Paul Heyman Has Feelings About ECW Being Included In The WWE Hall Of Fame

While WWE and WCW were the two most mainstream US wrestling companies in the '90s, ECW came onto the scene and garnered a major fanbase as well. The company was known for its over-the-top matches that often saw violence and/or weapons used in a way WWE and WCW generally avoided. Despite going out of business over 20 years ago, ECW still lives on in the hearts of many fans, and even in the WWE Hall of Fame. Former ECW stars, such as Rob Van Dam and The Dudley Boyz, have been inducted following their WWE careers. While both were very popular in WWE, that love and admiration from the fans stemmed from their time in ECW.

Former ECW boss and current "Special Counsel" to Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, addressed his thoughts on ECW stars making their way into the WWE HOF. "I'm proud of the WWE Hall of Fame for having the good taste of including inside of its hall of honors all of these ECW originals," Heyman said appearing on "Faction 919." "It only elevates the status of the WWE Hall of Fame."

While names have yet to be announced for the 2023 WWE Hall of Fame class, it would make sense to hold off on inducting anymore ECW originals until next year's WrestleMania, which takes place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — the former home of ECW. There are a litany of major ECW names that could potentially see themselves heading into the HOF, such as Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, Tajiri, and the BWO.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Faction 919" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

