More Details On Investigation That Led To CM Punk's AEW Departure

CM Punk is gone from AEW in the aftermath of his backstage incident with with Jack Perry at AEW All In. The decision was confirmed as a result of an internal investigation into the incident, with consultation from legal counsel, and announced by Tony Khan last night. 


Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez discussed the investigation process during the installment of "Wrestling Observer Radio" airing after "AEW Collision." They revealed that the investigation throughout the week involved collecting statements from eyewitnesses to the altercation between Punk and Perry, as well as an outside inquisition into the background of the conflict and the way things had changed over the past year. This was said to involve "a lot" of wrestlers.

As for the disciplinary committee that had come together with lawyers and external investigators to help in Khan's decision, Meltzer said he didn't have the names. All three parties came to the unanimous decision to recommend for Punk's dismissal. Meltzer said that there is "so much more to it that hasn't come out" that contributed to the decision. 


He also said that he had been too kind in reporting Punk's alleged "lunging" towards Tony Khan during the incident. "If you saw the actual wording of what was said, lunging, I was toning it down. It was more than lunging."  

Bryan Alvarez added that Punk's dismissal had been broken to the talent backstage prior to last night's episode of "AEW Collision" in a talent meeting. As of this writing, Ace Steel's AEW future is also unknown.

