WWE SmackDown Results 9/8 - Damage CTRL Vs. Shotzi & Charlotte Flair And More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE SmackDown" on September 8, 2023, coming to you live from the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts!

Jimmy Uso will be returning to singles competition for the first time since defeating Matt Riddle on the May 1 episode of "WWE Raw" as he collides with The O.C.'s AJ Styles. Styles will surely be extra motivated tonight after he perceived that Jimmy disrespected his teammate Michin during a conversation between her and Adam Pearce on last week's episode of "SmackDown". Their issues didn't end there, however, as later that night Jimmy aided his brother Solo Sikoa in scoring the win over Styles by tripping him on the ropes.


The Brawling Brutes' Butch and Ridge Holland will be squaring off with Finn Balor and Damian Priest in a non-title match, with the Judgment Day members fresh off becoming Undisputed Tag Team Champions this past Saturday. This will be Butch's return to tag team action after spending the past couple of weeks competing in the Global Heritage Invitational on "WWE NXT" programming.

Although Women's Champion IYO SKY tried assisting Damage CTRL teammate Bayley in defeating Shotzi last week, the pair were unsuccessful after she received some help of her own from Charlotte Flair. Tonight, the former two women will be joining forces to take on the latter duo in a major tag team bout.

Additionally, United States Champion Rey Mysterio, LA Knight, Cody Rhodes, and Bobby Lashley are all scheduled to be in town tonight, per WWE's event page.


We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping the events of WWE Payback this past Saturday.

Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Kevin Patrick then greet audiences at home as Charlotte Flair makes her way down to the ring. Shotzi and Damage CTRL follow.

Damage CTRL (w/ Dakota Kai) vs. Shotzi and Charlotte Flair

Flair and Bayley begin the action. The bell rings and the two shove one another. Flair delivers a boot and a chop to Bayley. SKY tires interfering, but Flair levels her with a forearm. Shotzi then gets in the ring and goes after her as Flair brawls with Bayley on the outisde. SKY dumps Shotzi out of the ring and delivers a springboard moonsault off the ropes to take both her and Flair out.


Back from the break, SKY catches Shotzi with a Flapjack and tags in Bayley. Bayley and SKY deliver a double boot to Shotzi's head before Bayley delivers a stomp to her in the corner. Shotzi fires back with a few strikes, but Bayley overpowers her and wears her down with a submission hold. Shotzi escapes and lands an enzuigiri and looks to tag out to Flair. Bayley prevents her from doing so, but Shotzi lands a kick to her head and makes the hot tag.

Flair delivers a crossbody to Bayley and SKY off the top, then fires off chops on both of them. She delivers a Fallaway Slam to Bayley and kips up, then follows it up with a clothesline and looks to lock in the Figure Eight Leg Lock. Bayley rolls her up to prevent her from doing so, but Flair kicsk out and locks in a Figure Four Leg Lock. SKY breaks the hold and tags in, then delivers a hurricanrana to Flair off the top rope. Bayley ascends to the top, but becomes distracted after she takes note of Asuka behind Dakota Kai. Asuka snatches the Women's Championship out of her hand as Shotzi tags in and executes a variation of a DDT for the win.


Winners: Shotzi and Charlotte Flair

After the match, Asuka and SKY stare one another down.

We then head backstage to Jimmy Uso and Paul Heyman. Jimmy claims to still be in The Bloodline given that no one informed him that he was out of the stable, and Heyman says that neither Solo Sikoa or Roman Reigns is in Boston. He says Jimmy is not in the group because Reigns has not declared so, then tells him he will handle "The Tribal" Chief while Jimmy handles AJ Styles in their match later tonight. Heyman then walks off and encounters Styles. He says Styles has enough problems in his life and has no business entangling with him. Styles gets in his face, and Jimmy appears out of nowhere to level him. Heyman then calls Reigns.

Back from the break, LA Knight makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From LA Knight

Knight addresses The Miz's segment on "Raw", and says his theme song says "I came to play." Knight says he isn't here to play while Miz is playing dress up as John Cena. He says he didn't need John Cena's endorsement at Payback, but he has all the respect for him and Miz has a bitter pill to swallow. He looks to accepts Miz's challenge, but before he can, Grayson Waller's music hits and he appears.


Waller says Miz ran through Cena on "Raw", and before he gets ahead of himself accepting Miz's challenge, he welcomes Austin Theory to join him. Theory appears and Waller brags about their win against Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar last week. He says they are the only undefeated tag team, and Knight tells the two of them to go tell their mothers about it instead of him. Theory then says Cena helped Knight defeat The Miz and brags about his WrestleMania vicotry over Cena. He reminds Knight that he's already defeated him, then says he's just been here. He tells him to soak up his fifteen minutes of fame because he won't be well known after he's done with him. Knight takes a few shots at Waller and Theory, then dares Theory to meet him in the ring for a match.


LA Knight vs. Austin Theory (w/ Grayson Waller)

Waller takes a seat at the commentary booth as the bell rings and Knight locks up with Theory. Theory lands a pair of shoulder tackles, but Knight fires back with a neckbreaker. Theory sends him crashing into the corner and jams his knee into his face, then lands a suplex. Knight delivers a shoulder pounce to Theory into the ring from the apron, then sends him repeatedly face first into the announce desk and gets him back inside the ring. Knight whips Theory into the corner, but Theory sends him crashing to the outside and delivers a neckbreaker off the apron.


Back from the break, Theory looks for an elbow drop. Knight ducks out of the way and delivers a DDT, then fires off stomps in the corner. He follows it up with a Hip Attack and gets Theory up on his shoulders, but Theory escapes and lands a rolling Blockbuster. Knight delivers a dropkick to Theory through the middle rope on the outside, then looks for a suplex on the floor. Theory counters into a suplex of his own, and Waller hops up on the apron to expose the top turnbuckle as the referee is distracted by what just happened. Theory gets Knight back in the ring and looks to send him into the exposed turnbuckle, but Knight prevents him from doing so and hits a Powerslam. He follows it up with a standing elbow drop. Waller hops up o the apron, opening the door for Theory to roll him up. Knight kicks out and delivers BFT for the win.


Winner: LA Knight

After the match, Knight looks to go after Waller, but Waller rolls out of the ring before he can.

Judgment Day then makes their way down to the ring. 

Back from the break, we see Paul Heyman and Knight encounter one another in Adam Pearce's office after Knight walked in to ask for a rematch against The Miz while Heyman was conversing with Knight. 

Back at ringside, Judgment Day brags about having all the gold and Dominik Mysterio's one year anniversary in the stable. The Brawling Brutes' music cut them off. Ridge Holland and Butch appear, taking objection to Dominik's statement about Judgment Day being the most dominant group in WWE. Holland tells Judgment Day they should be worried about Butch more so than him, and Balor laughs. He tells Butch he doesn't care about him, and Butch snaps his fingers. The Brutes them send Judgment Day crashing to the outside.

Judgment Day (w/ Dominik Mysterio) vs. Brawling Brutes

Back from the break, the bell has rung and Balor fires off hammer and anvil elbows on Butch. Butch stomps on Balor's fingers before Holland tags in and sends Balor crashing into the mat. He gets him up on his shoulders, but Balor escapes and tags in Priest. Priest delivers a kick to Holland's face, then fires off right hands on his spine. Holland then gets him and an interfering Balor over his shoulders and plants them. Dominik hops up on the apron, allowing Priest to take advantage and fire off right hands.


We see Pretty Deadly watching the action from backstage as the now legal Balor wears down Holland with a submission hold. Holland escapes and tags in Butch. Butch delivers three enzuigiris and a knee to the back of Balor's head, then sends him tumbling out of the ring. He delivers a moonsault off the ropes to level Balor and Priest.

Back from the break, Butch delivers a superplex to Balor and sets up for The Bitter End. Balor escapes and plants him, then tags in Holland. Priest tags in and fires off kicks on him, but Holland responds with a double underhook suplex and a splash in the corner. Butch tags back in and Priest catches him with a kick. He takes a shot at Holland on the apron, then plants Butch. Butch delivers a German to the now legal Balor and executes The Ten Beats of the Bodhran on an interfering Dominik. Balor takes advantage and rolls Balor up, but Balor kicks out and delivers a Sling Blade. He looks for the Coup De Grace, but Butch evades the maneuver. Priest and Holland tag in, and Priest lands a South of Heaven. He then delivers one to Butch on top of Holland and tags in Balor. Balor delivers the Coup De Grace to Holland for the win.


Winners: Judgment Day

After the match, Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits appear to put Judgment Day on notice.

Back from the break, Jimmy Uso heads down to the ring. AJ Styles follows.

Jimmy Uso vs. AJ Styles

The bell rings and Jimmy looks for a superkick right out of the gate. Styles avoids it and sweeps Jimmy's legs out from under him. Jimmy rolls Styles up, but the referee catches his feet on the ropes. Styles delivers a forearm and sends Jimmy into the top turnbuckle face first, then delivers a suplex. He follows it up with a backbreaker and a kick to his head, then sets up for a Styles Clash. Jimmy escapes and rolls out of the ring for a breather before he gets back in and Styles fires off right hands. Jimmy lands a back elbow and rolls to the outside once again. Styles delivers a kick under the bottom rope, and Jimmy responds with a superkick. Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman appear on the ramp to watch the action as Jimmy sends Styles' head into the ring steps.


Back from the break, Jimmy delivers a back body drop and follows it up with a Hip Attack. He locks in a Chin Lock, but Styles lands a back suplex and the two go back and forth slapping one another. Jimmy lands an enzuigiri, but Styles responds with a Pele Kick and clotheslines him out of the ring. He delivers a flying right hand over the top, then dumps Jimmy back inside the ring and lands a shoulder breaker. He gets Jimmy up on his shoulders, but Jimmy escapes.

Jimmy delivers a superkick to Styles on the apron, but Styles comes back with a forearm and takes a shot at Sikoa. He sends Jimmy into the ring post, then dumps him back in the ring and lands the Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

Winner: AJ Styles


After the match, Damian Priest and Finn Balor blindside Styles and toss him inside the ring for Sikoa. SIkoa lands a Samoan Spike to Styles before staring down Judgment Day as the show goes off the air.

