion."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Insight with Chris Van Vliet," with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

