What Kurt Angle Thought Of Shawn Michaels' Performance At WWE SummerSlam 2005

WWE SummerSlam 2005 will go down in history as the time Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels collided in the middle of the ring. However, the dream match was mired in controversy as Michaels kept overselling the WWE Hall of Famer's moves, with Mike Chioda later noting that Michaels was "f**king around" on the night. Kurt Angle saw the match as well, but he enjoyed Michaels' antics.


"Shawn sold incredibly well, and maybe oversold, but I liked it. I liked it," he said on his "The Kurt Angle Show" podcast. "I think Shawn... I think he tried to make a mockery out of Hogan at certain points in the match where he was overselling and, you know, when he took the boot from Hulk Hogan and got back onto his feet and then did a spin in the air and fell back down. A lot of comedy, but you know what? With Shawn, it works."

According to Angle, Michaels was incredibly smooth in the ring, to the point that he made everything look good. However, he later became a fan of Hogan after working with the veteran when he came to WWE following his tenure in WCW. He claimed that Hogan was incredibly over, but they didn't see eye-to-eye right away.


"Do you know what [Hogan] said about me? The first time he worked with me, I stiffed him pretty good. He came to the back and told Vince, 'The Olympic boy's a little El Stiffo, isn't he?'"

Angle said that he didn't give Hogan a chance when he first came into WWE, noting that he arrived six hours late when they were scheduled to face other — and then ignored one of their planned spots. However, after getting to know him, he grew to like "The Hulkster."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Kurt Angle Show" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

