Brandi Rhodes Recalls Becoming A WWE Ring Announcer On A Whim

Brandi Rhodes has worn a lot of hats in wrestling over the years, but before AEW, her most notable was as a WWE ring announcer. However, as she told "Ring The Belle," the initial plan for her joining WWE's developmental system was to be trained as a wrestler. 


Rhodes had a broadcasting background — something she tapped into at an FCW live event when the announcer was doing a poor job. The rest became history. "I poked somebody and was like, 'What's ring announcing?' They were like, 'Oh, it's really annoying — you have to get into the ring and it's really nerve-wracking; you have to remember all these things.' I was like, 'I'd like to try it,'" she shared. 

Rhodes was quickly given the opportunity, impressing those higher-up instantly. "I got called up on the road two weeks after that, so I was in FCW for I think a month. And then I got called up on the road and I was fully announcing," she said. "When I got called to TV, it was a 'Raw.' I had no idea what I was going to be doing, because I had been working there so short. I was like, 'Please, God — don't be wrestling,' because I barely knew how to take a bump."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Ring The Belle" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

