Sabu On Intentional Botches And His Refusal To Retire

Recently, the topic of Sabu and his unique wrestling style got some extra attention, when Brian "The Blue Meanie" Heffron, on his Twitter account, backed up Rob Van Dam's claim that "The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death–Defying Maniac" would intentionally mess up certain moves. "I've seen him call intentional botches in the back," Meanie wrote. "Like losing his balance on a triple jump moonsault." 


Sabu's logic, essentially, was that nobody's perfect, so as long as it wasn't something that took fans out of the match, it added to the realism and the mystique of his reckless character. A few days later, while doing a virtual autograph signing for Golden Ring Collectibles, Sabu himself chimed in on the topic.

"When we do a move, and we f**k it up, that's the only take we get," he explained. "[In movies], they do 100 takes to get one good one. [In wrestling,] if we slip and miss, we miss! Often, three or four times a week, if I hit a triple jump moonsault, and I do it in every match, I'm gonna miss it every now and then, even if I don't try to miss them. But I try to miss them sometimes to make it more drama[tic]. Like I'll miss it the first time, hit it the second time. But I'll do that on purpose, and I get criticized for that, 'Oh, he missed it!'"


Sabu added that he stopped wrestling because he can't do it at the same level he used to, but doesn't necessarily consider himself retired. "It kills me to have to say [I'm] retired," he said. "I never thought about it until three years ago, when I got hurt."

Sabu's last recorded match as of this writing was on July 31, 2021, when he defeated Mr. California on an XWW show in Stanton, California.

