Mercedes Martinez Reveals The Advice She Gives To Young Wrestlers

With a career spanning over two decades, Mercedes Martinez is as qualified as any active wrestler to impart wisdom to the next generation. Talking with "Cultaholic," the ROH and AEW veteran gave insight into her conversations with younger peers, and why very few of them involve "the wrestling aspect" of the business. "As you're moving up, and you're training, people forget the business aspect of the 1099s — you're a freelancer, an independent contractor, contracted this, contracted that," Martinez began. "Make sure you save your money, and if you don't know how, ask someone. That's something I was never taught like 20 years young in my career, but that's something I am now giving advice on, and letting them know, 'Hey, trademark your name, own your name, own your logos — for your own purposes, especially if you want to make money in this business."

"If you get to a certain level in your career, and if you haven't reached the top-2 or top-3 wrestling companies, make sure you trademark your name," Martinez continued. "Because that's your legacy, your name is your legacy — whatever name you're choosing on the independent scene, trademark that, and trademark your logos. That way it's always yours, it's not anybody else's."

Martinez acknowledged that her notoriety helped her get in the door to AEW, admitting that not trademarking her name — which she did years ago — would not have boded well for her career. "I would never want to be anybody but Mercedes," she added. "It would be weird for me, after 20-something years, to change my name to something different — just because I got to TV, and my name somehow got trademarked by somebody else. That would suck."

