Bully Ray Recounts How Edge & Christian Bribed Undertaker In Wrestlers' Court

Former WWE writer Brian Gewirtz has been open about his infamous day in Wrestlers' Court after one talent saw him receive an action figure from Edge. The exchange, coupled with a rumor that Edge and Christian had dinner at Gewirtz's parents' house, led to speculation that the tag team had befriended a top writer in order to receive a better spot on television.


After Edge and Christian received a tip that they would be summoned to Wrestlers' Court, they came prepared with a book to make it seem like they were the next stars to receive a book deal. The rib received a big reaction from the locker room, as Bully Ray recalled during a recent episode of "Busted Open."

"They said that they had gone so far as to bring their own book, and they actually had a book where they had a cover made for the book, and it said, 'How To Kiss Ass, Politic, and Influence People.' Something to that degree where they went so far with it, they admitted to politicking, they admitted to doing all these things, they admitted to kissing ass to get whatever they want, and then they brought The Undertaker a bottle of Jack Daniels, and the boys popped so hard that the case got thrown right out of court."


Bully Ray added, "I mean, it was a fun way to do Wrestlers' Court. I've heard some wrestlers out there who have whined about Wrestlers' Court, downplayed it, or really taken this Wrestlers' Court stuff entirely too far. You, sir or ma'am, whoever thought Wrestlers' Court was so bad are nothing but cowards."

The Undertaker, who was the locker room leader for several years, was said to be the judge for many of these Wrestlers' Court meetings.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

