Road Dogg Reflects On Becky Lynch's Heel Turn At WWE SummerSlam 2018

While Becky Lynch was designated as a heel after WWE's 2018 SummerSlam pay-per-view, many wrestling fans found themselves clinging to Lynch's fiery new attitude. It was this run as "The Man" that later propelled Lynch's career into the main event of WrestleMania 35. During a recent episode of the "Oh You Didn't Know" podcast, "Road Dogg" Brian James looked back on the SummerSlam event, and explained more of the backstage thought process that led to Lynch's post-match attack on Charlotte Flair, and subsequent heel turn.


"The idea was Charlotte came in and weaseled her way in and won the ['SmackDown' Women's Championship] and kind of stole it from [Becky]. Becky had a title match, and so, that's just where some of us, maybe I'm older and I don't understand, but you don't just get handed crap around here, ... so to me, the whole thing was I thought the fans were wrong," James said. "You're cheering the wrong person here because what if the 'Bad News Bears' were shaking hands with the team, or whoever, your baseball-playing son is shaking hands, saying 'Good game, good game,' or softball-playing daughter [saying], 'Good game, good game,' and the team that loses just beats the crap out of the person. Do you pop for that or do you go, 'Oh my God, what are you doing? That's horrible sportsmanship.' That's what Becky did, and people loved it."


Though James was expecting a momentary cheer for Lynch's blindside on Flair, he still believes Lynch's actions were more aligned with that of a heel character, which should've, in theory, warranted the fans to eventually boo her. Instead, a majority of WWE fans stood in solidarity with Lynch.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Oh You Didn't Know" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

