Billy Corgan Assesses The NWA's Place Among Competitors WWE & AEW

The National Wrestling Alliance is set to celebrate its 75th anniversary later this month with a two-night celebration in St Louis, Missouri. NWA owner Billy Corgan was asked on the "Insight with Chris Van Vliet" podcast where he thinks the promotion fits in the current pro wrestling landscape. 


"In terms of product, I think the NWA fits quite comfortably between AEW and WWE," Corgan said. "WWE has a very hardcore fanbase, but they do business in a very particular way. Of course, that's [been] much debated through the years. Vince [McMahon], of course, is the only promoter that's ever made money in wrestling, so we always have to pay tribute to that. 

"AEW, of course, is running a very brand-specific product. Tony's [Khan] found business where people didn't think business could be found, and all credit to him on that. But again, that mainstream, up-the-middle position in professional wrestling is sorely lacking. Many people would argue that WWE is that mainstream thing. I would argue it's its own version of niche."


NWA 75 takes place on August 27 and 28. A number of key matches have been penciled in, with Kamille — who was recently interviewed by Wrestling Inc. – defending the NWA World Women's Championship against Natalia Markova in a No Limits match on Night 1, while Tyrus puts the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship and his career on the line against EC3 in a bullrope match on Night 2.

If you use any quotes in this article, please credit "Insight with Chris Van Vliet," with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

